For the Night Watcher Hyper Active skill by the same name, see Innocent (Night Watcher)
File:InnLTiny.pngFile:InnCTiny.png Невинность
Имя Лусиэлла "Лу" Р. СауркримСиэль
Класс File:InnLTiny.pngFile:InnCTiny.png Невинность
Классы File:InnLTiny.png ИштарFile:InnCTiny.png Шевалье
Оружие Магические перчатки, копья душиПарные ганблейды, крестообразная пушка
Возраст Неизвестно29
Древо Классов File:LuCielNEW.png > File:RGNEW.png > File:NBNEW.png > File:NBTransNEW.png > File:InnLNEW.pngFile:InnCNEW.png
Дата Появления 28 Декабря 2017
7 Февраля 2018
7 Февраля 2018
7 Февраля 2018
File:Bresil Flag.png 7 Февраля 2018
File:Flag-tw.png 8 Февраля 2018
File:Europeanunion.png 25 Июля 2018
Ху-ху-ху... Склонись перед своим истинным правителем, который достоин трона повелителя демонов!

~ Лу

Я стану твоей тенью, твоими щитом и копьем.

~ Сиэль

File:InnLNEW.pngFile:InnCNEW.png Невинность (Иштар/Шевалье)

[Благородный правитель бездны]

Лу и Сиэль получают большую силу, объединяя две свои в одну и используя для этого уникальную особенность древнего оружия и духов бездны.

[Mod] - Magdonic Cannon
The souls are homing. Deals great damage on one target.
[Sefirot Phantasma]
Summon the demonic weapon 'Sefirot'. The noble spear will bring judgement upon your enemies.
[Innocent Duet]
Nobility is the word to describe Lu and Ciel together. Enhance switching and combination skills.
[Communication - Duet]
Abilities increased based on number of gathering souls


Demon sovereigns of the Abyss, supporting one another as each other's shield and spear.

Lu and Ciel utilizes abyssal spirits and an ancient weapon to bring enemies to their knees. Most of Lu's power returns with Ciel's support but he worries that their enemies are also getting stronger.

The contract between them allows Ciel to share half of Lu's power but he wanted to know if they could combine their halves to make a whole. Ciel shares this concern to Lu and she offers a solution.

An ancient weapon called Sefirot Phantasma has the ability to absorb the power of the user. With this weapon as a medium, they could temporarily merge their souls to achieve greater power by combining both of their powers as one. With this new found ability, they are now closer to retrieving the throne.

Third Class Advancement

Дерево умений

Skills Passives
    Level 99
  Master Class
  Mod Skills
  Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
  Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
  Obtainable from New Power: Force by completing the 3rd Job advancement quest.
  Obtainable from [Mod] Force (A) Cube by completing Camilla's Force Skill Training Quest.
Able to only choose 1 out of 2 Force Mod Skills.
  Obtainable from [Mod] Force (A) Cube by completing Camilla's Force Skill Training Quest.
Able to only choose 1 out of 2 Force Mod Skills.

Additional Combos

  : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.15x multiplier during 3rd job.
Image Description Damage
Lu Ciel
Switch Uppercut

After doing a standard   , switch to the standby character to perform an uppercut, launching targets high into the air.

  161% Phy. Damage
  171% Phy. Damage

[Switching Command]

Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.
273% Phy. Damage

  147% Phy. Damage
  190% Phy. Damage

[Switching Command]

Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.
273% Phy. Damage


Date Changes
01/11/2018 -
  • Fixed
    [Switching Command]

    Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.
    [Switching Command]

    Use this command to switch between Lu and Ciel and when this command hits, recover 1 Combination Gauge.
    failing to work on slopes.








  • Innocent is a rather ironic title, due to the inherent nature of the being Lu is named after in this job change.
  • Innocent is the only Lu/Ciel 3rd job class whose icons don't feature the other character in the background. Instead, their icons return to depicting a single character headshot with a colored background.
  • While Catastrophe splits Lu and Ciel's souls entirely, Innocent instead fuses them together to combine their powers as a single entity.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 이노센트 Innocent
  Japan イノセント Innocent
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 釋罪女皇 Crime Forgive Empress
  China (Simplified Chinese) 皇室圣灵 Royal Holy Spirit
  Germany Unschuld Innocence
  Spain Inocente Innocent
  France Innocence
  Italy Innocenza Innocence
  Poland Niewinność Innocence
  Brazil Primor Perfection


Server Name Translation
  South Korea 이슈타르 Ishtar
  Japan イシュタル Ishtar
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 伊絲塔 Ishtar
  China (Simplified Chinese) 皇族神祇 Royal Goddess
  Poland Isztar Ishtar


Server Name Translation
  South Korea 슈발리에 Chevalier
  Japan シュバリエ Chevalier
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 隨從武士 Follower Warrior
  China (Simplified Chinese) 皇族爵士 Royal Chevalier
  Poland Rycerz Chevalier
  Brazil Cavalheiro Gentleman
