Beep! Old Age Card! What? You're not our student? Get out of here!
Grade 1 Student
Full Name
Aisha Landar
Grade 1 Student
December 27th
157 cm (5 ft 2 in)
Blood Type
Do not run in the classroom! Ah, these idiots!



She is the monitor in her class. As an excellent student, she never lost the first.

She keeps her model student as a bookworm since enrolment.

She will float in the air to clean up when no one see her. There is a rumor that she may use magic (?).

Some others say that she recently likes a problem child as she used magic to float 100 meters above the campus the whole night.

It might be the strong evidence to confirm the rumor that the undesirable students turn to be honest when they meet Aisha, just like mice saw the human.

She is a perfect genius and a chatterbox in the school, and likes to read maiden love story or love novels after school. Believing the predestined love is the pure side of her.


   Elsword   Aisha   Rena   Raven   Eve
   Chung   Ara   Elesis   Add   Lu
   Ciel   Rose   Ain