Upon realizing that the strength of his Nasod arm, he decides to control it. He requests a mechanic of
the Poongo clan so that he is able to use it to its full potential while restraining the arm from getting
out of control. Raven, by choosing this type of fighting strategy,was called the "Over Taker".


First Class Advancement

Raven is required to be Lv15 to begin his first class advancement.


  1. Kill 18 some pokey pokey monsters on Map 4 on any difficulty.
  2. Talk to the Alchemist in town 2.
  3. Collect a Secret Mail drop from the brown brothers in Map 2.
  4. Clear Map 1 in Very Hard (☆☆☆) in 7 minutes or lower.

After completing the Taker quest chain, Raven can decide between advancing as Sword Taker or Over Taker.

Over Taker

  1. fight black bat on map 2 and get 4 item from it(not drop everytime)
  2. kill 20 Lttle Brothers (dagger monster) from map 3 and get item from it
  3. kill boss on very hard (☆☆☆) and get his item
  4. get 20 items from disassemble weapons (one of the button in inventory)
  5. kill map 5 boss(☆☆☆) and get a item
  6. Talk to the Alchemist in Elder


With every passing fight, his nasod arm reaches new limits to its powers.
Good thing is he is getting stronger and ever; however, bad thing is his body was subject from labatory by
Nasod Factory for Combat arm, that means he might lose his personality and become rage by his Nasod arm.
To prevent this happen, he asked Ponggo race archemist for make a "Rage preventer" to keep his personality and let the Nasod Arm get stronger.
Still.. That cannot prevent it forever. His body is much stronger then any human being but also he could lost his mind by his Nasod Arm.
Of course he knew his arm could take over his body, but he chosen this path to become OverTaker


Image Description
  Triple Punch Combo

Three slow, but stunning punches. But with each hit, enemies are pushed back, with the third punch dealing heavy knockback. Cancelling after the 2nd Punch into a Special Active works well.

Ex: XX, ►XX (Power Assault, etc.)

  Nasod Parts Juggle Combo

One magic using juggle move. Not as used, since it uses MP, and the juggle recovery isnt so good.

  Raven Falcon Punch Plz Combo

While in the air, Ravens dives down and punches to a Juggle starter. Stopping the combo by the First X can jump combo.

Ex: ZZZ, ►►▲ZX, ZZZ ►►▲ZX


Special Active

  Charge Bolt
  Arc Enemy
  Valkyrie's Javelin
  Guardian Strike


  Shadow Strafe
  Weapon Breaker


  Magic Adrenaline
  Power Adrenaline


  Intermediate Magic Training
  Infinity Cause
  Powerful Mind
  Shadow Pierce
  Reversal Fighter
