[Special Active: Bravery]
Draw out the M-3 Flamethrower and spray down enemies in front. Enemies hit will be inflicted with a [Burn] debuff. While the M-3 Flamethrower is drawn, it grants Super Armor and immunity against disable type status effects.
Over Strike
  • Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases.
Final Enhanced Skill
  •  Enemy DebuffBurn debuff damage is increased.
  •  Enemy DebuffBurn debuff duration is increased.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Gunner 20 Basic Training Skill Quest

Skill Information


Level Required Flamethrower (Magical) MP Burned
per Hit
Max Hits Burn Duration MP Usage Cooldown
Initial Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Initial Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Initial Additional
20 180% 193% 348% 503% 1 MP 5 1~10 1~10 1~10 3 Seconds 100 MP 7~210 MP 22 Seconds
[Enhanced] 5 Seconds


Level Required Flamethrower (Magical)
Initial Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
20 45% 49% 87% 125%

Skill Traits

Gigantic M-3 Flamethrower Heavy M-3 Flamethrower
Attribute Effect Attribute Effect Cooldown
Skill size increased to 130% Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
26.4 Seconds

Total Damage

Mode Regular
Normal Over Strike
Normal Heavy Normal Heavy
PvE 11,340% 16,329.6% 13,608% 19,595.52%
PvP 2,835% 4,082.4% 3,402% 4,898.88%

Related Skills

Tempest Burster

File:HeavyBarrel3.png Over Strike Enhance File:HeavyBarrel9.png Miracle Vision
  Shear Plate   Heavy Weapon Mastery
  Awakened Will: Storm Trooper   Code: War Machine
  Forbidden Secret Manual (II) is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Power of Transcendence Skill Quest or Item Mall.
  Steady Concentration

Black Massacre

  Revolver Mastery
  Saw Blade
  Forbidden Secret Manual (II) is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Power of Transcendence Skill Quest or Item Mall.


  Enhanced Grenades

Prime Operator

  Limit Over
  Camilla's Secret Manual (Expert) is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Expert Training Skill Quest or Item Mall.

Tips and Details

  • A full cast of this skill actually requires 310 MP. However, it will refund enough MP during the skill to allow a full cast without potions or the like.
    • Each stage uses 7 MP per hit. After 10 hits are dealt and 70 MP has been used, the skill moves to the next stage.


  • The skill is based on DFO's Gunner skill M-3 Flamethrower, although you are unable to move with it, even as a Heavy Barrel (the equivalent of DFO's Launcher class).
  • This is the only Heavy Weapon skill to do magical damage instead of physical, contrary to its DFO counterpart which always dealt physical damage.
    • However, this is fixed through the Over Strike Enhance passive damage conversion for Tempest Burster.


Date Changes
12/23/2015 -
  • Burns MP.
  • Damage increased.
12/01/2016 -
  • Fixed issue where MP Burn is affected by Over Strike and Heroic Equipment.
12/29/2016 -
  • Initial damage increased.
  • Stage damage decreased.
04/27/2017 -
  • Damage increased.
  • 3rd Stage damage decreased.
07/27/2017 -
  • Damage increased.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Stage 2 damage increased.
  • Stage 3 damage increased.
  • Initial damage decreased.
  • Stage 1 damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea M-3 화염빙사기 M-3 Flamethrower
  China (Simplified Chinese) M-3火焰放射器 M-3 Flamethrower
  Germany Flammenschlag Flame Strike
  France Lance-flammes M-3 M-3 Flamethrower
  Poland Miotacz Ognia M-3 M-3 Flamethrower
  Brazil Lança-Chamas M-3 M-3 Flamethrower
