
July 20, 2017

Summary Background of Raitou

Raitou was formed from a kanji 来島 that means Lightning sword. That's all :v OtakaRaitou was formed right after we migrate to the INT Server. "Otaka" they told me that its meaning is Eagle so Otaka Raitou = Eagle Light :3. Also I'm playing LoL XD Last Season Rank as Gold 4 :v I'm using bandicam as my recording software for all of my games :) I also play Grandchase (The Private One) and VoidEls. We can play Minecraft! XD I bought the game so I'm premium ~ I also play ELSKR and ELSJP.


Subscribe me on YouTube: [1]

My YouTube was created by 2011, I post Minecraft Videos back there even thou my Videos we're not that influential, I didn't stop posting videos. When I turned High School esp. 1st Year/Grade 7, and I'm studying at Science High School, I'm unable to make videos cause of stuffs like too much projects, assignments, and extra curricular activities (Club Activities) so I stop making videos since 2012 or it was 2013? I don't know \o/ So yeah I returned to YouTube by 2016 XD


Follow me on Twitter: [2]

My Twitter is a personal one XD U can know my real name there ~ (I hope so) I'm not that active on Twitter so GGWP XD


Follow me on Instagram: [3]

Another Personal one! As soon as u don't know my FB Account we're good

Facebook Page

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Well my page is not yet done, but u can like it ;) If u want :D

Raitou's Characters in INT Server

Rank Class In-Game Name Level Guild Couple Active
    OtakaRaitou 99 Hysterical EveStalker Always
    Seishoku 86 RewriteEX None Always
    Ayameni 58 None None Never
    Shioko 70 None None Never
    Andreanne 70 ScionsOfGaia None Never
    NaitoSei 71 ScionsOfGaia None Never
  File:RoseNEW.png KawamuraYui 74 None None Never
    Ravenol 56 None None Never
    Soseira 52 None None Never
    Rashima 70 None None Never
  File:AddNEW.png Nariaki 16 None None Sometimes
    Nilfhiemr 42 None None Sometimes
    Lost Symphony 21 None None Sometimes