

Hi and welcome to this weird place where no one cares to look at this page. If you are reading this page then you're either #1 extremely bored or #2 you are just curious about my build. A little about myself: I move around a lot and to be honest to cope with my feelings I take it out online... When I say that I make myself sound emo/ a bad gamer. No, I just mean I have more time then I should. Elsword is one MMORPG that is based on "grinding" yet I don't find it boring after a while, but like every other game playing too much of it is boring so I like to play games like League, Dota 2, Combat arms, Battle Field 3, CoD Ghost, Black Light: Retribution, and sometimes (rarely it's like 100% grinding) Mabinogi, and of course why are we here? Elsword. But enough of that lets get into the actual build.

Base Job

You will now face the queen of Nasods.


Base Job Skill Tree

Skills Passives
[Create a bond and use the new skills!]
Changes to   if Married.
Changes to   if Partnered.
    Level 1
        Level 5
        Level 10
        Level 15
      Level 20
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 20.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 1st job class.

Hey before you start yoloing in game try one of these simulators so you know what your limit is.Click here for simulator

Click here for my build.

Base Job Skills Explanation

Dimesion Link Blader
This skill is one of the first skills you get. Not the greatest skill in the world but is good early level mobbing skill.
Keep it at level 1/20.
Ilusion Ray
Here, hold my son. Lol this skill is the 2nd skill you get at level one. I'd leave it at 1/20... no wait If you do upgrade...
I'll !@#$! you.
Dimesion Link
Silly rabbit, Dimension Link is for other Eve classes... no wait wrong phrase.
Illusion Strike
I thought you did magic dmg, not physical.
Seal_of_Victory Seal of Victory
This is better for dungeons than anything else. I'd recommend not getting this unless you ONLY want to do Heiner's Time.
0/20 or 20/20.
Seal of Extermination
I thought you read PvE when you got in here... oh well.
0/20 [Cloaking]]
This is a SKILL? erm... if you even thought about this shiz...
0/20. No question.
Photon Flash
I thought I told you this is for PvE.
Illusion Stinger
OMG an actual skill... that doesn't do anything good...
Dimension Link Guardian
Mommy are we there yet?
Mother: No.
Generate Black Hole
File:Generate Blackhole.PNG
You can take this or photon flare you choose. (I took photon flare)
0/20 or 20/20.
El Crystal Spectrum
Mommy, are
Mother: Yes we're here. >:3
Max max max... 20/20.

Job Change

When you finally get to level 15 you can start your chain of quest. Personally I started at level 15 EXACTLY, and I finished the quests up to level 20.

  1. Clear 2-4 once on any difficulty.
  2. Collect 4 drops from the White Ghost Magicians in 2-3 on Very Hard (☆☆☆)
  3. Kill 15 Bomber Mong and defeat William Phoru in 2-4 on Hard or higher (☆☆+)
  4. Speak to Echo, the alchemist of Elder Village.

You know it's time...
Pick Code Elctra quest chain.

  1. Speak to Lenphad, Blacksmith in Elder Village.
  2. Collect 1 Spectral Prism from William Phoru (Boss) in 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  3. Collect 1 Laser Emitter from Wally No.8th (Boss) in 2-5 on any difficulty.
  4. Complete 2-5 once on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

Code Electra

The Electra Code... I've finally found it


Code Electra Skill tree

Skills Passives
    Level 15
      Level 25
      Level 30
        Level 35
        Level 40
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 40.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 2nd job class.

Additional Commands

New job, new combos. Check these out.

Image Description Damage
  Laser Follow-Up

End off the standard 3 hit combo with a laser that repeatedly damages victims while lifting them into the air. (Requires MP)
The laser is affected by El Crystal Spectrum.

  100% Phy. Damage
  120% Phy. Damage
  150% Phy. Damage
  50% Mag. Damage x5

  Laser Cutter

End off the standard 2 hit Electron Ball combo with a laser that repeatedly damages victims while lifting them into the air. (Requires MP)
The laser is affected by El Crystal Spectrum.
NOTE:laser can be cancelled in mid air animation.

  75% Mag. Damage + 125% Mag. Damage
  75% Mag. Damage + 125% Mag. Damage
HOLD  50% Mag. Damage
x2 ~ x10+

  Illusion Stinger Dash

Similar to Illusion Stinger, Eve thrusts forth a Nasod Spear at the enemy and follows up with a second spear, she then rushes forward behind the enemy, leaving a trail of electronic pulses, pulling the enemy along with her. (3rd Z requires 10 MP)

  100% Mag. Damage
  120% Mag. Damage
  50% Mag. Damage + 25% Mag. Damage x7

Code Electra Skills Explanation

Spectrum Dynamics
Gives Spectrum mode... The passive part gives you Range and size... the active from this gives you like the only skill without a bad part.
"Upon using El Crystal Spectrum, its icon in your skill setup will change to Amplify Mode. Whilst this is active, all El Crystal Spectrum-affected combos will generate a force field which causes the beams and electron balls to increase in size and damage."
Max it out. 20/20.
Basic Magic Offense Training
There are better skills out there but You CAN put some in here if you have extra points. (Please check with a skill simulator)
I personally left it at level 1.
1/20 (Optional to upgrade.)
Particle Ray
Yummy... This is the better version of Illusion Ray. Max this as this is your main 100 mana mobbing skill.
Sweep Rolling: Over Charge
This and the other sweep rolling skill is a great bossing skill option to have. If you're not saving for hyper actives then go for it.
0/16 or 16/16
Sweep Rolling: Tri Vulcan
same story with Over Charge.
0/16 or 16/16.
Photon Flare
Great mobbing skill, really useful for pesky mobs that flies. Either this or Generate Black Hole.
I'd recommend Photon Flare because it does dmg right off the bat while Generate Black Hole takes forever.
16/16 or 0/16 (if you took Generate Black Hole).
Photon Booster
Why do you do this to me KoG? Choose now... Air speed vs general speed... I personally got this maxed for more air and increased hits.
14/14 or 0/14(if you want to get Elegant Steps.)
Elegant Steps
all explained... too hard to choose... pick by your playstyle.
0/14 or 14/14(If you didn't get Photon Booster.)
Linear Divider
File:Linear Divider.png
This skill is like the nerfed up version of Giga Stream. Most arguably used for platform mobbing, but I still find Giga Stream More useful. (Esp. with ECS)
0/12 or 12/12(if you don't want Giga Stream.)
Giga Stream
The mother of all mobbing. Get this if you have the courage to do the quest.
14/14 or 0/14( You actually got Linear Divider?)
Mega Electronball
Glad you can actually do damage to bosses? Max all the way bro.