Image Name & Description Stats
William Phoru's Cape
A cape that William wears when he feels like a boss. Are you feeling like a boss?
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15
MP Recovery Attacked +1%
High Five Stick / Finger Stick
You want to win? Wear this accessory.
You are the champion! It's a decorative but useful cheering item.
Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Ariel's Vampire Linker Cloak
Dominate the Vampires by wearing this cloak...
Physical Attack +25
Magic Attack +25
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Action Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%
Awakening Duration +22.5% (Dungeon)
??? ???
Magician's Wish
Don't you think a Magician would have wings like these...
Physical Attack +10
Magic Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
MP Recovery Attacked +1%
Critical +1%
Resistance to All Attributes +5
Crow Rise
Accessories that mirror Crow Mercenary Chief's Booster Device
Physical Attack +5
Magic Attack +5
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
MP Recovery Attacked +0.5%
Critical +0.5%
Resistance to All Attributes +5
Shining Infinite Conwell
Perfect Shining Infinite Conwell
Physical Attack +5
Magical Attack +5
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
MP Recovery Attacked +1%
Resistance to All Attributes +5
Time and Space Bender
An accessory that enhances your new power beyond time and space with unrestrained ability.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
MP Recovery Attacked +1%
Critical +1%
Resistance to All Attributes +5
File:EvolutionWing.png The Evolution Wing
2013 Item Revamp Full Wing Set Accessory
Physical Attack +15
Magic Attack +15
Action Speed +1%
Perkisas's Ripped Wing
A set of wings made from gathered Perkisas's Wing Pieces.
Although incomparable to the actual wings of Perkisas, thee appear to carry the fiery strength of Perkisas.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Action Speed +1%
Resistance to Fire Attributes +50
Nasod Headphones ver.White
Headphones made with Ancient Nasod's technology. Color: White
Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Add's Advanced Nasod Headphones
This headphone is more advanced than the Nasod equipment found in Altera.
Where was it made?
Seems like it'll go great with the Atlas suit.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Resistance to All Attributes +5
Space and Time Code
The one who controls time and space... Has already been decided...Ku Kuk...
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
MP Recovery Attacked +1%
Critical +1%
Resistance to All Attributes +5
Symbol of Covenant
A cross halo that symbolizes the contract between Lu and Ciel.
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Action Speed +1%
Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +3%
File:Angelic Armor Wing.png Angelic Armor Wing
Gold Angel's glorious wings.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Action Speed +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%
Awakened Demon's Instinct
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
HP Increase +0.5%
Critical +1%
Maximize +1%
Traveler's Memories Wings
It is daunting to go back in time to travel...Keke...
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
Action Speed +1%
MP Recovery Attacking +0.5%
Incomplete Defender's Flag
A white flag with nothing on. Let's make it complete with Velder and Hamel's Marks. If you take it to Camilla, she might help you...?
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Critical +1%
Maximize +1%
File:EredaDefendersFlag.png Ereda Defender's Flag
Ereda defender's flag made with Velder and Hamel's Marks.
It's a dishonor to retreat in a battle! All armies, charge forward!
- Ereda Knight-Captain
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Critical +2%
Maximize +2%
Resistance to Fire Attributes +20
Resistance to Water Attributes +20
???/Guardian/Dark Gladiator Cloak
???/Guardian/Dark Gladiator Cloak
Equipment left by the previous Gladiator that has been tweaked by Cobo to fit the current gladiators.
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
[2 Unidentified Stats]
Symbol of Transcendence
A symbol created for Transcendence characters
Resistance to All Attributes +10
Action Speed +1%
Elrios Carnival Samba Dancer Wings
An accessory with hot passion.
You have to try new things while you're traveling. First try this outfit!
- Ariel
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +25
Magical Defense +25
Action Speed +3%
Additional Damage +1%
Spooky Corrupted Wings
The winning accessory design for 2016 Halloween Design Contest. Designed by OliveSoil.
Physical Attack +5
Physical Defense +5
Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacked +2%
Dark Blood
Elesis has... Chosen her own dark blood...
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
MP Recovery Attacked +1%
Critical +1%
Resistance to All Attributes +5
Harmony Festival Fairy/Verdure Wings
Beautiful Fairy Wings made to celebrate the Harmony Festival
A beautiful set of Verdure Wings made to celebrate the Harmony Festival
Aloha Flower Necklace
A beautiful necklace made with flowers.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
HP Increase +1.5%
Damage Reduction +2.25%
Christmas Bow Tie
Limited Time Christmas Accessory
Physical Attack +12
Magical Attack +12
Physical Defense +25
Magical Defense +25
Critical +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +1%
Counterstrike Wings
Glorious counterstrike wings, rebirthed through counterstrike wings element.
Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Critical +1%
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%
Halloween Witch Broom
A broom that feels like Halloween. It obviously cannot fly.
Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15
Action Speed +1.5%
Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +2%