

  1. 称号必须先开启前置。没有开启前置的称号会以???的形式存在在列表中。
  2. 当满足特定条件时,称号的前置将会被解锁。


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 前置 取得条件 属性
File:Title 50002.png 奇幻大冒险 创建角色进入游戏 场景更新后已无法取得

最大HP +500

    安娜的礼物 创建角色进入游戏 通关魔法森林

物理攻击力 +12
魔法攻击力 +12

    艾尔搜查队 创建角色进入游戏 通关:

物理攻击力 +8
魔法攻击力 +8
移动力 +4%

  噗鲁狩猎者 等级达到Lv2
  • 威廉 0/1
  • 饥饿的噗鲁 0/5
  • 盗墓贼噗鲁 0/5

物理攻击力 +40
魔法攻击力 -20
最大HP +3%

  猴子猎人 等级达到Lv3 巨猩王(白雾湿地【困难】) 0/2

最大HP +2%
跳跃力 +6%


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 前置 取得条件 属性
  光明使者 通关白雾湿地 以S以上评价通关黑暗森林【困难】

魔法攻击力 +12
魔法防御力 +4
暴击 +2%



纳斯德班得斯 0/4

回避 +1%
移动力 +2%

  蝙蝠狩猎者 蝙蝠王 0/1 蝙蝠王 0/2 40%几率回避蝙蝠类怪物的攻击(副本)
  File:Title 160 CN.png 革命英雄 完成史诗EP.3 [副本]瓦利与纳斯德 8分钟内通关瓦利城堡【困难】

觉醒持续时间 +4.5%
觉醒聚气速度 +5%
最大HP +3%



通关瓦利地下研究所【地狱】 0/199

暴击 +1%
动作速度 +1%
回避 +2%


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 前置 取得条件 属性
    幸运徽章 等级达到Lv15


  • 从副本掉落的盒子里概率开出
  • 在摆摊区购买

暴击 +2%
ED取得 +10%(副本)

    火焰挑战者 等级达到Lv15

魔法攻击力 +16
魔法防御力 +6

    暗影追击者 通关贝斯马峡湾【中等】 暗影蜥蜴人杀戮者(贝斯马峡湾【困难】) 0/6

物理攻击力 +24
物理防御力 +12
移动力 +4%
暴击 +1%
回避 +1%

    作业班长 通关采矿场中心【中等】 以S以上评价通关采矿场中心【困难】

物理攻击力 +28
魔法攻击力 -12

  纳斯德破坏者 等级达到Lv18

物理攻击力 +16
魔法攻击力 +16
风抗 +20



通关巨龙巢穴:深渊【地狱】 0/199

暴击 +2%
动作速度 +1%


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 前置 取得条件 属性
  File:Title 190 CN.png 逆转的勇士



物理攻击力 +10
魔法攻击力 +10
物理防御力 -5
魔法防御力 -5
动作速度 +2%
回避 +2%

  File:Title 200 CN.png 环境美化员 等级达到Lv32

厄泰拉西亚 0/10(运输隧道B4-1
厄泰拉西亚孢子 0/100(运输隧道B4-1

地抗 +20

  File:Title 210 CN.png 砰咕族的英雄 通关厄泰拉核心 通关厄泰拉核心【困难】 0/2

物理攻击力 +10
魔法攻击力 +10
风抗 +10
暴击 +1%
最大HP +3%

  File:Title 220 CN.png 音速英雄 通关厄泰拉核心【困难】 8分钟内通关厄泰拉核心【困难】

移动力 +3%
跳跃力 +3%
动作速度 +2%

阴谋破坏者(未改革前) 创建角色进入游戏

25分钟内通关瓦利地下研究所【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关巨龙巢穴:深渊【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关运输隧道:污染区域【普通】以上 0/5
以S以上评价通关巨龙巢穴:深渊【地狱】 0/5

最大HP +2%
物理攻击力 +125
魔法攻击力 +125
以15%几率回避纳斯德监督、远古巨龙、厄泰拉西亚TYPE-H的攻击 无法重复




25分钟内通关瓦利地下研究所【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关巨龙巢穴:深渊【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关运输隧道:污染区域【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关拜德幻境【普通】以上 0/5

最大HP +2%
物理攻击力 +125
魔法攻击力 +125
以15%几率回避纳斯德监督、远古巨龙、厄泰拉西亚TYPE-H、幻境霍亚金的攻击 无法重复

阴谋破坏者(隐藏副本重组后) 等级达到Lv35

25分钟内通关瓦利地下研究所【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关巨龙巢穴:深渊【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关运输隧道:污染区域【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关拜德幻境【普通】以上 0/5
25分钟内通关试炼神殿【普通】以上 0/5

最大HP +2%
物理攻击力 +125
魔法攻击力 +125




通关运输隧道:污染区域【地狱】 0/10

通关运输隧道:污染区域【地狱】 0/199

暴击 +1%
动作速度 +1%


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 前置 取得条件 属性
  沛塔的救世主 完成史诗EP.8 [副本]开路 通关奉献的神殿入口【困难】 0/5

魔法攻击力 +10
暗抗 +20

  File:Title 230 CN.png 坚韧的灵魂 通关地下礼堂【中等】

魔法攻击力 +12
魔法防御力 +6
暗抗 +16

  狂暴的园丁 邪恶的蔓藤(地下庭院) 0/50 邪恶的蔓藤(地下庭院) 0/100

物理攻击力 +24
物理防御力 -10
魔法防御力 -10
地抗 +20
动作速度 +2%

    恶魔猎人 通关奉献的祭坛【中等】

(提示: 当你通关奉献的祭坛【困难】时,称号前置不会开启)

  • 波尔德(奉献的祭坛【困难】) 0/20
  • 格雷特守护兵 0/250
  • 格雷特警卫兵 0/250
  • 格雷特狙击兵 0/250
  • 格雷特袭击兵 0/250

物理攻击力 +44
回避 +2%
觉醒持续时间 +6%
暗抗 -10(副本)


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 前置 取得条件 属性
暗黑格雷特近卫兵(王宫大道) 0/1
  • 高卡速龙 0/250
  • 波卡 0/30

物理攻击力 +100
魔法攻击力 +100
物理防御力 -20
魔法防御力 -20
跳跃力 +6%
移动力 +6%

  走为上计~ 淘气魔力包 0/20
  • 淘气魔力包 0/75
  • 淘气血力包 0/200
  • 斯普利冈 0/20


暴击 +1%
动作速度 +3%
移动力 +1%
跳跃力 +1%

    守护王国 以A以上评价通关第三居民区【普通】

回避 +2%
火抗 +50
暗抗 +50

    黑暗精灵猎人 珂露尔 0/4
  • 暗精灵侦察兵 0/300
  • 克纳兹 0/200
  • 珂露尔(希望之桥【困难】) 0/20
  • 黑暗尼非汀(南城门【困难】) 0/30

物理攻击力 +100
魔法攻击力 +100
暴击 +1%
以20%几率回避暗精灵侦察兵、克纳兹的攻击 无法重复
以10%几率回避珂露尔、黑暗尼非汀的攻击 无法重复

  挡我者死 无敌的巴洛顿(燃烧的希望之桥【中等】以上) 0/2
  • 纳斯德警卫兵:精英盾牌 0/10
  • 格雷特装甲兵 0/10
  • 格雷特守护兵 0/100
  • 暗黑格雷特守卫 0/200
  • 无敌的巴洛顿 0/50


  • 纳斯德警卫兵:精英盾牌
  • 格雷特守护兵
  • 暗黑格雷特守卫
  • 无敌的巴洛顿
  • 受污染的纳斯德守卫(副本)
  遗迹破坏者 栅栏 0/20
  • 栅栏 0/200
  • 魔族攻城炮 0/125
  • 攻城塔 0/50

物理攻击力 +100
魔法攻击力 +100
命中 +4%

潜行的摩尔波斯(希望之桥【困难】) 0/5
  • 潜行的摩尔波斯 0/45
  • 勇猛的麦加德 0/45
  • 无敌的巴洛顿 0/45
  • 阴险的霍亚金 0/45

物理攻击力 +125
魔法攻击力 +125
物理防御力 +20
魔法防御力 +20
命中 +1%

  手镯强盗 通关第三居民区 0/100 重装哈德 0/1

物理攻击力 +75
魔法攻击力 +75
以40%几率回避重装哈德、暗精灵侦察兵的攻击 无法重复



  • 暗黑格雷特突击兵 0/20
  • 暗黑格雷特狙击兵 0/5
  • 暗黑格雷特装甲兵 0/10
  • 格雷特指挥官 0/5
  • 暗黑格雷特暗杀兵 0/400
  • 暗黑格雷特突击兵 0/400
  • 暗黑格雷特狙击兵 0/150
  • 暗黑格雷特装甲兵 0/200
  • 格雷特指挥官 0/150

物理攻击力 +25
魔法攻击力 +25
暴击 +1%
觉醒聚气速度 +8%
最大HP +4%

  • 获得“阴谋破坏者”称号
  • 通关拜德幻境【地狱】 0/10

暴击 +1%
动作速度 +1%
以15%几率回避幻境霍亚金的攻击 无法重复


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 前置 取得条件 属性
  我喜欢活鱼>口<! 通关沉没的瑞希安
  • 食人鱼 0/150
  • 古代蟹 0/100
  • 鱼人 0/150
  • 深海鱼 0/100
  • 变异珊瑚蛇 0/40

对拉古兹、鱼人、深海鱼、变异珊瑚蛇增加10%伤害 (副本)

  亚流终结者 通关古代水路【困难】
  • 堕落的珂露尔 0/50
  • 奇妙的肯拉德 0/50

物理攻击力 +200
魔法攻击力 +200

  拜德的传令使 通关瑞希安郊区
动作速度 +1%

暴击 +1%
最大HP +3%

  杂草清除组 黑色花 0/10
黑色花 0/200 地抗 +250
  岩石破坏者 古代纳斯德近卫兵 0/10
  • 古代纳斯德防卫兵 0/125
  • 古代纳斯德近卫兵 0/100
  • 小古代纳斯德近卫兵 0/100

物理攻击力 +100
魔法攻击力 +100
物理防御力 +80
暴击 +1%

  罗兰西亚的风流浪 等级能进入首都哈梅尔



命中 +2%
全抗 +50

  叽叽叽叽叽~ 影夜莱茵克 0/100
影夜莱茵克 0/100 对影夜莱茵克、魔力莱茵克、体力莱茵克、巨人莱茵克增加100%伤害(副本)
    出名的航海师 场景更新后已无法取得
场景更新后已无法取得 移动力 +6%

跳跃力 +6%
觉醒持续时间 +9%

    骑士团解救队 从蜘蛛茧中救出失踪的红骑士团 0/50
从蜘蛛茧中救出失踪的红骑士团 0/500 对影夜波特波德、影夜波特沃克、影夜波特栖息者、影夜波特守护者、影夜波特特里斯特增加15%伤害(副本)
  极地蜘蛛 玛丹玛朵 0/5
玛朵雷伊 0/1000

玛朵雷斯 0/1000
玛丹玛朵 0/30



    越狱 击破冰牢 0/100
击破冰牢 0/1

水抗 +50

  好用的食品 向宠物喂低级品质的装备 0/10
向宠物喂低级品质的装备 0/200 全抗 +50
  奖品 呜呼呼 向宠物喂稀有品质的装备 0/1
向宠物喂稀有品质的装备 0/10

向宠物喂华丽品质的装备 0/30

武器属性发动几率 +2%


    深海潜水夫 淹死1次
深海鱼 0/150 水抗 +250
    哈梅尔的水獭 10分钟内通关沉没的瑞希安【困难】


动作速度 +4%

命中 +4%

    冰雕师 完成史诗EP.13 [副本]向水之神殿前进!
  • 古代冰蟹 0/250
  • 哈格拉兹 0/500
  • 麒零赫兹霍格 0/500
  • 冰史丁格 0/50
  • 阿巴拉兹 0/25

武器水属性发动几率 +0.2%(需要赋予水属性后才有效)

  那是SS 最大HP +5%

觉醒聚气速度 +5%
觉醒持续时间 +7.5%

  • 魔力莱茵克 0/1500
  • 体力莱茵克 0/1500
  • 影夜波特特里斯特 0/1000
  • 影夜波特波德 0/800
单人、不使用复活石通关水之神殿【困难】 0/150 物理攻击力 +400

物理攻击力 +2%

    辉煌的魔法 兰(水之神殿【困难】)
  • 在25分钟内
  • SS评价通关
  • 被击10以内
魔法攻击力 +400

魔法攻击力 +2%

  • 巨人莱茵克 0/100
  • 影夜波特射手 0/1000
  • 影夜波特沃克 0/1000
  • 影夜波特栖息者 0/1000
  • 影夜波特守护者 0/1000
  • 影夜史丁格 0/500
  • 巨锤波波斯 0/500
  • 奇妙的肯拉德 0/500
  • 堕落的珂露尔 0/500
  • 兰(水之神殿) 0/500
物理攻击力 +2%

魔法攻击力 +2%
暴击 +2%
动作速度 +1%
觉醒聚气速度 +5%
觉醒持续时间 +7.5%


Icon (KR) Icon (CN) 名称 前置 取得条件 属性
  桑德斯之铁 通关荒芜的桑德斯
倍加托克 0/50

暴击 +1%
动作速度 +1%

  托克绷带 倍加托克 0/200
以SS评价通关荒芜的桑德斯 0/3

HP +5%

  3000! 铁格拉托克 0/50
铁格拉托克 0/300

动作速度 +4.5%
觉醒持续时间 +10.5%

  哈耳皮埃 加鲁派巨大哈耳皮埃 0/150

觉醒聚气速度 +5%

  File:Title 615 CN.png 钢铁之翼 以SS评价通关加鲁派岩林【困难】

全抗 +25
暴击 +2%
觉醒聚气速度 +2%

  Born to the Wind Complete Chapter 15 Story Quest Clear 7-4 Very Hard and achieved all the following:(0/5)
  • Clear within 4 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
Action Speed 2%
Evasion 2%
Add 1% chance to create a Speed Aura (Increase Movement Speed 5%, Up to 3 party member) when attacked (Not Overlapped)
  BOMB Stopper Kill Trock Bomber 100 times Kill Trock Bomber 100 times Critical Hit Rate 1%
Additional Damage 1%
Fire Resistance +100
Add 2% Chance to summon a Trock Bomber when attacked
  Stand Alone Solo Clear each Sander Dungeon Very Hard 10 times. Clear each Sander Dungeon and achieved all the following:
  • Take 30 hit or less each dungeon
Movement Speed 8%
Evasion 5%
  The Survivor Clear 7-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone Clear 7-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 25 times Reduced Damage 3%
Max HP 3%
Physical Defense +3%
Magical Defense +3%
  7 before 8 killed Clear 7-4 Very Hard with max consuming Resurrection Stone 7 times (will be accumulated) Kill Great Battle Chief Karu once on Very Hard Add 75% Chance to avoid all miniboss' attack in 7-4
Add 50% Bonus Damage against miniboss in 7-4
Add 33% chance to avoid all mobs attack in 7-4
Add 20% Bonus Damage against Great Battle Chief Karu
Add 25% Bonus Damage against all mobs in 7-4
(All effect cannot overlapped)
  Warrior of Storm(?) Kill Anger Sirape 1 time Kill Anger Sirape 9999 times Wind Resistance +50
Piercing Chance +4%
While attacking:
3% chance of additional Vibration hit(Dungeon Only)
3% chance of summoning Sand Storm(?)(Dungeon Only)
3% chance of summoning Tornado(?)(Dungeon Only)
  Evil Spirit of Sandstorm Solo clear 7-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 8 minutes
  • Achieve S Rank or higher
  • Take 30 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Solo clear 7-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 5 minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Take 10 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones

Critical Hit Rate +3%
Additional Damage +3%
Action Speed +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +3%
While attacking, 5% chance of summoning a ghost (Dungeon Only)
  God of Death Clear 7-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/10):
  • Take 0 hits
  • Achieve SS Rank
Defeat the following:
Any mobs in 7-6 (0/30,000)
Any mini-boss in 7-6 (0/4000)
Karis True Form (0/800)
While attacking:
3% chance of summoning Demon(?) Swords
3% chance of summoning Ghost(?) Swords
3% chance of summoning Spirit(?) Swords
    Airship Assault Incident Complete First Quest in Field on Chapter 16 Story Quest Clear 7-5 Very Hard 5 times Physical Attack +250

Magical Attack +250
Physical defense -75
Magical Defense -75

  Stop Movement Complete Second Quest in Chapter 16 Story Quest Clear 7-6 on any difficulty 10 times Add 3% chance to create the Falling Rock when attacking (Dungeon Only)

Piercing Effect +2% (if you use piercing)

  Time for Revenge Clear 7-5 or 7-6 Very Hard with consuming Resurrection Stone once

Clear 7-5 or 7-6 Very Hard 5 times

Clear 7-6 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 5 times Physical Attack +75

Magical Attack +75 Additional Damage +1% Critical Hit Rate +1% Movement Speed +1%

  King of Destruction Acheive Lv 65

Obtain BOMB Stopper Title
Kill Seal Bomber 500 times

Kill Bomb Carrier 100 times and Seal Bomber 500 time in 7-6 on any difficulty Add 2% chance to creating the following effect:
  • Explode when attack
  • Flame struck

Burning Effect +2% (if you use burning)

  Supersonic Returns1
Clear 7-6 on Very Hard under 5 minutes Clear 7-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following :
  • Clear under 3 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Action Speed +7%
  Return to the Ruben Acheive Lv 65

Complete Chapter 16 Story Quest
Kill Tobu 50 times
(Can be found in Noah's Lake)

Clear 1-1 any difficulty 5 times All Stats (Except Awakening Charge Speed and Time) +1%
  100x Enriched Equipment Acheive Lv 70

Socketing Equipment Lv 60 or higher 2000 times
Enchanting Equipment Lv 60 or higher 500 times

Clear Henir's Time and Space any difficulty once All weapons Element attributes +1.5%

ED gain +10% (Dungeon)


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 种类 前置 取得条件 属性
  艾尔搜查队优秀毕业生 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
艾尔搜查队队长罗尔 0/7
物理攻击力 +100
斜劈斩 +1(副本)
暴击 +1%
装备修理折扣 +10% (最大 10%)
排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
红骑士团十夫长潘恩西欧 0/25
物理攻击力 +100
魔法攻击力 +100
物理防御力 +100
魔法防御力 +100
    击倒铁墙 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
亲卫队长冰公主诺亚 0/25
暴击 +3%
追加伤害 +3%
  倒下的安古勒女王 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
影子魔女斯皮卡 0/15
暗抗 +250
移动力 +5%
跳跃力 +5%
    格斗高手 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
绿森林莱茵 0/15
追加伤害 +2.5%
减少伤害 +12.5%
  折断的箭 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
风之射手阿梅利亚 0/15
风抗 +250
武器风属性发动几率 +1.5% (当武器赋予风属性时才有效)
  Born to Blood 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
铁血上校艾丹 0/25
进入异常状态后每秒MP恢复+5 无法重复
被击时15%几率使攻击自己的目标在1秒内处于流血状态 无法重复
追加伤害 +4%
  忍住痛苦的人 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
痛苦的君主芭乐 0/40
减少伤害 +10%
  暴走的自我 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
代码:Q-PROTO_00 0/40
最大HP -50%
全技能 +1
最大MP -33%
    古代种的限制 排行 (打倒正式对战史诗NPC)
古代纳斯德公主苹果 0/10
魔法攻击力 +100
核心飞舞 +1(副本)
动作速度 +1%
  回归的冒险家 特殊称号 创建角色进入游戏 距上次登录游戏30天后登录游戏并使用“回归的冒险家(30天)”称号
物理攻击力 +50
魔法攻击力 +50
暴击 +2%
动作速度 +3%
移动力 +1%
跳跃力 +1%

动作速度 +2%(副本)
暴击 +2%(副本)
物理攻击力 +1%(副本)魔法攻击力 +1%(副本)
觉醒聚气速度 +5%(副本)

排行 等级达到Lv50 完成50级时解锁的格雷夫的“副本达人!”系列任务获得。 由3个任务组成
最大HP +2800
物理攻击力 +24
魔法攻击力 +24
物理防御力 +12
动作速度 +1%
排行 创建角色进入游戏 赫尼尔时空挑战模式,一个月排行第1位的记录者可以使用(每个月第一次例行维护的排名为基准)

物理攻击力 +200
魔法攻击力 +200
物理防御力 +100
魔法防御力 +100
打击时,2%几率获得MP +10(副本)
觉醒聚气速度 +15%
动作速度 +3%
回避 +3%
命中 +4%
追加伤害 +2%

排行 创建角色进入游戏 赫尼尔时空挑战模式,一个月排行第2~10位的记录者可以使用(每个月第一次例行维护的排名为基准)

物理攻击力 +125
魔法攻击力 +125
物理防御力 +50
魔法防御力 +50
被击时2%几率MP +10(副本)
觉醒聚气速度 +10%
动作速度 +2%
回避 + 2%
命中 +2%
追加伤害 +1%

排行 创建角色进入游戏 赫尼尔时空挑战模式,一周排名第1位记录者可以使用(每周例行维护的排名为基准)

物理攻击力 +150
魔法攻击力 +150
物理防御力 +60
魔法防御力 +60
副本取得经验值 +10%(副本)
被击时10%几率MP +10
暴击 +3%
Max HP +10%
动作速度 +2%

排行 创建角色进入游戏 赫尼尔时空挑战模式,一周排名第2~10位记录者可以使用(每周例行维护的排名为基准)

物理攻击力 +125
魔法攻击力 +125
物理防御力 +50
魔法防御力 +50
副本取得经验值 +10%(副本)
被击时10%几率MP +10
暴击 +2%
最大HP +5%
动作速度 +2%

排行 创建角色进入游戏 赫尼尔时空挑战模式,一周排名第11~100位记录者可以使用(每周例行维护的排名为基准)

物理攻击力 +75
魔法攻击力 +75
物理防御力 +30
魔法防御力 +30
副本取得经验值 +10%(副本)
被击时10%几率MP +10
暴击 +1%
动作速度 +1%

排行 创建角色进入游戏 赫尼尔时空挑战模式,一天排名第1位记录者可以使用(每天上午6点的排名为基准)

物理攻击力 +125
魔法攻击力 +125
物理防御力 +50
魔法防御力 +50
副本取得经验值 +8% (副本)
暴击 +2%
移动力 +9%
跳跃力 +9%

排行 创建角色进入游戏 赫尼尔时空挑战模式,一天排名第2~10位记录者可以使用(每天上午6点的排名为基准)

物理攻击力 +100
魔法攻击力 +100
物理防御力 +40
魔法防御力 +40
副本取得经验值 +8% (副本)
暴击 +1%
移动力 +6%
跳跃力 +6%

排行 创建角色进入游戏 赫尼尔时空挑战模式,一天排名第11~100位记录者可以使用(每天上午6点的排名为基准)

物理攻击力 +50
魔法攻击力 +50
物理防御力 +20
魔法防御力 +20
副本取得经验值 +8% (副本)
移动力 +3%
跳跃力 +3%

File:The Challenger.png 竞技挑战者 排行 创建角色进入游戏 完成史诗RP.5-1 [对战]斗士入门! 后使用道具“竞技挑战者” 动作速度 +3%(对战)

命中 +4%(对战)


图标 (KR) 图标 (CN) 名称 种类 前置 取得条件 属性
    Support Hamel! Event Title Discovered at the start Use the item "Help Hamel"

HP +2%

Magical Attack +16

Physical Attack +16

  ? Event Title Discovered at start Participate in Elsword vs Bubble Fighter Round 2 events ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  File:TheRage.png The Rage Event Title Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Anger of Raven (15 days in NA) 20% chance of activating Super Armor for 3 seconds when attacked (副本)
20% chance of damage received being reduced by 75% (副本)
10% chance of inflicting double damage
    Sword of Vitality Event Title Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Way of the Sword (15 days in CN) Action Speed +5% (副本)
Movement Speed +10% (副本)
    Sword of Destruction Event Title Discovered at start 10 days title obtained during release of Way of the Sword (15 days in CN) +10% chance of activating a defense shield that absorbs 99% damage (Deactivates after 3 hits or 15 seconds) (副本)
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title Discovered at start Purchase 2NE1 avatar packages (titles are also obtaiCNble from market as it is tradable) ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  Rebirth Event Title Obtain Iron Paladin or Deadly Chaser during the release event.

Physical Attack +50

Magical Attack +50

Action Speed +2%

Awakening Charge Speed +3%

Max HP +2955

    Warrior of Demon Invasion Event Title Discovered at start Complete the daily quest given by Ariel during the Gates of Darkness release event. Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
Action Speed +2%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
  ? Event Title Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  ? Event Title Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  ? Event Title Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  ? Event Title Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  ? Event Title Discovered at the start ? HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical Rate +1%
    Protector of Elarbor Event Title ? ? Action Speed +2%
+1% of inflicting poisoning effect
Poison Resistance +25
Max HP+3%
    Peace Maker Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained during the 2011 Harmony Festival Event. No Effects
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
    Happy Merry Christmas Event Title Discovered at the start Use the "Happy Merry Christmas" title item

Max HP +1200

Physical Attack +100

Magical Attack +100

Critical Hit Rate +2%

2% chance of inflicting Cold Shock effect

  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
    Elsword in Wonderland Event Title Discovered at start Use "Elsword in Wonderland" title item acquired from purchasing Wonderland Full Set Costume Package (CN) Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Action Speed +3%
Awaken Charge Speed +3%
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  File:Pas.png PassioCNte Touch Event Title ? Use "PassioCNte Touch" title item obtained from Silver and Steel boxes Critical Hit Rate +4%
ED received +10% (副本)
EXP received +5% (副本)
  File:Coolel.png Cool Elrios Bay Event Title ? Use "Cool Elrios Bay" title item acquired from purchasing Summer Beach Set Premium Full Package (CN)
Physical Attack +28
Magical Attack +28
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +2%
Fire Resistance +30
Water Resistance +30
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
    Warrior of Velder Event Title ? ? Physical Attack +40
Magical Attack +40
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Movement Speed +4%
Jump Speed +4%
  Luto's Contract Event Title Discovered at the start

Physical Attack +65

Magical Attack +65

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

All Elements Resistance +40

  Blessings of the Trees Event Title Discovered at the start

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Max HP +2%

Critical Hit Rate +2%

Earth Resistance +40

  110 Rescuer Event Title Discovered at the start
Available from an old event, where if you bought the 110 lifes pack you would get it for 15 days
Physical Defense +50

Magical Defense +50

Max HP +15%

Evasion +5%

All Elements Resistance+30

  V.I.P. Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained by purchasing the VIP package in the Cash Shop
Physical Attack +28
Magical attack +28
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%
  Majestic White Tiger Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained by completing the 2010 event
Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +4%
  Elsword 2nd Year Event Title Discovered at the start 2nd year Anniversary Event Max HP +2222
Physical Attack +22
Magical attack +22
Physical Defense +22
Magical Defense +22
Action Speed +2%
Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +2%
Accuracy +2%
Evasion +2%
All Elements Resistance +22
  Edge Style Event Title Discovered at the start ? Physical Attack +48
Magical attack +48
Physical Defense +16
Magical Defense +16
Evasion +2%
Action Speed +3%
  Rich harvesting Season Event Title Discovered at the start ? Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
??? +10%
Max HP +2%
Action Speed +2%
    Ocean Outlaw Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained by purchasing the Premium Pirate Package from the Cash Shop
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%
Action Speed +3%
Water Resistance +40
    Lord of Dawn
Event Title Discovered at the start Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Lord of Dawn title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it. Physical Attack +32
Magical attack +32
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Light Resistance +30
Evasion +2%
Action Speed +1%
Max HP +2%
    DomiCNtor or Trials -William- Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained as a reward for completing the post-henrir challenge mode event. (Cannot be obtained anymore) Physical Attack +32
Magical attack +32
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
EXP received +5% (副本)
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Action Speed +1%
  Immortal Fighting Spirit Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained as a random item from Ice Burners. Can be bought from shops in the Free Market.
Physical Attack +48
Magical attack +48
Fire Resistance +40
Critical Hit Rate +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Fire Effect +2%
  Valentine's Star Event Title Discovered at the start 2009 Valentines Event. Physical Attack +16
Magical attack +16
Physical Defense +8
Magical Defense +8
Max Awaken Time +5s
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
  Valentine's Messenger Event Title Discovered at the start 2009 Valentines Event.
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +8
Magical Defense +8
Awakening Time +5s
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Evasion +2%
  New Year's DetermiCNtion Event Title Discovered at the start ? Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
  Settler of Elios Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained by playing Elsword beta, and the first few weeks of a new server opening.
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Movement Speed +3%
Action Speed +1%
    Lord of Coldness Event Title Discovered at the start Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Ice Title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it.
Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Ice Resistance +20
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
1% chance to inflict Cold Mist when attacking
  Infinite Spirit Event Title Discovered at the start '300 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Physical Attack +16
Magical attack +16
Physical Defense +6
Magical Defense +6
Max HP +3%
ED received (副本) +10%
  Elsword 200th Day Event Title Discovered at the start
'200 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Physical Attack +15
Magical attack +15
  12th Warrior Event Title Discovered at the start

Action Speed +2%

Movement Speed +12%

Jump Speed +12%


图标 (KR) 名称 Tipus 前置 取得条件 属性
File:Explorer.png El Explorer Event Title Discovered at the start Participate in testing field map system Attack Speed +2%, Critical Rate +2%

Event (NA Only)

图标 (CN) 名称 取得条件 属性
File:Pioneer's Spirit Title.png Pioneer's Spirit Exclusive Title given to CBT players Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Action Speed +1%
Movement Speed +2%
File:Ham.png Hamel's White Wolf Use the "Hamel's White Wolf" title item from Mailbox during Chung Release Event Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
File:Trials of Elsword Title.png Trials of Elsword Discover all social features in Trials of Elsword Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
File:AX Shout Out Title.png AX Shout Out Use the exclusive Anime Expo Coupon for attendees Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Evasion +1%
  AX Shout Out (2012 Version) Use the exclusive Anime Expo Coupon for attendees Physical Attack +250
Magical Attack +250
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Evasion +10%
(Note: Stats have been temporarily boosted for a time period)
File:QuizQuiz Title.png QuizQuiz Use the QuizQuiz (30 Days) title item. Physical Attack +150
Magical Attack +150
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +8%
Movement Speed +2%
Evasion +2%
File:Change Your Password Title.png Change Your Password Title Use the Change Your Password PromotioCNl Title (30 Days) title item Physical Attack +150
Magical Attack +150
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +2%
File:Elympics Title.png Elympics Use the Elympics (15 Days) title item Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +50
Magical Defense +50
Critical Hit Rate +3% (副本)
File:Master of Hamel Monsters Title.png Master of Hamel Monsters Use the Master of Hamel Monsters Title (30 Days) title item Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +1%
+5% chance of reducing damage by 100% from nearby Hamel monsters (副本)
File:Title Conquer Inspector.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Wally's Underground Laboratory Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Wally's Underground Laboratory (1 Day) Action Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +5%
Physical / Magical Attack * 1.5 when in 2-x
File:Title Conquer Dragon.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Dragon Nest: Abyss Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Dragon Nest: Abyss (1 Day) Action Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +5%
Physical / Magical Attack * 1.5 when in 3-x
File:Title Conquer TypeH.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Transporting Tunnel: CA Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Transporting Tunnel: CA (1 Day) Action Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +5%
Physical / Magical Attack * 1.5 when in 4-x
File:Title Conquer Joaquin.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Velder's HalluciCNtion Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Velder's HalluciCNtion (1 Day) Action Speed +5%
Critical Hit Rate +5%
Physical / Magical Attack * 1.5 when in 5-x
File:Greenlight Elsword (B&W).png Greenlight Elsword (B&W) Use "Greenlight Elsword (B&W) (14 Days)" title item No stats
File:Greenlight Elsword (Bronze).png Greenlight Elsword (Bronze) Use "Greenlight Elsword (Bronze) (14 Days)" title item Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +2%
File:Greenlight Elsword (Silver).png Greenlight Elsword (Silver) Use "Greenlight Elsword (Silver) (14 Days)" title item Critical Hit Rate +3%
Action Speed +3%
1% chance of inflicting double damage

AFTER 11/21/2012 UPDATE:
Critical Hit Rate +1.5%
Action Speed +1.5%

File:Greenlight Elsword (Gold).png Greenlight Elsword (Gold) Use the "Greenlight Elsword (Gold) (14 Days)" title item Critical Hit Rate +4%
Action Speed +4%
2% chance of inflicting double damage

AFTER 2/13/2013 UPDATE:
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Action Speed +2%

  Demon Invasion Warrior Use "Demon Invasion Warrior" title item
Note: Title has temporary boosted stats as a promo event for Gate of Darkness revamp (CN Edition).
Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
Critical Hit Rate +10%
Action Speed +10%
File:WondersofTimeandSpace.png Wonders of Time and Space Use "Wonders of Time and Space" (1 Day) title item obtained from "An Invitation from Luto" Event quest available during Henir Revamp Promo (CN Edition). Critical Hit Rate +10% (副本)
Awakening Charge Speed +10% (副本)
AddtioCNl Damage +10% (副本)
Reduced Damage +10% (副本)
A 10% chance of MP +10 when attacked. (副本)
File:Tag Beginner.png Elsword Tag Mode (Beginner) Obtained after logging in during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +0.5%
Attack Speed +0.5%
Accuracy +0.5%
Evasion +0.5%
Movement Speed +0.5%
Jump Speed +0.5%
File:Tag Novise.png Elsword Tag Mode (Novice) Obtained after obtaining 10 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Accuracy +1%
Evasion +1%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%
File:Expert title TAG.png Elsword Tag Mode (Expert) Obtained after obtaining 100 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +2%
Attack Speed +2%
Accuracy +2%
Evasion +2%
Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +2%
File:Tag Master.png Elsword Tag Mode (Master) Obtained after obtaining 500 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +4%
Attack Speed +4%
Accuracy +4%
Evasion +4%
Movement Speed +4%
Jump Speed +4%
Elsword Tag Mode (Hero) Obtained after obtaining 2000 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +8%
Attack Speed +8%
Accuracy +8%
Evasion +8%
Movement Speed +8%
Jump Speed +8%
File:Heart Passion M.png Heart of Passion (M) Available to Elswords during the 2013 CN Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
AdditioCNl Damage +3%
File:Heart Passion F.png Heart of Passion (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 CN Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
AdditioCNl Damage +3%
File:Heart Purity M.png Heart of Purity (M) Available to Chungs during the 2013 CN Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
AdditioCNl Damage +3%
File:Heart Purity F.png Heart of Purity (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 CN Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
AdditioCNl Damage +3%
File:Heart Story M.png Heart of Story (M) Available to Ravens during the 2013 CN Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
AdditioCNl Damage +3%
File:Heart Story F.png Heart of Story (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 CN Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
AdditioCNl Damage +3%
File:Heart Lonely.png Very Lonely Heart Available to players during the 2013 CN Valentine's Day event after completing an event quest from Lowe. Critical Hit +3%
AdditioCNl Damage +3%
  Looking For Guild! Use the item, Looking for Guild! Physical Attack +32
Magical Attack +32
HP +3%
Accuracy +2%
File:Artillery Support.png Artillery Support Automatically obtained for 15 Days when you log in during Shelling Guardian's pre-release events Physical Attack +1% (副本)
Magical Attack +1% (副本)
Critical +1% (副本)
1% Chance of activating Mark of Commander when attacking (Dungeon and Not Overlapped)
File:The Faithful Adventurer.png The Faithful Adventurer Use the Faithful Adventurer item (1 Day) Critical +1% (副本)
Attack Speed +1% (副本)
Reduced Damage +1% (副本)
AdditioCNl Damage +1% (副本)
File:Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer.png Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Use Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Title Item (15 Days) given at the CN 2013 Halloween Event Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Physical Defense +50
Magical Defense +50
Critical +2%
Attack Speed +2%
Reduced Damage +2%
AdditioCNl Damage +2%
File:Legendary Halloween Fashion Designer.png Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Use Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Title Item (15 Days) given at the CN 2013 Halloween Event Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Critical +3%
Attack Speed +3%
Reduced Damage +3%
AdditioCNl Damage +3%

ID Only

图标 (ID) 名称 Tipus 前置 取得条件 属性
  Ramadan Title Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained after logging in during the Ramadhan Event Curse Resistance +50% (副本)
Poison Resistance +50%
AdditioCNl Damage +61
Reduced Damage +61
  Lebaran Title Event Title Discovered at the start Obtained after logging in during the Lebaran Event

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%