[Special Active] Chung dashes forward and pushes the target, then brutally swings, blowing the target away with the Destroyer.


Class Master SP Requirement
0 SP

Skill Information

Skill Level 1st Hit (Physical) 2nd Hit (Physical) Mp Usage Cooldown
1 199% 463% 100 MP 5 Seconds
2 239% 556%
3 278% 649%
4 318% 741%
5(M) 378% 880%
6 437% 1019%
7 497% 1159%

Skill Notes

Name: Push and Push (푸시 & 푸시)(KR)

Description: Final Swing Damage increase by 20% and does not KnockDown.

Tips and Details

  • One of the only physical skills Chung has that maintains good amount of damage without knocking down. (Effective as a Shelling Guardian, due to the lack of physical skills)
