• English

Chapter 35: Cradle of Sin

They follow the Tiny Spirit to the field. They get attacked by the mysterious monsters, and they decide to head inside the tower, and subdue the Eye; the path to the center of tower opens. They are forced to fight the Malice; at the point the tower falls apart, and they're forced to fight the Recluse. However, they are shocked to learn it is actually the Fire Master, Rosso, and at that point, the group goes further.

Chapter 35
Howling Field
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Nephilim Lord story quest

The El Search Party follows the Tiny Spirit to a barren field.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Raven: All the plants here are completely dried out. Everything looks dead.
  • Eve: There's no sign of life. As expected, this is a dangerous place.
  • Rena: Thanks for leading the way. We can take it from here.
  • Tiny Spirit: Please be safe. I'll be waiting for you here.

  • Ara: Looks like even the sky is falling apart... It feels... creepy.
  • Chung: It's odd. Even though this is where the abnormalities began, the sky here is more blue than it is above Spirit Asylum.
  • Elesis: Looks like everywhere else is surrounded by red fog. But it's clear where we're standing.
  • Raven: Like the eye of the storm...
  • Elsword: I knew it. This place... feels a lot like Lanox.
  • Ain: You too? I also feel like something is vaguely familiar.
  • Ciel: I don't know. It's true Lanox is also covered in ashes and flames, but it's definitely more livelier than this place.
  • Rena: Maybe you feel like it's similar because Lanox has a lot of demonic energy.
  • Chung: Over there! I see something!
  • Add: It looks suspicious even from afar. Is that the 'Thing' Nephilim Lord was talking about?
  • Elesis: Let's approach this carefully. It has to be dangerous if it can cause a powerful being like Nephilim Lord to go berserk.
  • Lu: You worry too much. The tower is still far away! Unless something flies towards us...
  • Eve: !! Incoming!! Everyone spread out!
  • Booom!
  • Elsword: Ooof... Is everyone alright?!
  • Lu: Wha, where did that come from?!
  • Ciel: I don't think anyone's hurt, but what was that?
  • Eve: I saw it flying straight from the tower. It looked like a giant orb of fire...
  • Add: How did it fly all the way here without us noticing anything? We should have felt it coming.
  • Elsword: (That familiar feeling... It's stronger now... What's happening?)
  • Rumble Rumble
  • Ara: The ground is shaking! Is it from the impact earlier?
  • Elesis: No... That's not it. Look over there! The crater!
  • Aisha: The core... And the rocks that surrounds it... This looks like a golem of some sort!
  • Aisha: This energy...! Something tells me these golems are going to be very dangerous...!!
  • Elesis: Everyone get ready!

  • Chung: Phew... I think we did it. I can't believe we had to defeat all four of them at once!
  • Aisha: I can't believe this. From what I know, you need hundreds of magicians to summon a golem like this.
  • Ciel: Lu, are all creatures in the Demon Realm like this?
  • Lu: Usually not in the middle of nowhere! I've never heard there could be something like this out here!
  • Add: You're truly useless as a guide.
  • Elesis: Something's strange.
  • Eve: I think so too. This creature... did not have any demonic energy. In fact...
  • Elsword: In fact?
  • Rumble Rumble
  • Chung: Everything is shaking again! Are the monsters back?!
  • Ara: The ground is cracking!
  • Raven: Damn it, it's too late to escape.
  • Raven: Prepare yourselves, we're going to fall!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Longing Flame
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Howling Field story quest

Undying fire strikes the El Search Party.
What will the vicious flame hold...?

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Is everyone alright?
  • Ara: Owwww...
  • Elesis: I can't believe such a large open area was just beneath our feet. At least we didn't fall during battle...
  • Ciel: It's good we're all so positive about this, but we should really start thinking about getting out of this place.
  • Aisha: If this was formed naturally, there should be an exit somewhere.
  • Lu: I guess it's my turn. Let us head towards the smell of wind and ashes~
  • Add: I can't believe we still have to rely on your sense of smell.
  • Rena: There are traces on the wall that look like lava. Looks like we fell down pretty deeply...
  • Elsword: Huh? Is this mark also a lava mark?
  • Eve: Let me see. How interesting. This looks like it was cut with a sharp, scorching weapon.
  • Aisha: Everyone look!
  • Aisha: Is that... a scythe? It's a giant scythe!
  • Chung: I wonder whose weapon it was. But why is it in such a place?
  • Eve: Sharp... scorching weapon......! Everyone get back!
  • Chung: ?!
  • Whooosh!
  • Aisha: Wha, what is that? It's moving by itself! A gh, ghost?
  • Add: Don't be stupid. There's no such thing as gh, gh, ghosts!!
  • Elesis: We can't let our guard down even for a second...!
  • Ain: Perhaps we should have this conversation after we defeat it?

  • Chung: (Huff huff), It's hard to breathe...
  • Eve: It's burning all the oxygen. The longer we fight, the more we'll be at a disadvantage.
  • Rena: Also, this fire doesn't seem to go out.
  • Raven: A ghost scythe ahead, and a field of fire in the back... There's no way to hide.
  • Ara: Ah?!
  • Ain: What is it, Miss Fox?
  • Ara: Um... I'm not sure, but I think I saw a faint figure near the scythe...
  • Aisha: A soul attached to the scythe? ... Wait...
  • Ciel: It disappeared.
  • Lu: No! It teleported!
  • Chung: Elsword, duck!!
  • Vooom-!
  • Add: It missed? No, that's not it!
  • Elesis: The fire...! Elsword!!
  • Elsword: Kugh!!
  • ???: I'm not interested... In strength to protect someone else.
  • ???: I need to fulfill my purpose...
  • Elsword: (What...?)
  • Ain: Elsword!!
  • Elsword: Cough, cough! Ugh...!
  • Elsword: Phew... This is nothing after being hit by Aisha's fireballs a million times!
  • Aisha: This is no time to joke around! Go get yourself healed!
  • Elsword: Ahaha...
  • Elsword: (What was that? A memory...?)

  • Rena: The fire... is gone.
  • Ara: The scythe turned into flames, wait!
  • Add: It's getting away. It went towards the tower.
  • Chung: Sigh... I don't think we can chase it right now.
  • Aisha: Ooooh... I'm all out of mana... I can't fight anymore.
  • Add: You obviously have enough energy to talk.
  • Aisha: What did you...? Ugh... Never mind. I'm too tired...
  • Raven: Our best course of action is to rest here for now. We should stay here until everyone is well rested.
  • Elsword: Anyway, Eve, what were you going to say earlier?
  • Eve: Earlier? Ah, you mean before we fell.
  • Eve: The golem we fought had some demonic energy due to the rocks and ore being from the Demon Realm...
  • Eve: But unlike the exterior, it looked like the core had little to do with demonic energy.
  • Elesis: You're right... It almost felt like... Fire.
  • Rena: Fire?
  • Elesis: Yes. Just like Eve said, the golems, the scythe, they both didn't feel like they were made of demonic energy.
  • Elsword: Yeah, almost like fighting against a raging fire.
  • Aisha: Well Elsword kept saying it felt like Lanox around here. Maybe it's because these things are made of fire?
  • Ain: Hm... But why would a place in the Demon Realm have fire energy similar to the one in Lanox? After all, it's not like another Fire El is housed here.
  • Rena: Hm...
  • Aisha: Mmmm...
  • Elesis: This would have been easier to figure out if Denif or Ignia were here...
  • Elsword: Either way, we should rest here and go after the scythe. I don't like how it went straight towards the tower.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Into The Tower
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Longing Flame story quest

The El Search Party finally reaches near the tower.
But a swarm of flames were waiting for them like a sweeping calamity.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: I see an opening! Everyone ready?
  • Eve: This cave was surprisingly well connected. According to my calculations, the opening will lead us straight back to the tower.
  • Lu: I don't care who we have to face, as long as it doesn't handle fire. I am sick of smelling ashes and flames.
  • Ciel: That might be difficult. Look, the fire at the top of the tower... wait.
  • Rena: I got a bad feeling about this!
  • Flash
  • Aisha: It's so bright! I can't see! What is happening?!
  • Ara: The fire from the scythe and the fire at the top of the tower merged into one!
  • Elesis: The energy is so potent. Everything is shaking!
  • Elsword: Ugh!!
  • Chung: It's forming some kind of shape. It looks like the golem from earlier!
  • Eve: It may look similar, but the sheer amount of energy it holds is nothing like before...!
  • Eve: Be careful! Something's approaching!
  • Zero: OIII!! ROOSE! You better not be knocked out!
  • Rose: Ugh...
  • Ara: Is everyone alright?! Uaaah?! There are rocks in the air!
  • Elesis: Agh, I'm still dizzy from the shockwave... Wait, are these?
  • Ain: Looks like floating stones. It separated from the ground due to the shockwave.
  • Ain: But... It doesn't look like it will be floating for long.
  • Raven: The floating stones might help to attack the enemies at the top. The distance is just close enough for us to attempt the attack.
  • Elsword: We need to defeat these again to get into the tower. Everyone, let's go!

  • Ara: The monsters are falling from the tower. Did we... defeat it?
  • Eun: Don't let your guard down, Ara. That is not a normal creature. It's going away for now because it used up all its power, but it will come back with vigor.
  • Ain: Looks like we bought us some time. We should try to get in the tower now.
  • Chung: This tower is strange. I don't see anything that can be considered an entrance.
  • Chung: As if it was created to imprison someone.
  • Lu: Hm... It's a common enough practice after a fight for victors to imprison the loser in a structure like this to humiliate them. With big and small fights happening everyday in the Demon Realm, it's not so unusual that we encounter such a structure here.
  • Elsword: Lu...
  • Lu: Huhu, no need to feel bad. It's all in the past. But more importantly, I can't even begin to guess who made this tower, or who is inside it.
  • Rena: Perhaps another Demon Ruler is imprisoned in the tower?
  • Eve: But the enemies we've fought so far barely had any demonic energy. Of course, we have yet to encounter what's in the tower...
  • Eve: If whoever is in the tower was controlling the monsters outside, the prisoner is either a demon who didn't use any demonic energy, or someone completely unrelated.
  • Aisha: A demon that can summon a monster that powerful without having to use their main power? That's disconcerting.
  • Raven: We don't know anything about this tower or the potential enemies within it. Whatever we encounter, the only thing we can do is fight to our best abilities.
  • Ain: Now, now, there's no use worrying about things yet to come. We'll be fine. Let's take this step by step.
  • Chung: Ain is right! If we work together, I'm sure we'll be fine, no matter how powerful our enemies are!
  • Elsword: Yeah. Let's think about how we're going to enter this tower first.
  • Add: Are you done chatting like old ladies?
  • Add: While you were enjoying your gossip, we were looking for a way into the tower.
  • Ara: And we have!
  • Elsword: Wait, what did you find?
  • Add: What we found is a destroyed wall that can act as our way in. If there is no door, find another way in, right?
  • Ciel: As you all know, this tower was near indestructible.
  • Rena: True, it's still standing tall after that battle we had, after all.
  • Add: Yes, it was. The keyword being 'was'.
  • Eve: I see, the tower is no longer the same as it was. The outer walls are of much lower density.
  • Aisha: You mean it's weaker?
  • Add: Yes, we don't exactly know why, but when we defeated that monster, the outer walls also became weaker. As if the sole purpose of the walls were to keep the monsters away.
  • Chung: You mean the monster from earlier was actually trying to break into the tower?
  • Add: I can't say for sure, but I have my suspicion. It was too violent to be a guardian of the tower. It was acting like it wanted to destroy everything.
  • Raven: You're right. The monster never really acted like it was trying to protect the tower.
  • Add: Whatever the case may be, the important part is that the walls are now weaker, and we've found one side of the wall with a huge openi...
  • Ara: Hyah!
  • Crack!!
  • Rena: Ah.. Hahah...
  • Add: Ugh!! You're going to cause the whole tower to collapse on us, you idiot!!
  • Elesis: Oh?
  • Lu: Your thorny attitude is somewhat endearing now. You were worried about us, weren't you?
  • Eve: Indeed, how thoughtful of you, Add.
  • Add: ......
  • Elesis: Next time, please warn us before you do anything. Just in case.
  • Ara: Ooooh... I'm sorry.
  • Elesis: Haha, nothing to apologize for. You did open us a path.
  • Elsword: So, now we enter...
  • Ciel: Wait. We should be on our guard. I feel something dangerous lurking within the tower.
  • Lu: I sense powerful demonic energy inside... I will go in first and we'll advance slowly.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Cage of Thorns 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Into The Tower story quest

Inside the tower was full of eerie demonic energy.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: It's almost suffocating in here.
  • Ain: The demonic energy is here is thick. It must have been building up over a long period of time...
  • Eve: It seems we were too quick to come to conclusions. With this much demonic energy, there could very well be a demon ruler within this tower.
  • Lu: I should know any demon with this much power...
  • Rena: Can't you think of anyone who feels similar?
  • Lu: Not even one. The demon rulers I knew didn't have such a strange aura, and this kind of demonic energy in unfamiliar to me.
  • Lu: Further more, if the one stuck within this tower is a demon ruler like me who was sealed away, there's no reason for them to stay here after they regained this much power.
  • Raven: Everyone stop. There's an opening area ahead.
  • Elsword: ... I don't see anything that could be considered a living thing. What do you think, Eve?
  • Eve: Ah... I'm getting usual readings. It looks like there is one living thing in this tower, no wait...
  • Eve: It's like this entire tower is made up of one organism...
  • Rena: Ugh! Everyone watch out!
  • Raven: An ambush?!
  • Ara: There are thorns coming out of nowhere! There's no place to stand...!
  • Aisha: There must be a castor somewhere, but I can't see with all these thorns!
  • Chung: Everyone calm down! We can't get rid of these thorns one by one to create an open space!
  • Ciel: Agreed. If we don't do anything, we will all end up skewered.
  • Ara: How terrible...
  • Add: Tsk, there's something different about this than what we've encountered so far. It's definitely sturdier!
  • Eve: This could be complicated. It seems we need to use different attacks depending on the thorns. If we're not careful, we'll end up just like how Ciel described we would.
  • Aisha: Erm, you're still joking, right?
  • Eve: I wish that was the case. Please concentrate, Aisha.

  • ???: Get out of my sight!! I am not an experiment for you to play with!
  • Raven: Elsword!
  • Elsword: !!
  • Raven: Are you alright? I know we got rid of most of the thorns already, but you should stay focused.
  • Elsword: Ah, yeah. Thanks, Raven.
  • Chung: That was the last of the thorns. It looks like things calmed down a bit.
  • Aisha: Are you really ok? You keep zoning out! If you have an injury, you should really get that healed!
  • Elsword: Ah, well... I think I heard a voice.
  • Rena: What do you mean?
  • Elesis: A voice? Like when you heard the El Lady?
  • Elsword: No...? It's different. With Solace, or the El Lady, they were trying to communicate to me directly. This... This feels like someone's memory just... flowed through me.
  • Elsword: I heard something earlier when I got hit by that scythe, too. I thought I was imagining things...
  • Eve: Since you started hearing the voice as we got closer to the tower, it could be a memory of the master of this tower.
  • Elsword: I don't know why... but he's in torment... and enraged.
  • Ain: (Elsword is closely connected to the El. It's not strange that he would resonate with the El. But this is the Demon Realm, far away from the protection of the El.)
  • Ain: (If the Goddess truly created the El to prevent a demon invasion, then there's absolutely no reason for him to resonate or hear voices like he did in Elysion...)
  • Ain: (... Like he did in Elysion? Could it be?)
  • Elsword: Ain?
  • Ain: ... It's only a hunch that I have... But you should listen to the voice carefully, Elsword.
  • Aisha: What is it, Ain?
  • Ain: According to Nephilim Lord, this tower was formed approximately 500 years ago. However, nothing unusual happened until recently. Ms. Queen, do you remember when he said unusual things started to happen?
  • Eve: Only a few months. I was wondering about that as well. There's no reason for a being with this much power to remain silent until now.
  • Eve: There's no clear purpose, and it doesn't seem to have a clear plan... Oh, I see.
  • Elesis: We did have a significant event several months ago.
  • Elsword: Wait, what happened? I can't think of anything.
  • Elesis: ... Elsword. We're talking about when you've restored the El.
  • Elsword: ...!!
  • Eve: It is an interesting theory. If it weren't for something happening to Elsword, I would have thought it was a wild one.
  • Add: So, you think the tower is acting out because the El was restored?
  • Ain: ... At the very least, the person connected to the tower is also closely connected to the El.
  • Ciel: I'm surprised. I didn't think you wanted anything in the Demon Realm to be connected to the El.
  • Ain: Of course I don't want them to be connected. But there's no reason to ignore what's in front of us. Isn't that right, Mr. Half-Demon who is even more suspicious than his master?
  • Lu: Looks like he got you there, Ciel.
  • Ciel: ... I...
  • Chung: Wait, everyone.
  • Ara: Yes, Chung?
  • Chung: Those strange orbs... were they always right there?
  • Raven: It was there since the thorns. But I'm quite sure they didn't look like that.
  • Aisha: Doesn't it look a bit... Gross? How disturbing...
  • Ara: Oh, they kind of resemble eye balls! Eh? the central pillar is moving?
  • Aisha: Gyaaaaah?!
  • Ara: The ey, eye, eye balls are rolling!!
  • Elsword: Gah! What is that?! Why does all the monsters look so weird around here!
  • Rena: An eye of a giant creature? Whatever it is, it's disturbing.
  • Eve: I sense powerful demonic energy. There must be another area beyond the central pillar where the eye balls came out.
  • Elesis: You mean that thing is guarding this place?
  • Elsword: Sis! Watch out!
  • Elesis: Ugh... What is this?
  • Aisha: It looks like a magic circle. But I've never seen one like it! How can there be a magic circle that I know nothing about?!
  • Raven: So there's five enemies we have to take care of. Fighting in one group will only make it easier to target all of us.
  • Chung: Then we split up! I will take care of this one!
  • Lu: Ciel? What's wrong?
  • Ciel: ... It's nothing. Let's go.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Cage of Thorns 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Cage of Thorns 1 story quest

The El Search Party comes across a strange object that resembles an eye. The battle continues.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: It's strange to have all of our backs to the wall... But at least we won't be ambushed by the small eyes.
  • Aisha: We'll be able to defeat them in no time!
  • Lu: ... el, Ciel!
  • Ciel: Ah, yes?
  • Lu: Snap out of it! I don't know why you're so distracted, but we need to defeat these monsters first!
  • Ciel: ... Sorry, I just had a lot of thi... Lu! Behind you!
  • Lu: Kyaa!
  • Ciel: Lu!!
  • Add: Stop! If you go there now, the eyes will also be...!
  • Chung: Ugh!
  • Ara: Ch, Chung!
  • Elsword: Chung!
  • Raven: Everyone calm down and stay where you are! If we go to them, we will only open ourselves to attack! Chung, what's your status?
  • Chung: I'm fine, just a little scratch! I can still fight.
  • Rena: Stay safe! We'll help you when we can!
  • Ara: Don't worry, I'll make sure to protect Chung!
  • Elsword: We'll leave it to you, Ara!

  • Add: Finally, even the biggest one is down for now.
  • Ain: That was a hectic battle. Mr. Guardian, how's the injury?
  • Chung: I'm really fine! It wasn't really a big injury to begin with, and Ara really had my back.
  • Ara: It was nothing. I'm just glad your injuries weren't anything serious.
  • Elsword: Let us know if you need to rest, ok?
  • Chung: Of course. Thank you, Elsword.
  • Elesis: Anyway. I'm glad no body was seriously injured.
  • Lu: I apologize. If it weren't for me...
  • Chung: Haha, it's no big deal. Lu, Ciel, you don't have to apologize.
  • Lu: But...
  • Chung: Really, it was nothing. And... I understand how Ciel feels.
  • Chung: If it were me, and someone important to me was in danger, I wouldn't have thought twice before I jumped to protect that person.
  • Ciel: Chung...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Cage of Thorns 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Cage of Thorns 2 story quest

After defeating Crimson Eye, the path to the center of the tower opens.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Zero: Strange... Even after defeating that thing, there's still demonic energy around.
  • Add: What do you... Uaaaah!
  • Elesis: I thought we defeated it?!!
  • Elsword: How can it be still alive? And it's changing shape again!
  • Rena: Looks like that orb is it's core!
  • Eve: It seems that's where all the demonic energy in this area was coming from.
  • Raven: Now it's moving around. I guess we only got rid of it's outer casing before.
  • Ain: How are you doing, Mr. Ancient?
  • Add: ... You don't seem to care about my answer.
  • Ain: No, but it's only polite. What are you doing just sitting there? As you can see, we're under attack.
  • Add: ......

  • Elsword: Finally!! We did it!
  • BOOM!
  • Elsword: Phew, it was tough... huh?
  • Ara: The eye ball is still...! Elsword!
  • Elsword: Kugh!... Huh? It's not attacking.
  • Ara: Ah! It's retreating through the crack where it was earlier!
  • Eve: We should follow it. That should be where the center of the tower lies.
  • Aisha: You mean there's still more?
  • Eve: As I said before, this tower is like a single organism. And based on the structure of the tower and the information I've gathered, the heart lies beyond that point.
  • Elsword: (The heart of the tower... I wonder if the one I heard is also there?)

  • Ain: You look like you're worried, Mr. Half-Demon.
  • Ciel: I don't really want to talk about it right now.
  • Ain: Haha, how harsh.... I didn't mean to pry, but I wanted to say something. You remind me of how I was before.
  • Ciel: ... Before?
  • Ain: Worrying about something that's more important than yourself, your reason for existence... I did the same thing.
  • Ciel: ......
  • Ain: I had to ponder about it for a long time, but came to a decision. And I don't regret it. Whatever happens in the end, I'm ready to face the consequences.
  • Ain: I hope you can do the same.
  • Ciel: Why are you telling me this?
  • Ain: No reason. We're comrades, aren't we?
  • Ciel: ......
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Crimson Rage, Dark Isolation
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Cage of Thorns 3 story quest

The El Search Party arrives at the center of the tower by using the entrance blocked by Crimson Eye.
At the center, there was only a chasm, filled with silence.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: Ugh... This path was blocked by that eye ball monster, right? Creepy...
  • Rena: There's an open space, just like Eve said.
  • Ara: It's much bigger than where we came from. Do you think the master of this tower has a large body?
  • Add: I don't think so. Look over there.
  • Ara: That is... A person! That looks like a human figure!
  • Aisha: It's inside a strange orb. And all those thorns...
  • Lu: I can't tell if that being is a demon or not, since the demonic energy here is so thick.
  • Elsword: That person...
  • Aisha: What is it, Elsword?
  • Elsword: I think that's the person who was talking to me.
  • Elsword: ... He's suffering. We need to save him!
  • Eve: That person is most likely the master of this tower. Considering everything that happened so far, it's just as likely that he'll be hostile.
  • Eve: Do you still wish to help him?
  • Elsword: Yeah. I want to help.
  • Aisha: Sigh... You're predictable as always.
  • Rena: Well, that's the Elsword we know and trust.
  • Elesis: Haha, really. Even though he is my brother... Wait, is that?
  • Ara: Ah! That's the eye ball from earlier!
  • Add: When did it...! Dynamo! Stop its approach!
  • Chung: Too late! It's already...!
  • BOOOM-!
  • Elesis: Kugh, is everyone alright?
  • Ciel: What was that? An explosion?
  • Lu: The amont of demonic energy flowing is unbelievable... Is this really all coming from that one being...?!
  • Elsword: What happened to the person in the center?!
  • Raven: Wait, look!
  • Aisha: A giant... person...?
  • Ara: My! He truly was enormous!!
  • Add: It's like 1 plus 1 became 1000 instead. Oi, what do we do now?
  • Elsword: ... He's in there.
  • Add: What?
  • Elsword: I'm certain he's still in there. It's just that his cage became that monstrous body instead of the orb!
  • Rena: Then... I guess there's only one thing we can do.
  • Eve: Moby, Remy, get ready. This will be a difficult fight.
  • Elsword: (Hang in there. We'll save you!)

  • ???: Must... Leave... Where nothing remains...
  • Elsword: (What are you talking about? Where?)
  • ???: ...... Here.
  • Elsword: Ah!
  • Ain: Elsword! Are you alright?
  • Elsword: I heard the voice again. I knew it! He's still in there!
  • Ain: I'd love to learn more, but now it not the best time. The tower is slowly falling apart due to the fierce battle.
  • Rena: If this continues, there's not going to be anytihng left to stand on. We need to do something.
  • Elsword: That person... He just answered my question.
  • Ain: (He is resonating with those related to the El to communicate.)
  • Ain: Elsword, you're closely connected to the El. I suspect the one we're trying to rescue within the monster it also the same.
  • Ain: Remember when the El Lady spoke to you? If you replicate that feeling to talk to him, perhaps that will create and opening for us.
  • Lu: And when that happens, we can try to break that shell he's encased in.
  • Elsword: Alright, I'll try.
  • Elsword: (Calm down. I want to help.)
  • ???: ......
  • Elsword: (Can you hear me? I heard your voice, in pain. We want to get you out of there.)
  • ???: ......
  • Elsword: (Just... Hang on, we'll save you. So...)
  • Elsword: (Let me know who you are.)
  • ???: ... I...
  • Add: !! He stopped!
  • Elesis: Now is our chance!
  • Raven: Understood. Let's go!
  • Rena: Leave the support to us!

  • Chung: Ha... Ha... I think it stopped.
  • Elsword: Sigh... It was our toughest battle yet. But how do we get the person out?
  • Add: Hmph, we just need to break that outer shell, right?
  • Rumble... Rumble...
  • Ara: A, Add~!
  • Add: He, hey! I didn't do anything yet!
  • Rena: He's falling! If something that big falls, this whole tower will be destroyed!
  • Eve: The structure of the tower is now highly unstable with the master of the tower defeated. At this rate...!
  • Raven: The tower is falling apart! Everyone watch out!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Crimson Rage, Dark Isolation story quest

The tower falls apart, after a fierce battle.
The floating stone prevents the El Search Party from falling. However, without a moment to rest, something awaits them...

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elesis: Ugh, wha, what is this?
  • Eve: Looks like the floating stones that we saw earlier when we were fighting the golems!
  • Rena: Haha, I guess we should consider ourselves lucky...
  • Aisha: Um... Is it me, or something over there at the center is moving?
  • Elesis: No, I see it too. It guess we didn't manage to defeat it completely...!
  • Ara: It's a person! He's getting up!
  • Lu: Ah, his body is completely covered in demonic energy. That can't be good.
  • Elsword: Hey! You! Are you alright?
  • Elesis: Elsword! Watch out!
  • WHOOOSH-!!
  • Elsword: Kugh! That thing!
  • Rena: It's smaller, but it's definitely the scythe from earlier!
  • Raven: So it was his weapon all along??! Another one incoming!
  • Ara: It's the eye!
  • Rena: Ah...
  • Aisha: Eeeek! Did that eye ball just... insert itself?
  • Eve: Unbelievable, two conflicting powers are co-existing within that person's body.
  • Ain: (Two conflicting powers are not something a human body can endure.)
  • Eve: Unlike the power used to handle the scythe, the demonic energy is highly unstable.
  • Zero: Maybe if we just use up one of his powers, we will be able to talk to him!
  • Raven: So we'll need to fight.
  • Add: The release of demonic energy is causing debris to fly all over the place!
  • Chung: The ground is also unstable, it won't be easy to move..!
  • Elesis: Prepare for a fight! He's about to attack!

  • Aisha: Uaaah!!!
  • Eve: Aisha!!
  • Aisha: Th, thanks for the save, Eve. I thought I was going to fall...!
  • Aisha: Ugh... I knew people were jinxing it when they wouldn't shut up about falling since we arrived in the Demon Realm...!!
  • Raven: I don't know how long these floating stones will last! Kugh!
  • Elsword: Raven!
  • Lu: Ha... Ha... The fire, the scythe, the THORNS! It's like fighting the entire tower!
  • Chung: Kugh... It's not easy fighting that figure either.
  • Elesis: Whenever we try to close distance, he disappears, but when we try to stay away, he teleports in front of us...
  • Aisha: It's unbelievable. He is still fast as ever!
  • Rena: Sigh... With this much power, it's no wonder Nephilim Lord was influenced by him.
  • Raven: We'll have to give it our all. We won't have any chance otherwise.
  • Eun: He's right, Ara. All of your non-fatal attacks are not doing any damage!
  • Ara: But, Eun...
  • Add: ......
  • Elesis: ... I guess it's time to make a decision.
  • Elsword: ... When I heard everyone's voice in the El... I was really happy.
  • Elsword: I thought I would be fine sacrificing myself to protect everyone... But that wasn't entirely true.
  • Elesis: ......
  • Elsword: I wanted to be with you guys just a bit longer. Laughing, crying... Maybe even fight, only to make up in the end. Just... spending time together. Maybe that's why I was able to hear your voice.
  • Elsword: All of your voices.
  • Ciel: ......
  • Elsword: I don't know who that person is, or what he's like. But he kept reaching out to me and answering my questions. That's why... I believe he hasn't given up yet.
  • Elsword: Maybe he's just waiting like I was. For someone to reach out for them.
  • Elesis: ... Elsword...
  • Elsword: I know it's idealistic and naive to think we can save everyone we come across. But how can I give up first, when that person it still holding on?
  • Elsword: That's why I'll fight to the end. I'll save him.... Just like you all saved me.
  • Elsword: So tell me! Who are you?
  • ???: ... I... am...
  • Raven: Wait, did that...?
  • Ara: I also hear the voice!
  • ???: Who... am... I...?
  • Rena: The ground!!!
  • Ara: Kyaaaaa!!
  • Add: Kugh, Dynamo-!!!
  • Eve: Moby! Remy! Adjust output settings!
  • Aisha: You won't bring us down with that trick again! Hyaaaa-!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Crimson Recluse
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Recluse story quest

For the one who remained alone all these years to make sure that one won't ever be alone again, the El Search Party begins the final battle.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: Cough, cough!
  • Elesis: Ugh, is everyone alright?
  • Add: Cough, cough... What do you think! We could have all died falling from that height!
  • Ain: Haha, that sounds like a yes.
  • Lu: Where did he go?!
  • Rena: ... He's on top of a pile of rocks. I guess this kind of impact is nothing for him...!
  • ???: ......
  • Elsword: Calm down! We want to help you!
  • ???: ... Don't come... Any closer...
  • Elsword: You need help, right? That's why you were reaching out to me.
  • Rena: Elsword! Don't go too close...!
  • ???: I don't... Hurt... any... more...
  • Eve: All the wreckage in the surrounding area is flying towards him. We better be careful not to get caught in it.
  • Elsword: We want to help. Tell me, what do we need to do?!
  • ???: ... Burn...... Me... I will burn 'Myself'!
  • Elsword: What...?
  • ???: Defeat... Me...!
  • Chung: Elsword, Move!!
  • Elsword: Kugh!!
  • BAAANG-!
  • Ciel: Come this way! Quickly!
  • Chung: Ciel...!
  • Elsword: ... You all heard him too, right?
  • Raven: Mm.
  • Elesis: How can we not give our best after hearing something like that?
  • Add: Besides, beating back one's senses seems to be our specialty.
  • Ara: I am ready!
  • Chung: This is the real battle!
  • Lu: Of course. Now is a good chance to beat him up for troubling us so, after all!
  • Ciel: You're right. Just a little smack to return his senses.
  • Rena: He feels different. He is stronger... and more refined. He's also taking this more seriously.
  • Eve: I will unleash the full power of the Nasod.
  • Aisha: And time for the genius girl magician to use her full magic!
  • Ain: Are you ready, Elsword?
  • Elsword: Of course! Let's do this!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Fire Master
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Crimson Recluse story quest

The unexpected meeting leads the El Search Party to a whole new path.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: He... Stopped!
  • Aisha: There's black smoke coming out of him!
  • Lu: That would be the demonic energy he was surrounded with. It looks like it's burning away.
  • Ara: I can't believe a human could handle that much demonic energy...
  • Rena: Whoever he is, he's not an ordinary human.... Is that his true form?
  • Raven: !... He collapsed.
  • Elsword: Hey! Are you alright?
  • Aisha: You dummy! Don't go charging ahead like that!!
  • Ain: Elsword, wait. If you touch him like that..!
  • PSSSS-
  • Elsword: Agh!!
  • Aisha: Elsword! Your hand...
  • Elsword: ... He's burning hot. Is he ok?
  • Add: It will be more surprising if he's fine after all that beating.
  • Ventus: You're right! You were really relentless. I was shuddering from the viciousness of it all!
  • Add: Wait, what?!
  • Ara: Master Ventus?!
  • Ventus: Phew, sorry I'm late. I did try my best to come here on time, but you know how it is! I thought I was going to die several times over! You sure know how to pick your adventures.
  • Ventus: Oh no no, you don't want to touch him right now. You'll just get burnt again!
  • Elsword: How did you get here? Wait... Do you know this guy?
  • Ventus: Of course! We know each other very well!!
  • ???: ... Shut up and help me up...
  • Ventus: Yes, yes, whatever you say.
  • Elsword: You're awake!! How are you? Are you okay?
  • ???: ......
  • Elsword: ?
  • Rosso: ... Rosso.
  • Elsword: Huh?
  • Rosso: ... Since somebody persistently asked me my name...
  • Rosso: My name is Rosso. And I am... What they call the Fire Master.
  • Elsword: Whaaaaat?!
  • Aisha: Fire Master?! I, uh, what are you doing in the Demon Realm?
  • Raven: ... Now I see why Elsword and Ain thought this place was similar to Lanox.
  • Elesis: So the energy from the golem and the scythe must have been the energy of the Fire El...! Why didn't we think of this before? It has such a distinct feeling.
  • Add: What is the Fire Master doing here in the Demon Realm? Surrounded by demonic energy for that matter.
  • Rosso: ... What makes you think I would answer your question?
  • Add: What? You little...!
  • Ventus: Now, now, I'm sure you're just dying to hear his answer, but as you can see, our friend over here is a little worse for wear. If it's alright with all of you, I'd like to take him to heal his injuries. You understand, don't you?
  • Rena: (Ahaha... He just smoothly avoided having to answer Add's question...)
  • Rena: Anyway, how did you end up all the way here, Master Ventus?
  • Ventus: Oh, I almost forgot! Here you go, Rena.
  • Rena: This is...?
  • Ventus: Well, you need a way back to Elrios, don't you?
  • Rena: Wait...!
  • Eve: I can't believe we forgot something so essential...
  • Elsword: Huh? Can't we just go back the way we came from?
  • Eve: When we entered Henir's Realm, the masters and priestesses opened a way for us, but when we go back, we have no way to communicate we're just beyond the barrier.
  • Ventus: Haha, that's why I brought this Wind Spirit Stone. I can roughly tell where you are as long as you hold onto it. If you make it just across the barrier beneath the El Tower, we'll open the path again.
  • Chung: So you've come all the way here to give us this stone?
  • Ventus: Well, yes. But it looks like I would be taking home something much bigger now.
  • Ventus: My, just like the good old days. Has it been 2 years already? You look exactly the same as the last time I saw you!
  • Rosso: ... You idiot. Of course it's been more than just 2 years. No sense of time what so ever. Ugh...
  • Ventus: Hahaha! Who cares about the details! You should stop your nagging and rest. Now then, what do you want to do? Shall we go back together?
  • Ara: Thanks you for the offer, but we have somewhere to go to learn about the location of the Dark El.
  • Ventus: You've already found a lead? Ama-zing! Then I, with Rosso here, will be waiting for you at Elrianode. See you later!
  • Rosso: You there,
  • Elsword: Eh? M, me?
  • Rosso: ... Be on your guard. The Master of the Crimson Eye must be lurking about.

  • Ara: As they say, gone like the wind.
  • Rena: Haha, as expected of the Wind Master.
  • Elsword: Well, I'm sure Denif will be able to explain what happened when we go back.
  • Lu: If everything's settled, let's go back to where the spirit is waiting for us.
  • Chung: I hope he wasn't too startled with the tower collapsing all of a sudden.
  • Lu: He should be grateful! After all, we not only solved the issue, but completely eliminated the source of the problem! Now, let's go.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Short Break
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Fire Master story quest

After the battle the El Search Party enjoys a short break with the Tiny Spirit.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Tiny Spirit: You're back! I'm so glad that you're all...
  • Tiny Spirit: ... Safe.
  • Ara: Uah, I can't walk anymore...!
  • Rena: I think I'm about to crash, now that everything's over...
  • Lu: I need to lie down... Ciel, is there anything I can lay my head against?
  • Ciel: You can lie on my lap, if you want?
  • Add: Ugh, every part of my body is sore...
  • Tiny Spirit: Uh... It must have been a fierce battle.
  • Elsword: It was one unbelievable thing after anothe... zzzZZZ
  • Lu: Mmm,
  • Aisha: I'm sorry, but can we talk later?
  • Tiny Spirit: Of course! Rest well.

  • Eve: Wake up.
  • Eve: ... Wake up....
  • Eve: Everyone! It's time to wake up!!
  • Ara: Hmah?! It wasn't me! I didn't eat... Oh, it was a dream.
  • Lu: Nnnng, 5 more minutes...
  • Ciel: It's time to wake up, Lu.
  • Raven: How long have we been knocked out?
  • Eve: It's been approximately 3 hours.
  • Raven: Thank you for guardian us in our sleep, Eve.
  • Eve: You are welcome. However, I was only doing what I could to help.
  • Elsword: YAAAAWN,
  • Tiny Spirit: You're awake!
  • Elsword: Haha, sorry to have you waiting.
  • Tiny Spirit: It's nothing compared to what you've been through.
  • Chung: I guess now we should report back to Nephilim Lord.
  • Tiny Spirit: While everyone was resting, I've received information on the Dark El from Nephilim Lord. He said there's a significant clue somewhere nearby.
  • Lu: Hm...?
  • Tiny Spirit: I wouldn't lie to my saviors! Let's hurry and check on it so we can come back to rest.
  • Aisha: So where is that clue?
  • Tiny Spirit: Just follow me!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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