[Special Active] Rena does a series of kicks then does a spinning kick that makes her float slightly, then ends it with a crescent-style kick that hit opponents in front and behind her.


SP Requirement
Combat Ranger
65 SP

Skill Information

  • NA
Damage Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Awaken Normal Awaken
Kick(Physical) Cyclone(Magical) Kick Kick Cyclone
1 223% 75% 11 11 5 250 MP 30 seconds
2 267% 90%
3 312% 105%
4 356% 120%
5 (M) 423% 142%
6 490% 164%

|-| KR=

Damage Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Awaken Normal Awaken
Kick(Physical) Kick(Physical) Cyclone(Magical) Kick Kick Cyclone
1 40 262% 334% 68% 11 11 5 250 MP 21 seconds
2 40 269% 345% 70%
3 41 278% 356% 72%
4 44 286% 367% 75%
5 47 295% 377% 77%
6 50 303% 388% 79%
7 53 312% 399% 81%
8 56 320% 399% 81%
9 59 329% 426% 86%
10 62 337% 432% 88%
11 65 346% 443% 90%
12 68 354% 453% 92%
13 - - - -
14 - - - -
15 - - - -
16 - - - -
17 - - - -
18 - - - -
19 - - - -
20 (M) - - - -

Tips and Details

  • Can be interrupted between kicks and Cyclone.
  • In Awakening Mode, she also adds a small cyclone at the end that does separate damage.
  • The kicks have invincibility frames.
  • Without Awakening deals 4,653% physical damage at level 5.
    • In Awakening deals 5,577% physical damage and 710% magic damage (6287% total) at level 5. (This already includes the 20% damage boost from Awakening)
    • This is equivalent to about ~5,200% pure magical damage or ~6,500% pure physical damage for reference with her non-awakening damage being equivalent to ~3,800% magic damage. (This is assuming Fighter Spirit is leveled)