• English
63:Underground Den

Chapter 63: Underground Den

Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

The El Search Party follows Eris's guide to the Hunter's Canyon.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Eris: Hello everyone! Can everyone hear me? Your lovely tour guide Eris will give you a brief introduction of the area.
  •   Eris: Where we are standing right now is Hunter's Canyon, where Torta's main base is located.
  •   Eris: Long ago... Now, when was it? When we just founded Magmelia, Torta lost their land and had to leave the canyon.
  •   Eris: They came all the way to Magmelia that time and caused a scene. The Queen of Gold was also outraged.
  •   Noah: I thought Medovine and Torta were in an alliance?
  •   Elesis: A territory issue is the most sensitive when it's between allies.
  •   Eris: Queen Medovine often use Torta demons as mercenaries for her collection, but she doesn't like having them around her own territory.
  •   Eris: We were this close to having a huge dispute when Torta managed to reclaim their lands.
  •   Rena: Who did they lose it to?
  •   Eris: That is a mystery! Anyway, many things happened, so it may be a tiny bit different from how I remember, so you may get lost even if you follow Eri carefully!
  •   Ciel: I can see what you mean when you said it would be difficult even with a map. The paths here are very confusing.
  •   Eris: See? Besides, I have the frame right here in case we get lost or encounter trouble!
  •   Laby: Even though it was a struggle to come here, we'll be able to zoom back through the frame.
  •   Chung: Hm... About Torta losing their land... Do you think it's due to treasure?
  •   Eve: You mean Torta was attacked by those seeking treasure from the Land of Steel?
  •   Eve: But that still leaves questions. Why would there be such a rumor in the first place?
  •   Eve: They say there's no smoke without fire. There must be something that started it all.
  •   Ciel: It's the bounty.
  •   Laby: Boun... ty?
  •   Rose: The massive bounty for someone who captures the Steel Queen. We all heard about it back in Magmelia.
  •   Laby: Ooh...! Laby remembers now! But what does that have to do with treasure in the Land of Steel?
  •   Eris: It has plenty to do with it. Isn't it strange? Nobody approaches the Land of Steel because of the plague. Where would they get such a large amount of money?
  •   Eris: Oh my! Maybe everything that's known about the land is all a lie!
  •   Eris: Maybe, they spread terrible rumors to hide the fact that it's actually a land of gold filled with riches!
  •   Ain: Oh, and the baseless rumors spread like wildfire.
  •   Raven: It's feasible. When people find a golden egg, they expect to find the goose that laid them.
  •   Rena: Lu, it's not too late. You can tell us if there's mountains of gold at your castle.
  •   Lu: Huhu, what happens if I tell you?
  •   Rena: We can prepare not to get shocked when we see mountains of gold?
  •   Lu: Ohoho, now wouldn't that be a dream.
  •   Ain: ... That reminds me, that bounty on Ms. Demon... Can we claim it as well?
  •   Noah: Can the wanted person claim the bounty placed on them...? I don't think I've ever heard something like that happen.
  •   Ain: Hm... Ah! Just in case, shall we corroborate that we captured Ms. Demon?
  •   Lu: You...! Stop planning on selling me off!

  •   Rose: Oh, there's a large steel gate. That must be the entrance.
  •   Eris: This should be the right way... But I've never seen that gate before.
  •   Ikus: Stop right there. This is Torta's territory. Don't come any closer.
  •   Eve: We've come to the right place. Are you a guard? We're headed to your land.
  •   Ikus: Whoa, we're not receiving any more visitors. Go back to where you came from.
  •   Rose: But we received an invite. Please let us pass.
  •   Ikus: Boss's guests? Then show me the invitation.
  •   Aisha: Invitation...? Oh, you mean that ominous letter! So that's what it was for!
  •   Laby: We didn't bring it...
  •   Ikus: No invitation, no entry. Shoo.
  •   Rose: To come all the way here only to be sent back...
  •   Aisha: Who would think that's an invitation! There was no indication on it!
  •   Ain: I don't think peaceful methods would work. Shall we get our weapons ready?
  •   Elsword: Yeah!
  •   Eris: Oh, is that... Hey! You know me, right? Remember? I used to be in Torta, too!
  •   Ikus: Oh, hey you...! Good seeing you! How have you been?
  •   Eris: Absolutely peachy! Wow, how long has it been! What are you doing here?
  •   Ikus: A lot has happened. We climbed some walls because of an assignment from Medovine, but then got those from the Land of Steel all twisted... It's honestly a drag.
  •   Eris: Are Boss and Shaddie here as well? How is everyone?
  •   Ikus: We only use this place as a beast training facility. We got something interesting beyond, so Boss has been staying there.
  •   Eris: Something interesting? You know I love interesting things! Come on, let us in!
  •   Ikus: Ah well, I don't know...
  •   Ikus: ... Hey, are these guys any good? Boss told me not to let anyone in unless they're fighters.
  •   Ikus: You know my reputation will be shot if I just let some nobody in. Cause you gotta admit, they don't look that impressive.
  •   Eris: Don't worry, they're reaaally strong! Very tough!
  •   Noah: T, tough...!
  •   Ikus: Hm....
  •   Laby: Yoi!
  •   Chung: Hm!
  •   Noah: Mm....
  •   Laby: (Don't lose Noah! Show your stuff!)
  •   Noah: Uuhmm... Mmm...!
  •   Clamor: (Not everyone looks tough by standing tall and scowling...)
  •   Eris: See? Look at their intense stare!
  •   Ikus: Uh... I don't see it. They all have good weapons though.
  •   Ikus: Boss does like the interesting types... Alright, I'll let you in.
  •   Laby: Wee!
  •   Laby: Oh wait...!
  •   Laby: Heh, of course you would. At least you're not a complete dummy.
  •   Add: (Who is she imitating?)
  •   Ikus: But I can't let you in as guests without an invitation. I'll open the challengers' gate for you.
  •   Ain: Ah, I suppose it's good we didn't have to use our weapons.
  •   Elsword: Yeah.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Challenger's Passage
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Unwelcomed story quest

When the El Search Party enters Torta's underground den as a challenger, they are faced with threatening noise and stench.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (WHIRRR-)
  •   Rena: Ugh...! I hate this noise. It feels like my head is ringing with it. What kind of machinery is this?
  •   Aisha: Cough, whatever it is, it's not ventilation. It's humid and disgusting... The water over there looks filthy as well.
  •   Ara: If you fall in that water, you'll be carrying the smell with you...
  •   Ara: ...Kya! D, don't push me!
  •   Elesis: Who, me? I didn't do anything!
  •   Ara: You're the only one standing behind me, Elesis...
  •   Elesis: Huh? That's so strange! Maybe there's an enemy nearby! I wonder where it is!
  •   Ara: Come on, don't be like that!
  •   Ain: Stop fooling around, you two. Or you might actually end up in the water.
  •   Ara: B, but she started it...!
  •   Eve: Ain is right. I've noticed that the steps are severely corroded. If you're not careful, it might crumble under your weight.
  •   Rose: There's also loose wires near the water. I saw something zap earlier.
  •   Elesis: What? Really?
  •   Ain: Watch your steps if you don't want to be electrocuted before the fight. Understood?
  •   Ara: I will....
  • (ZZZT, ZZT- BE-EP-!!)
  •   Rena: Yikes!
  •   Noah: Wh, where did that come from?
  •   Eve: My apologies. I created one as an experiment, but it seems to have malfunctioned.
  •   Elesis: Oh, is this it? The device that amplifies and senses El energy?
  •   Rena: You made something already? Amazing!
  •   Eve: It's still incomplete and not yet functional.
  •   Elesis: What you have now is still impressive. Can I see?
  • (ZZT... BEEP, BE-EP!)
  •   Elesis: Oooh! The signal becomes stronger when I turn this way! It must really sense something.
  •   Eve: Hm? Let me see again.
  •   Eve: ...Hm... I see. I thought it was a malfunction due to the interference from the surrounding machinery, but it seems that's not the case. Add? What data did you use as a dummy?
  •   Add: Impossible. It shouldn't be something that can be found... Give me that.
  • (ZZT... ZZZT-)
  •   Aisha: This unusual interior must be when Torta lost their territory, don't you think? I wonder what those demons were thinking when they changed the interior like this.
  •   Elsword: It's the sewers. That's pretty straight forward, isn't it?
  •   Ciel: That water could be the cause of the Contamination the Queen of Gold mentioned. What do you think, Lu?
  •   Lu: I cannot tell just from looking at this. Though it does look unsanitary.
  •   Chung: If we know where it's coming from, we'll figure out what it's made of. Come on, let's get going.
  •   Eris: Yessir! Follow me, everyone!
  • (GROWL! ... GRR!)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 For the Eventual Reunion
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Challenger's Passage story quest

As they pass through the dangerous passage Rena and Elesis comfort Ara.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Beast: GRRR! GROWL!
  •   Noah: Ugh, ah, I feel, nauseous...
  •   Clamor: Are you alright? The air quality must be really bad. Maybe even toxic.
  •   Ara: It's not somewhere we should linger. Since it's impossible not to breathe... We should take in as little as possible. Oof!
  •   Rena: Mmhm.
  •   Ara: ......Rena.
  •   Rena: Yes, Ara?
  •   Ara: You tried to tickle me, didn't you!
  •   Rena: Nope! I have no idea what you're talking about!
  •   Ara: What is it? Why is everyone teasing me today!
  •   Rena: Huhu, sorry! It's just that you were so cute and mopey like that.
  •   Rena: You were thinking about Aren leaving, weren't you? Don't worry about it. I'm sure Aren has his reasons for making his decision.
  •   Ara: Sigh... I understand. As I have my own path, my brother has his own.
  •   Ara: I keep... thinking back to when we were escaping the Abyss together with Aren, and how anxious I felt inside.
  •   Ara: I was disappointed about my brother's decision, but at the same time, also felt relief... Is that strange?
  •   Elesis: I think I get it.
  •   Ara: You do?
  •   Elesis: Hm... It might be different since I'm the older sister... But whenever I'm fighting with Elsword, I get worried a lot.
  •   Elesis: I'm also more careful. Haha, it's like I feel responsible for him all the time.
  •   Rena: When you cherish someone, they become a part of you. When they are hurt, you feel like you're hurt along side with them.
  •   Rena: Ara, I think you felt that way because you feel responsible for your brother.
  •   Elesis: But Aren seems like someone who has the strength and capability to take care of his own. He's surprisingly resilient.
  •   Elesis: Though, he also seems like a trouble magnet.
  •   Rena: Yes. He seems like the type who would panic, but still manage to overcome whatever comes his way.
  •   Ara: Hahaha... You're right. I think so, too.
  •   Ara: I'm embarrassed. I didn't know you were worried about those kind of things.
  •   Elesis: I'm not as worried these days. He is a full-fledged knight, after all. You have to trust the ones you love.
  •   Elesis: Besides, now there are many others who look after him and play with him for me. Look.
  •   Aisha: ... This stuff looks kinda thick. Do you think it's actually water?
  •   Elsword: If you want to know, why don't you stick your hand in it?
  •   Aisha: Ew, no! You do it.
  •   Ain: Hm. How about rock paper scissors?
  •   Aisha: Hehe, only if Elsword does it.
  •   Elsword: ... You're on! And you can't protect your hand with magic!
  •   Noah: Wait... Are you really doing this...?
  •   Chung: Wouldn't it be too dangerous? I don't think it's a good idea...
  •   Elsword: You chicken?
  •   Chung: I, I'm not chicken! Fine! Let's do this! No spells, and you have to use your bare hand!
  •   Elsword: You can't take back! If you lose, you have to put your bare hand for 5 seconds inside that water without using a spell. Agreed?
  •   Noah: R, Rena? Can you please stop them...?
  •   Rena: I can't believe you all! Didn't we say loud and clear that you can get electrocuted?
  •   Eve: ... I have analyzed the components. It's full of toxins that, while not immediately effective, have negative long term side effects.
  •   Eve: Do not put your hands in it. Stupid.
  •   Elesis: See? He's doing fine. Hahaha.
  •   Ara: Ahaha... Maybe you should step in for that?
  •   Elesis: Father once told me, life has many crossroads, but in the end, they all lead to your destination.
  •   Elesis: Even Lu is going back to her home... A long journey must come to an end, and there will come a time when you can reunite with those you miss. It doesn't matter how soon or late.
  •   Elesis: Don't think about it too much. Compared to your adventure, the parting will only last a moment.

  • (BZZT- BE-EEP!)
  •   Ain: That device... It keeps ringing.
  •   Add: Damn it, what's going on? What is it reacting to?
  •   Chung: Maybe it's a malfunction?
  •   Add: It can't be! It's sensing something...! Something ahead...
  • (BEEP!)
  •   Rose: There's something over there!
  •   Add: No. It's not that close. It's much farther away.
  •   Rose: Uh, no. There's really something coming this way.
  • (BEEP-!)
  •   Beast: GRRR, ROAAR!
  •   Shaddie: Shh, stay. We have to confirm they're the right ones. One, two, three...
  •   Shaddie: I think they're the one! Yo! You must be the guests Boss was looking for! I'm not sure why you came this way, but welcome!
  •   Eve: Are you the guide that will take us to King of Torta?
  •   Shaddie: There's no need for a guide! This is the only path, and it will lead you straight to our base.
  •   Shaddie: I'm here to test the challengers that come this way!
  •   Laby: Whoa...! A test! We have to take a test, even though we're guests?
  •   Shaddie: Yup! Shaddie and friends are responsible to check everyone's skill and condition!
  •   Ain: Why would you care about our condition if fighting is the goal.
  •   Rose: Understood. We need to face you to pass?
  •   Elesis: But that means we're at the final stretch. Come on, everyone!
  •   Shaddie: Ooh! That's cool! Then I, Shaddie, will also give it my all!
  •   Shaddie: Let's go, Checky! Tweety! Attack!
  • (WHIII!)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the For the Eventual Reunion story quest

The El Search Party continues down the path to face the next opponent 'Jecky' after safely completing Shaddie's trial.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0

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  • Region 19~21
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  • Lithia
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  • Region 19~21
  • Region 1~6
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  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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