• English
59:King of Abyss

Chapter 59: King of Abyss

 Greeting Guests
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Ara: ... Ran.
  •   Ran: Shh.......
  •   Ran: I apologize. Could you wait a moment?
  •   Chung: You had enough time.
  •   Ran: Unfortunately, I need a little more.
  •   Ran: If the insolent Dream Demon did his job, you wouldn't have had to wait.
  •   Laby: So you're the one that made Vasili that way! Why did you have to be so mean?
  •   Ran: I realized someone was following me. When that someone turned out to be a lowly Dream Demon... Can you really fault me for taking out my frustrations?
  •   Ran: When I realized you came as well, I was surprised. I was wondering how you managed to do so...
  •   Ran: Ah, but it was my old master, finally here to leash his dog.
  •   Ran: I was wondering when you would intervene. You took so long to act that I was getting worried for your sake.
  •   Aisha: (He noticed the Red Demon King's Eye...!)
  •   Ran: Do not fear. I will not touch the eye. I know why you're here. Neither of us think fondly of each other.
  •   Ran: I doubt that will change anytime soon... So I suspect this will be our last encounter.
  •   Ran: Why hurry our last moments? Let us talk. You and I, I imagine we have a lot to talk about.
  •   Elesis: (Talk? As if.)
  •   Aisha: (Do you all see that thing behind Ran? It looks dangerous...)
  •   Elsword: (Do you think that's the Heart Core?)
  •   Raven: (From what we've heard, I didn't think it would be out in the open like this.)
  •   Add: (I have a bad feeling about this... What is that?)
  •   Add: (I'll go figure it out, so buy me some time. Talk, fight, anything.)
  •   Chung: ... Why did you start the invasion?
  •   Ran: Ahh, you chose a difficult topic from the start.
  •   Ran: Let me see... The start? At the core, it all started because our lords were incompetent.
  •   Lu: Incompetent?
  •   Ran: Ah, pardon. But you also share the blame.
  •   Ran: A land abandoned by god, and the king... The role of the demon lords was crucial, but none of you did anything meaningful.
  •   Ran: Only wasting years and years away.
  •   Ain: (A land... abandoned by god?)
  •   Elesis: Is that really all you've got to say? Blaming the demon lords? I thought you might have a better excuse.
  •   Ran: I'm merely laying out the cause and effect.
  •   Ran: Demons don't know cooperation. They need to be subjugated, taken down, and beaten down with power.
  •   Aisha: Victoria and Dream Demons weren't like that.
  •   Ran: Pitiful beasts are bound to create a herd. In that sense, the invasion was messy, but necessary. Of course, I did find the result to be quite lacking...
  •   Ran: I suppose I never should have expected cooperation to begin with.
  •   Ara: You found it lacking? That is all that it amounts to?
  •   Ran: You look upset. And some of you seem distracted... I apologize for the lacking accommodation. How should I make it up to you?
  •   Chung: You head will be enough.
  •   Ran: Hahaha... I don't think that's feasible.
  •   Ran: ... That's right. How about a fight, for old time sakes? You have come all the way here, and I'd fate to disappoint my guests.
  •   Ciel: Add! Your analysis?
  •   Add: ... I need more time. Damn it... I swear I saw that somewhere...
  •   Eve: Did you feel it too, Add?
  •   Elsword: We can't delay this any further. Eve, Add, we're leaving that to you.

  •   Chung: Haa!
  • (KLING-!!)
  •   Ran: My... You've grown. You've come a long way from the boy who let his emotion cloud his attacks.
  •   Chung: And who's fault was that?
  •   Ran: Oh, are you giving me the credit for your growth? I'm honored. But!
  • (CLANG!)
  •   Chung: Ugh!
  •   Ran: Your movements are too honest, making you predictable. You still have a long way to go.
  •   Ran: That's what I enjoy about you.
  •   Ran: On the other hand...
  • (SWING!)
  •   Ara: Ah...!
  •   Ran: That was close.
  •   Ran: You're... interesting. You always come when I least expect it.
  •   Ran: It can get irritating, but leaves me no room to be bored. The human I took the body from was much the same.
  •   Ran: Ah, wasn't he your brother? Did you meet him? I let him go, you see.
  • (CLANG!)
  •   Ara: Ugh...!
  •   Ran: You look overwhelmed... Can you take another hit?
  •   Chung: No! Watch out!
  • (CLIING... PAT!)
  •   Rena: Get away from my friends!
  •   Ara: Thank you, Rena!
  •   Ain: Here, Mr. Guardian. It wasn't anything serious.
  •   Chung: Yes. Thank you!
  •   Elsword: That haughty attitude has got to go. He's playing with us.
  •   Raven: Don't let his taunts get to you. That's exactly what he wants.
  •   Elsword: I'll try, but I won't promise anything.
  •   Aisha: This is getting tough... My mana is draining quick. I'm doing the best I can, but watch out everyone.
  •   Lu: You're being drained by the Abyss. We'll be at a disadvantage the longer we fight.
  •   Ciel: Everything is in Ran's favor. Not many of us can fight regardless of demonic energy in a situation like this.
  •   Elesis: Your body will always reflect your condition. Even if we're doing fine now, we'll be exhausted in no time.
  •   Lu: I'd like to know what Ran's up to, that makes him so confident.
  •   Eve: ... There's only one thing.
  •   Add: Yes. We double checked multiple times, but it's still showing the same results...
  •   Eve: It was something we knew from experience.
  •   Add: It makes sense the data was unreliable. It's covered in demonic energy this time.
  •   Noah: Are you done with the analysis?
  •   Add: Ha, haha. Good timing kid. What does it feel like to be right in your prediction?
  •   Noah: ... What's the result?
  •   Eve: It's a Seed of Life.
  •   Aisha: What?! What's Ran doing with a Seed of Life?
  •   Raven: Is he planning on mutating using the Seed of Life?
  •   Noah: I, I'll go!
  •   Elsword: Me too!
  •   Lu: Ciel, we'll go engage Ran!
  •   Elesis: I'll follow you! Raven, Aisha! You're with me.
  •   Raven: Understood.
  •   Elesis: Eve, Add! You're...
  •   Add: Tsk, you don't need to say it.
  •   Elesis: Good! You do your thing. I'll leave you to it!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Greeting Guests story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Ran: Great. Hahaha... This is why I appreciate you.
  •   Ran: Even though we're enemies and you're weak... I have to commend your dedication and spirit to head straight into a battle you know you cannot win.
  •   Ran: If there were demons like you in the Demon Realm, perhaps things could have turned out differently.
  •   Ara: After all this time... Do you need a friend?
  •   Ran: Please. Your status is beneath me.
  •   Laby: As if we want you as a friend! Laby doesn't want meanies who don't know the importance of friendship!
  •   Lu: Haha! Hear! Hear!
  •   Clamor: They're purposefully being loud to keep Ran's attention on them.
  •   Clamor: Noah! Now's our chance!
  •   Noah: Ok! Here I go...!
  • (BZZZ-!)
  •   Noah: Ah?! Something's in the way! Again!
  •   Rose: Ran's headed that way! Noah, watch out!
  •   Ran: What's this? It's rude to sneak around.
  •   Elsword: Kugh, get away from Noah!
  •   Elesis: Noah, how's the seed?
  •   Noah: There's a black substance surrounding it, but I think I can get through with a couple more hits!
  •   Elesis: Alright. Then I'll go stop Ran as well!
  •   Ran: Oh, is it finally time to take this seriously?
  •   Elesis: You betcha. I'll have you eat dirt like last time.
  •   Ran: A memorable experience, indeed.
  •   Elsword: Hey, where did you get that thing?
  •   Ran: I took it from a suspicious looking man. Do you know what it is?
  •   Elsword: You better not think about using it!
  •   Elsword: We know what happened to someone who used it. It's not worth throwing away your life to gain power.
  •   Ran: Don't worry. I may have acquired it by chance, but I've witnessed first-hand what happens to those who use this power.
  •   Ran: Why do you think I threw this in the middle of the Abyss?
  •   Noah: Ugh, just a little more...! One more hit...!
  •   Ran: What's important, is homogeneity.
  •   Noah: Ah?!
  •   Rose: He took the Seed of Life... When did he...!
  •   Ran: It's finally time. I apologize for the long wait.
  •   Ran: Now... Let the real battle begin.

  •   Ran: Ahh... I'm satisfied.
  •   Ran: I feel the violent writhing of the power of life... Hahaha, despite your concerns, it's remarkably manageable.
  •   Noah: Ugh, he transformed, but the energy...
  •   Eve: The energy is stable. He completely took control. It's similar to what happened to Hennon.
  •   Raven: But the power level exceeds Hennon. With the addition of the demonic energy of the Abyss, that may not even be his final form.
  •   Add: Is this why I couldn't shake off the bad feeling? Damn it. I should have stopped him somehow.
  •   Noah: I'm sorry. I should have destroyed it in time...
  •   Add: ... But you managed to leave a mark. See over there, kid. The energy is leaking from the crack you created.
  •   Ciel: You think he'll lose his power if we break it?
  •   Aisha: Could be. But Ran's not going to stand by and let that happen... This is going to be difficult.
  •   Aisha: But why did a Seed of Life appear here, at this moment?
  •   Rose: Let's ask. Ran, how did you obtain the Seed of Life? Are you a member of the Order?
  •   Ran: The Order? Is this their power? Tell me more.
  •   Raven: We asked first. Why don't you answer our question.
  •   Ran: Hm... Alright. I'll tell you.
  •   Ran: When I was looking for Barkat after I came back to the Demon Realm, I found a group of suspicious humans and decided to follow them.
  •   Ran: They ran away, but pulled out something when they were cornered, turning into hideous monsters.
  •   Noah: (The members of the Order...)
  •   Ran: Some looked useful, but unfortunately ran away. I wasn't exactly in the best condition.
  •   Chung: Is that when you took over the Shadow Vein in Varnimyr?
  •   Ran: Ah, were you the one to disturb the operation? You really do get in the way of everything.
  •   Ran: After I recovered my strength, I chased them again. That's when I acquired it.
  •   Ran: But... Hahaha! This truly exceeds my expectation. I don't know what Barkat was after, but I'd understand if it were to acquire this power.
  •   Ran: Perhaps the Abyss... The power of origin will also fall into my hands...
  •   Add: ... He has yet to notice the crack on the seed.
  •   Rena: Looks like it. I guess with how much power he has, a leak like that is nothing.
  •   Add: It seems you are well-versed in this power...
  •   Ran: Then how about a lesson?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Those Who Know Their Path
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Homogeneity story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Raven: Haa, gasp, ah, I feel heavy...
  •   Add: Cough, ugh... Red Demon King! Are you doing your job?
  •   Lu: Don't worry. Demonic energy this potent should also affect Ran negatively.
  •   Add: But at this rate, we'll be down before he is...!
  •   Chung: Pant, pant... Elsword. You don't have to support me. I, I can still fight.
  •   Ain: Stay still. You've been overexerting yourself.
  •   Elsword: Go get healed. I can handle it until you catch your breath.
  •   Chung: Alright... ... I'm sorry, Elsword.
  •   Elsword: Huh? What's this about?
  •   Chung: Before we came here. When I said I was going to come here by myself if everyone objects...
  •   Chung: What you said... hurt. I thought, it's easy for you to say, because you don't understand what I'm going through.
  •   Elsword: Oh, that... Sorry. I was a bit harsh.
  •   Chung: No. I understand now what you meant. You're right. Abyss was not a place I could have come by myself.
  •   Chung: And right now, I'm happy to be with my friends as the guardian.
  •   Aisha: Chung...
  •   Chung: I don't know what to say... I'm easily swayed by my emotion. I know I shouldn't... But I always seem to set my goals too high.
  •   Elsword: No! You're doing fine. Why would you say that?
  •   Aisha: Listen to him. You're much more reliable compared to Elsword. So much so, that I feel sorry comparing you two.
  •   Elsword: You didn't have to bring me into it! Anyway, no need to blame yourself.
  •   Elsword: Besides, who cares if you set your goals too high. That's good!
  •   Elsword: It means you are looking at the next step. What you must do to grow. What to fix, and what you're lacking.
  •   Elsword: It's amazing that you know your path. That's why we came here. Because we knew this was the path to protect everyone.
  •   Chung: ... Thank you.
  •   Elsword: Keep moving forward. Sometimes, it's ok to do whatever you want. Look at me! That's what I do.
  •   Aisha: You should do less!
  •   Aisha: Phew, but that was surprisingly mature advice coming from you, Elsword. I agree with him!
  •   Aisha: Those who don't look after themselves, learn about themselves, and stop dreaming end up hitting a wall, because they do not have the motivation to move forward.
  •   Aisha: The fact that you always give your all is amazing, Chung.
  •   Ain: Yes. Mr. Guardian, you always put so much on your shoulders. Usually, I'd say not to overexert yourself...
  •   Ain: But considering the situation right now, I'll allow just a bit. I'll be right beside you to raise you up.
  •   Chung: Yes! I'll leave it to you!

  •   Raven: Kugh....
  •   Raven: (My body isn't moving as fast. I managed to block Ran's attacks... But the Nasod Arm moved on its own to block some of them.)
  •   Raven: (Protecting the host... I know it needs me alive, but what about everyone else?
  •   Raven: (Does it even have the concept of friendship? When friend and foe are fighting, how far will it go?)
  •   Raven: (... I'll have to keep my distance for a while until this is all over.)
  •   Lu: Ran, let me ask you this. You claimed the four demon lords have forgone their responsibilities.
  •   Lu: Then what is your purpose. What do you wish to achieve with that power?
  •   Raven: Are you still aiming for an invasion?
  •   Ran: Invasion? That is not a priority.
  •   Ran: The chaos of the Demon Realm exacerbated because of the four demon lords, but it began due to the Demon King's absence.
  •   Ran: Before leaving this cursed land... Someone should establish and bring new order.
  •   Ciel: You'll become the Demon King with that power?
  •   Chung: You can't be serious! You have no right!
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: ... Ran. You can never be the Demon King.
  •   Ran: Why is that?
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: You do not know the Demon King. That's why you do not appreciate.
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: The Demon Realm can be divided as before the Demon King, and after. The accomplishments left by the Demon King is endless. That's the kind of legacy you're up against.
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: The only one I gave what's akin to admiration and loyalty...
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: Demon King is not a position you can seize with power.
  •   Lu: Tir....
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: Where he walked became the path, and where he stopped became a resting place.
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: ... He was the sun that rose on its own. A star that fell to the Demon Realm.
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: How dare you refer to him so lightly with your conniving tongue!
  •   Ran: Hahahaha! What a surprise! I didn't know you even had that much emotion.
  •   Ran: You're right. I do not know the Demon King. He is of a bygone era, remembered only by ancient relics like the four demon lords.
  •   Ran: If the Demon King was your light, then most of the demons who do not know of him...
  •   Ran: Shouldn't they be given light as well?
  •   Aisha: What a massive ego.
  •   Raven: I do not know Demon Realm politics, but you have a point. Chaotic times call for leaders who take charge and become the new standard.
  •   Raven: But... There's no reason why that should be you.
  •   Rena: Those from the White-Ghost Land and the Dream Demons seemed to have participated in the invasion forcibly, or without full understanding of the situation.
  •   Rena: I don't think they'd be willing to accept your rule!
  •   Ran: Accept? Hahaha! Accept?
  •   Ran: They'll accept power. They'll accept... me.
  •   Ara: Arrogant man. You're still chasing your ambition. If there's no hope for your repentance...
  •   Ara: Then I will take you down!
  •   Ran: Now, now... It's only the beginning.
  •   Ran: If this is a seed like you said, then it should sprout and bear fruit.
  •   Ran: I am dying to find out... the limit of this power.
  •   Ran: Now, Abyss! Power of origin! Heed and rejoice the rise of the new Demon King!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Reason to Stay Standing
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Those Who Know Their Path story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Raven: Add! What's your status?
  •   Add: Ugh, ahh... Damn it, my head... feels like it's splitting...!
  •   Raven: ... Stand back. I'll take over for now.
  •   Rose: Ahh, ack!
  • (SLAM!)
  •   Rena: What happened?
  •   Elsword: She fell from above! Are you alright, Rose?
  •   Rose: I'm not seriously injured! I felt sudden vertigo and lost my balance.
  •   Chung: How are you feeling, Ain?
  •   Ain: I'm trying to keep my calm. I'm more worried about others for now.
  •   Laby: Ooh, phew, Eve, are you ok now?
  •   Eve: Thank you for supporting me, Laby. I feel fine now. It's temporary, but I made some repairs.
  •   Noah: It's fine. I can, I can... You don't have to say anything...
  •   Lu: Everyone's feeling the strain. Looks like they're all about to faint from exhaustion...
  •   Ciel: This battle is like pouring water into a bottomless pit. There's no end to it.
  •   Add: Ugh... He's basically fighting in a fortress, while we are slowly drained.
  •   Aisha: Some of us are still hanging on... But the most we can do right now is make sure we're not swept...
  •   Rena: (Everyone's exhausted. Mind and body...)
  •   Rena: (Raven looks fine... But I can't tell. Is he? He doesn't like to share when he's hurt or tired.)
  •   Rena: (... Even if the reason why I'm fine is because I'm adapting to demonic energy...)
  •   Rena: (It doesn't matter. I'll fight in their place! So I can at least buy them time to escape.)
  • (CRICK... ... CLANG!)
  •   Rena: Ah, that's...
  •   Chung: Rena! What's wrong?! You stopped all of a sudden...
  •   Rena: Ah, ahh... Ventus. Lincy...
  •   Chung: What? Master Ventus?
  •   Rena: Yeah. Take a look at this spirit stone.
  •   Lu: It's cracked. Is this important to you?
  •   Rena: Yeah. Ventus and Lincy gave it to me before we left for the Demon Realm. They were worried about me.
  •   Rena: This must have been the reason why I was faring better than everyone else in the Abyss.
  •   Eve: ... Rena.
  •   Rena: It's nice... isn't it? We were able to come this far because of everyone's help and wishes.
  •   Rena: Not just what's tangible like this spirit stone, but everyone's will.
  •   Rena: We can't let that go to waste. Let's fight to the end!
  •   Chung: Yes. Who else would do it, if not us?
  •   Ciel: Right. This is no different than other battles we had.
  •   Elsword: Let's think of this as the last stand. If we step back, there will be no stopping Ran.
  •   Add: ... Kugh, then let's get this over with.
  •   Aisha: Yeah. Let's fight with the resolve to trap Ran here for good!

  •   Eve: We have confirmed dealing with Ran directly is not enough to win, so we need another strategy.
  •   Rena: Find another way? What can we do? Do you think we can use the environment of the Abyss to our advantage?
  •   Noah: How about targeting the Seed of Life?
  •   Eve: It's definitely effective. I sense greater energy loss centering around the crack of the seed.
  •   Add: But it's too slow, considering how long it took for us to make that dent.
  •   Add: Kugh... We'll end up dead before we managed to take him down. Damn it, my head...
  •   Noah: We can... try harder?
  •   Add: You think?
  •   Laby: What if we attack super fast, like ora ora ora!
  •   Add: You think? Is that even a plan? You're just saying whatever comes to mind.
  •   Elsword: Tir! Do you have an idea? You're the one who told Ran he can't be Demon King.
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: I'd like to help you, I really do. But I can't right now. I'm a bit occupied at the moment.
  •   Elsword: What for? Is it more urgent than this?
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: Hm... Maybe?
  •   Lu: Mrrr... What is he up to this time.
  •   Ara: ... Um, do you remember? The way to get rid of an Abyss. Vasili told us.
  •   Ciel: Ah, he said you can find the Heart Core and destroy it when the Abyss is small.
  •   Aisha: But he said even big ones might have one. Though we have no guarantee we can find one in here.
  •   Lu: But there's no guarantee we can't. I like that plan. Let's go look for it!
  •   Ciel: If we destroy the Heart Core and stop him from escaping, he'll be trapped in here when the Abyss disappears.
  •   Lu: Yes. Ran may have the advantage. but if you can't steer the ship, you're bound to be capsized.
  •   Elsword: I noticed he's not that agile in that body. I don't think he'll be able to move fast even if his life depends on it.
  •   Ain: We don't know how fast the Abyss will collapse... If we're not careful, we'll be stuck here as well.
  •   Chung: But it does sound promising. I approve.
  •   Elsword: Is this fine with you two? I know you wanted to avenge Ran with your own hands.
  •   Chung: It's fine. It doesn't matter how as long as we can stop him.
  •   Ara: We'll be taking him down together. I have no regrets!
  • (... STEP!)
  •   Aren: I'll help as well!
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: Oh?
  •   Ara: Brother?!
  •   Rena: Aren?! How long have you been here?
  •   Aren: I just arrived. I was chasing someone suspicious before I found this place, and was briefed by the Dream Demons at the entrance.
  •   Ara: Aren! How could you! Do you know how worried I was when you left without a word?
  •   Aren: ... I'm sorry.
  •   Ain: I don't mean to interrupt a reunion between siblings, but are you alright?
  •   Laby: Yeah! You didn't even have Tir's eye! Are you ok?
  •   Aren: Huh? I think so...?
  •   Ain: ... It's fine if you are.
  •   Aren: Thank you for your concern. You were talking about drawing Ran's attention. What's the plan, exactly?
  •   Chung: The plan is to distract Ran while we find the Heart Core and destroy it.
  •   Aren: Heart... Core...? Ah, I see. If this is the bottom of the Abyss, you should be able to find it.
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: You seem well-versed on this subject.
  •   Aren: It's the source of the demonic energy coming from Abyss. Abyss maybe the essence of anomaly, there's one thing all of them have in common.
  •   Aren: There's a Heart Core in every Abyss. No Abyss can exist without a Heart Core.
  •   Red Demon King's Eye: Aha, is that Ran's memory?
  •   Aren: Yes. I didn't think I'd find it useful.
  •   Ciel: Then let's split up. Those in charge of searching for the Heart Core, and those in charge of distracting Ran.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 What Doesn't Change
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Reason to Stay Standing story quest
  • -


Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Elesis: Closing the Abyss... I don't think that'll be enough.
  •   Raven: Yes. We'll continue what we've been doing. We should hurry. We'll be too noticeable.
  •   Aren: Yes. But... You're only using one of your arms. Are you alright?
  •   Elesis: You noticed? You're right. My left arm is barely moving.
  •   Raven: I have the same problem, though I don't have the same symptoms. It's likely the effect of the Abyss. Don't push yourself too hard.
  •   Elesis: I'm just glad it's not my legs. And... we managed to widen the crack.
  •   Aren: ... Is one more hit enough?
  •   Raven: If there's an opening.

  •   Elsword: Sis! Is there a problem?
  •   Elesis: Shh, let's talk. Chung, Aisha, you too.
  •   Elesis: Listen. Raven and I created a crack on the seed. It's about this size, almost vertical, slightly tilted to the left.
  •   Elesis: So you need to be precise to shatter it in one hit. Got it?
  •   Elsword: Yeah... But why am I doing it? Wouldn't it be more accurate for you to do it since you made it?
  •   Elesis: I can't. Neither can Raven. We attracted too much attention.
  •   Elesis: Plus, I can barely use my left arm. My attack won't carry enough power to shatter the seed. You have to do it.
  •   Aisha: ... You do it, Elsword. You should be the fastest.
  •   Chung: I'll make sure to keep Ran's attention on me.
  •   Elsword: ... Alright. I'll try.

  • (GRASP...)
  •   Aren: Uuh... Kugh!
  •   Ara: Brother!!
  •   Chung: Hold fire! Aren's been caught!
  •   Ran: You... I thought I let you go. Why do you insist on coming back to face your end?
  •   Aren: Ha, haha... Let me go? You mean you discarded me once I became useless.
  •   Ran: That' too, but there was another reason. Your body was too compatible.
  •   Aren: ... Compatible...?
  •   Ran: An average human couldn't have handled me. Their body would have started to break down before long.
  •   Ran: But you endured. Or, perhaps I should say, you adapted?
  •   Ran: That body continued to transform after I took over, to something neither human nor demon.
  •   Ara: Neither human... nor demon...?
  •   Ran: If I stayed, my soul would have been attached, so I had to abandon it before it came to that point.
  •   Ran: Now, what should I call you, who is neither a demon, nor a human? Hmm...
  •   Ran: Ah, yes. Cambion, would be fitting.
  • (CRACK)
  •   Aren: Ah...!
  •   Ran: Now, it will be impossible for you to live amongst humans. There will be no place for you to go.
  •   Ran: How does it feel, to realize you can never achieve your dreams.
  •   Aren: I... don't care. All living things change in the end. I realized that too late...
  •   Aren: The person I am now, is no longer the person I was before. To live means you shift and change.
  •   Aren: Even if I'm no longer the same, there are some things that remain the same. My sin, and the fact that I am Aren, of the Haan family, only remaining family of Ara.
  •   Aren: Ran. You couldn't change anything that was most precious to me.
  •   Ran: ... You're deceiving yourself. You've merely given up what you cannot have.
  •   Aren: You've always played... too much with your... gah... prey.
  •   Aren: But I'm only a bait.
  •   Ran: ... What is this sound.
  •   Aren: The depth of an Abyss is sturdy. Because of the overflowing demonic energy, it's the most dangerous part, yet also most stable.
  •   Aren: You know what it means, when the depth of the Abyss becomes unstable.
  •   Eve: We destroyed the Heart Core! Elsword, the Seed...!
  •   Elsword: Now! Kugh...!
  • (CLA-NG!!)
  •   Elsword: (Shoot...! It's not enough!)
  •   Ran: Gah, when did they...!
  •   Ran: You... I'll destroy you for pulling a stunt like this!
  •   Aren: It's your price for leaving without taking my life.
  •   Elsword: (One more, just one more time...!)
  •   Eve: He's going to fall. Raven! Grab him!
  •   Raven: Ah... But it's not enough with my arm...!
  •   Eve: Use your left! Control it!
  •   Elsword: Ah!
  • (SLIP... GRAB!)
  •   Raven: Ha, Haa... How's your arm? Any injuries?
  •   Elsword: None! Thanks!
  •   Ara: Raven! Elsword!! I'm on my way!
  •   Elsword: Nice timing! The seed is not destroyed yet. You have to take it out!
  •   Ara: ...! Understood!
  •   Ran: Kugh... You puny little...!
  •   Lu: They'll all be taken out at this rate. Chung! Use the photon bomb. Now is the perfect timing!
  •   Chung: Yes! I'll match Ara's timing. You have to leave on three!
  •   Rena: Everyone have enough energy to run? If not, you better find it! Soon, you'll have to run non-stop!
  •   Elsword: Up there to the left! Step on my back and jump!
  •   Ara: Yes! Pardon me!
  •   Chung: One... two... three!
  • (SHIINE--!!)
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