Chapter 1: Stolen El

 [Village] Chasing Bandits
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives



The Banthus Thieves stole the Ruben Forest's El Shard right in front of Elsword's party and are running away.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • [Ruben Village Outskirt]
  •   Elsword: Gah! I lost him! This is your fault for interfering! Who are you anyway?
  •   Aisha: Wha, wh, what??? My fault?? You should be thanking me for saving your butt!
  •   Elsword: Save me? Riiiight. I had it under control.
  •   Rena: Now, now, this is no time to fight! We should find out the location of the El.
  •   Elsword: Right! Lowe! Have you seen Banthus?
  •   Lowe: Ah, I saw them around the forest. I was keeping an eye on them in case they were up to no good, but they haven't done anything suspicious. Why do you ask?
  •   Elsword: Banthus ran off with the Ruben Forest's El Shard! We have to track him down quickly!
  •   Lowe: What?! This is huge... We need help from everyone in Ruben to track him. Let's hurry!

  •   Low: Stealing the El... I can't believe Banthus would do something like this. This is no run of the mill petty crime... The whole thing could escalate very quickly.
  •   Hagus: This is serious. The El is no ordinary gem. It's a sacred object. If they know that Ruben's El is gone, the animals and spirits of the forest will go restless.
  •   Elsword: Just because the El is missing...?
  •   Aisha: I can't believe you didn't know! And you were yelling that we had to get the El back earlier!
  •   Rena: Mr. Hagus's worry is already our reality. The Elves knew for a long time that the connection between this world and the spirit world has become unstable.
  •   Rena: If we don't' recover Ruben's El something irrevocable may happen. We must hurry!
  •   Elsword: Oh! I almost forgot! Lowe, I found this earlier. One of the bandits had it.
  •   Lowe: Is this... instructions? They targeted when the guards were changing shifts so there was minimum security near the El. They had this all planned out!
  •   Aisha: Someone who ordered Banthus to steal the El, must have written the instructions. If we don't find this person soon, it's going to be really troublesome.
  •   Lowe: Banthus shouldn't have made it too far. You guys go to the forest. I'll guard other routes that can be used to leave the village.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   [Cobo] Whole Grain Bread x 20   N/A
ED 0   [Cobo] Spirit Tea x 20   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Protect the El
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Chasing Bandits story quest

If Ruben's El isn't returned soon, who knows what will happen? Elsword's party pursues the thieves into the forest.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Elsword: Grr... Of course the bandits were hiding in the forest! I can't believe they ran away!
  •   Aisha: Why are bad guys so good at running away.
  •   Elsword: It's just Banthus. He can't have gone too far.
  •   Lowe: I actually wanted to talk to you about that. Someone witnessed Banthus running to the Ancient Elven Forest Ruins.
  •   Elsword: Alright! I'll go right away!
  •   Lowe: Wait! I'm not done yet. The villagers chased Banthus after hearing the witness, but apparently a giant Phoru attacked them and they lost him.
  •   Elsword: What? Just a Phoru? What were you doing not stopping this Phoru, Lowe?
  •   Lowe: Hey! It wasn't like we were fooling around or anything. With the El gone, all the creatures and spirits of the forest went berserk and started attacking the villagers.
  •   Rena: A giant Phoru... You don't mean the Ancient Phoru? Why would the holy beast attack people?
  •   Elsword: Ancient Phoru...? What's that? Is it different from regular Phorus?
  •   Aisha: Sigh... Do we need to explain everything to you? Ancient Phorus are not like regular Phorus. They are an ancient species that lived for a very long time.
  •   Aisha: It's said, that they existed since even before the El Explosion. Aren't you from around here? And you still didn't know?
  •   Elsword: What's the big deal? Not everyone is a know-it-all like you.
  •   Hagus: The legend says the Ancient Phoru from the White Mist Swamp is a creature that materialized from the power of the El to protect itself.
  •   Rena: I don't think it's trying to hurt anyone... but it must be confused with the El shard gone.
  •   Aisha: We have to go past the White Mist Swamp in order to chase Banthus...
  •   Ann: The Ancient Phoru has been protecting the forest since the ancient times. The bad ones are the bandits that stole the El.
  •   Lowe: ... like she says... We should find a way that doesn't involve harming the guy if we can. Can you do that for me?
  •   Elsword: Sure. So we're heading to the White Mist Swamp?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 6,680   Intermediate Scout Weapon Cube x1   N/A
ED 1,100   Intermediate Scout Armor Cube x1   N/A
EP 0   Adventure Bag x1   N/A
AP 0
 Sacred Beast
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Protect the El story quest

Banthus Thieves have fled into the White Mist Swamp. Avoid hurting the Ancient Phoru and keep pursuing the thieves.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Ancient Phoru: Grrrr...!
  •   Lowe: We couldn't avoid fighting it... But maybe this is good enough...
  •   Rena: I think it's upset because the El is gone. Poor thing...
  •   Lowe: The bandits purposefully agitated the Phoru to tie us here. He really planned this out.
  •   Rena: It might not be his head that brought up the plan. Remember, there's someone who wrote the instructions for him. May I take a look?
  •   Rena:' Hm... It says here, 'Avoid being sighted by other merchants.
  •   Aisha: Merchants... Do you think he's trying to sell the El? I can't be for sure, but it seems they may have gone to Elder according to this.
  •   Elsword: Elder? Is that close by?
  •   Hagus: Elder is an important town for trades and travel. We also receive a lot of supplies through them. Not to mention, I personally know Hoffman from Elder.
  •   Aisha: Are you sure you're from around here?
  •   Elsword: Hmph! I told you I was busy training! So, we're headed to Elder next?
  •   Rena: Once we catch Banthus, we should be able to learn who tried to steal the El, and what they were planning on using it for.
  •   Aisha: Merchants? I can never trust them due to past experiences.
  •   Lowe: It will help us greatly if you go. I think we will be stuck trying to calm the spirits down for a while.
  •   Rena: Oh, can I ask a favor? The Elves should also know that the creatures of the forest became violent due to the El being stolen.
  •   Lowe: Ah, yes. Someone might get hurt if they don't know what's going on. I'll relay the message.
  •   Lowe: Anyway, Elsword, this is your first field order since you joined the El Search Party, isn't it? Good luck!
  •   Hagus: We'll leave Elsword in your care. He may not seem like it, but he's quite sensitive. Hahaha!
  •   Elsword: What are you talking about. Stop embarrassing me, Hagus.
  •   Rena: Thank you. Although, I have a feeling that there's more than 1 person I have to take care of.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 13,990   Intermediate Alloy Weapon Cube x1   N/A
ED 10,200   [Ariel] Intermediate HP Potion x20   N/A
EP 0   [Ariel] Intermediate MP Potion x20   N/A
AP 0

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