File:Enhanced Bowstring.png [Passive]
Enhance your bow. Arrow command's damage increases and has a 10% chance to fire a strong arrow.


Class Level Required
Grand Archer 35

Skill Information

Skill level Required Level Arrow Damage
Strong Shot
1 35 5.5% 10%
2 51 7%
3 59 8.5%
4 93 10%

Affected Combos

Ranger Sniping Ranger Grand Archer
X →→ZX

Tips and Details

Strong Shot Icon.
  • If Rena displays the Strong Shot icon above her when firing, it means that the last shot she fired will ignore the targets' defense.
    • Rail Stinger and Freezing Arrow can also activate this effect.
    • A Vibe Shot will have a 100% chance to activate Strong Shot for the vibration and for the arrow that activated the vibration.


  • 12/13/2012 KR
    • No longer gains additional piercing upon level up; Instead this is now an innate trait of arrows for all Rena classes.
  • 02/05/2015 KR
    • Arrow Damage Increase decreased.
    • Strong Shot Chance decreased.
  • 12/03/2015 KR
    • Fixed there being no change in damage for Strong Shot.
  • 04/27/2017 KR
    • Damage Increase decreased.
    • Strong Shot Chance decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 강화된 보우스트링 Enhanced Bowstring
  Japan ウィークネスショット Weakness Shot
  China (Simplified Chinese) 狙击信念 Belief of Sniping
  Germany Verbesserte Bogensehne Improved Bowstring
  Spain Cuerda de arco avanzada Improved Bowstring
  France Corde d'arc améliorée Improved Bowstring
  Italy Corda per l'Arco Migliorata Improved Bowstring
  Poland Ulepszona Cięciwa Łuku Improved Bowstring
  United Kingdom Improved Bowstring
  Brazil Especialização em Arqueirismo Archership Specialization
