Nighttime Hill (Incline)

Nighttime Hill (Incline).


Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
  ??? - A butterfly local to the region.
  • Orb Launch: Create an orb of light which travels forwards.
  ??? - A flower spirit.
  • Spirit Orb: Create a spirit orb which slowly travels forwards.
  • Double Orb: Create two spirit orbs which slowly float diagonally forwards.
  ??? - A flower bud that hand on the underside of platforms.
  • Water Ball: Create a ball of water which slowly travels forwards.
  • Self-Destruct: When defeated, these creatures will burst.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
Pitfall - A gaping hole in the ground, falling down one of these will result in a percent loss in HP.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
  ??? - A flower monster now corrupted by the power of Henir.
  • Vine Whip: Whip its vines in front and behind it.
  • Seed Bombing: Drop 6 seeds from the sky, indicated by thin pillars of light.
  • Evolve: After its HP has been deplete, it will evolve into its mobile state.
  ??? - The corrupted flower monster uproots itself to show its true form.
  • Pound: Pound the ground with its feet, create a shockwave around it.
  • Lunge: Charge forwards and dive onto the ground.
  • Seed Bombing: Drop 6 seeds from the sky, indicated by thin pillars of light.


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Date Changes
12/17/2020 -
  • Nighttime Hill (Incline) added.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
  South Korea 밤의 언덕 (상행) Nighttime Hill (Incline)

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous