Magical Attack Power is increased.
Increases Lu/Ciel's MP recovery for the character that is currently inactive and damage dealt from Combination Skills. Also lowers all attack's knockdown rate and when Lu is knocked down, can perform a attack that won't knock the target down.


Class Level Required
Royal Guard 40

Skill Information

  • NA
  • KR (11/23/2023)
Skill Level Level Required Magical Attack Increase Inactive Character's Natural MP
Recovery Increase (per Second)
Combination Skill
Damage Increase
Knockdown Decrease
1 40 7% 1.4 10% 3%
2 46 8% 1.6 7%
3 47 9% 1.8 11%
4 92 10% 2 15%
1 40 2.8% 0.2 10% 3%
2 46 3.2% 0.3 7%
3 47 3.6% 0.4 11%
4 92 4% 0.5 15%

Modified Commands

  : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.05x , 1.1x and 1.15x multiplier during 1st, 2nd and 3rd job respectively.
Combo (Lu) Description Damage
Recovery     Lu slashes in front of herself leaving the target open for combo. 100% Phy. Damage


  • Shared with the other Communication-type passives available to the other paths (except Emptiness), these are the only remaining passives to grant a   recovery attack to a character, rather than that just being an attack they can perform naturally. This effect used to be part of the Call to Arms passive.
    • The description still explicitly notes that the attack does not knock down, even though that is the case for all recovery attacks now.


Date Changes
01/05/2015 07/15/2015
  • Communication - Restoration added.
02/12/2015 08/12/2015
  • Inactive Character Natural MP Recovery Increase decreased.
09/24/2015 03/03/2016
12/15/2016 -
  • Fixed the issue where "Combination Skill Damage Increase" effect would not work.
03/30/2017 04/12/2017
  • Inactive Character Natural MP Recovery Increase increased.
  • Inactive Character Natural MP Recovery Increase decreased.
08/01/2019 08/28/2019
  • Knockdown Decrease decreased.
03/26/2020 04/22/2020
  • Combination Skill Damage Increase increased.
  • None.
12/23/2021 01/12/2022
  • Magical Attack Increase effect added.
  • Combination Skill Damage Increase decreased.
11/09/2023 -
  • Magical Attack Increase increased.
11/23/2023 04/22/2020
  • Inactive Character's Natural MP Recovery increased.
  • None.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 교감 - 회복 Communication - Recovery
  Japan 共感-回復 Links - Recovery
  China (Simplified Chinese) 交流 - 恢复 Communication - Recovery
  Germany Verbundenheit - Genesung Bond - Recovery
  Spain Vinculo - curación Bond - Recovery
  France Liens - recouvrement Bond - Recovery
  Italy Legame - Ripristino Bond - Restoration
  Poland Więź - Wyzdrowienie Bond - Recovery
  United Kingdom Bond - Recovery
  Brazil Comunicação - Restaurar Communication - Restore