[Active- Vitality] Elsword dashes forward with his Cornwell, summoning 3 more Cornwells that appear and fly toward the direction where Elsword dashed, ending this skill with a backslash.


SP Requirement
Infinity Sword

Skill Information

Skill Level Cornwells Stabs Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
1 40% 5 Hits 30 MP 5 Seconds
2 55%
3 70%
4 85%
5 (M) 100%
6 115%
7 130%

Tips and Details

  • Even if Elsword gets knocked down while dashing forward, the 3 cornwells will continue forward.
  • If the knockdown counter and launch counter are not full, you can use this move to catch a falling opponent. [Note: Very lag-sensitive, but normally works with >>xxx, Rage Cutter, and Counter(both versions).]
  • This move is similar to One Flash; though not as many glitches, it still leaves you open for combos if it misses. Use with caution.
  • The 3 cornwells can proc weapon attributes.
  • Using this skill while running will cause the user to dash farther ahead.
    • This will cause the backslash to miss its intended target completely if used at point-blank.
