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  • English
Lithia 6:Signal of the Festival
Lithia 7:Excuse and Blame

[Lithia] Chapter 6: Signal of the Festival

 [Village] Arriving in Velder
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Unplanned Misfortune story quest

They finally arrived in Velder. They are getting ready for the Harmony Festival.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • [Velder Port]
  •   Mathi: Ah, I thought I've mistaken the time, since it's dark outside, but I guess today is the Harmony Festival.
  •   Vera: I'm glad we managed to make it on time.
  •   Lithia: .......
  •   Vera: Wow, how pretty... Um, can I go look at that stand? I'll be right back.
  •   Mathi: Sure. We'll wait for you here.
  •   Lithia: .......
  •   Mathi: ... Why don't you just apologize to Vera.
  •   Lithia: I... I should. I will.
  •   Mathi: You can't say you're sorry because you're embarrassed? You're not a child.
  •   Lithia: Oh, har, har, and you're all grown up and mature and everything! Good for you!
  •   Lithia: Sigh, anyway, it seems like the restoration is at its final stages in Velder. The last time I was here, it was all barren and full of abandoned buildings.
  •   Mathi: It may look fine because of the lighting, but that's still the case. You see that building over there? It's still destroyed.
  •   Lithia: Whoa, you're right... And they still decided to hold the Festival?
  •   Mathi: Some people might think it's more the reason they should hold the Festival.
  •   Lithia: Aha, bread and circus?
  •   Mathi: ... I think... it's more appropriate to say, it's an official celebration to mark the end of long suffering and the beginning of peace.
  •   Lithia: Too wordy. Bread and circus.
  •   Mathi: When did she grow up to be such an insolent person who refuses to listen to others.
  •   Lithia: Excuse you. You're not the one who raised me.
  •   Mathi: If I were, you wouldn't have turned out this way...
  •   Mathi: Sigh... In any case, I suppose it's much better than when I was here.
  •   Mathi: It was long... Very long...
  •   Vera: Pant, pant! I'm sorry I'm late!
  •   Mathi: Did you find anything interesting?
  •   Vera: Hehe... There were a lot of pretty and interesting things.
  •   Lithia: Shall we get going then? Where are we supposed to go?
  •   Vera: If I show this brooch to a guard, they'll take me to the royal docks.
  •   Vera: ... We're already here. Thank you, to you both. I don't think I would have made it this far alone.
  •   Mathi: No. If it were someone else, they probably would have made it here faster...
  •   Vera: Huhu, it was because of my insistence we were late.
  •   Lithia: ... Why is everyone saying their farewells all of a sudden? You're planning on going back, aren't you?
  •   Lithia: I mean, I need to meet my client, so I'll probably split.
  •   Vera: Oh, does that mean you wouldn't be traveling with us on the way back?
  •   Lithia: Yeah. My destination is somewhere else.
  •   Vera: I see... Then I'll have to give you this right now.
  • (SLIP-)
  •   Lithia: Huh? Uhh... What is this? Notebook and pen?
  •   Vera: Yes. I noticed yours were old and tattered, so I wanted to get you a set.
  •   Lithia: Oh, you didn't have to... I'm really ok.
  •   Vera: I wanted to get them for you, so please accept.
  •   Vera: Thank you for everything. Thanks to you, I had a lot of fun and learned many things.
  •   Vera: And... I'm sorry for handling your necklace without your permision.
  •   Lithia: Ah....
  •   Lithia: No. That's...
  •   Lithia: .......
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Lithia: [The ship headed north from the port and followed the coast line, until heading towards a small opening on the cliff.]
  •   Lithia: [It didn't seem like we were going the right way, because it was rough, but soon, we came to an opening.]
  •   Lithia: [It was a dock connected to the castle.]
  •   Mathi: Wow... They must have carved the inside of the cave to create a space like this.
  •   Mathi: I came to the castle before to give reports about the relief effort when I was assisting my aunt... But this is the first time I've come this way.
  •   Lithia: Gee, I feel intimidated all of a sudden. Are you sure we're allowed to look around?
  •   Vera: Huhuhu... Oh, there he comes.
  •   Laudius: Your Highness, I hope your trip was uneventful.
  •   Vera: How have you been, uncle Laudius... I mean, duke. You look well.
  •   Laudius: No need to be so formal. As you can see, I am quite fine.
  •   Laudius: It's a rather, sorry situation... managing to escape the worst due to being away from the capital during the Invasion.
  •   Laudius: I don't know how I would face His Majesty who passed away if I let the Kingdom go to waste.
  •   Vera: Don't say that, uncle. It's thanks to you that Velder was able to recuperate so quickly.
  •   Mathi: Lithia, stand properly.
  •   Lithia: Yeah, yeah...
  •   Laudius: .......
  •   Laudius: Anyway, who are your companions?
  •   Vera: Ah, these are the people who helped me on my journey.
  •   Laudius: Ah, I remember your face. An assistance from the Landar family is always welcome. Thank you for delivering the message to Her Highness.
  •   Mathi: Ah, hello. I'm glad I could be of service.
  •   Laudius: Hm, I don't think I've seen you before...?
  •   Lithia: ...Lithia, at your service. I was fired on the way, so I accompanied them on the journey.
  •   Laudius: ...... Haha, I see. Thank you for keeping Her Highness safe and sound on her journey.
  •   Lithia: (I get the feeling he's looking down on us, but trying really hard to hide it.)
  •   Lithia: (Maybe he could have accepted Mathi, but I'm sure a commoner like me knowing Vera's identity is too much for him.)
  •   Laudius: I'm terribly sorry, but we don't have much time. Here, I have already prepared a script for your speech.
  •   Vera: Uh, uncle. I came here to refuse the...
  •   Laudius: Of course, I perfectly understand. It's a heavy burden to carry, but a necessary one.
  •   Laudius: I'm sure the people of Velder would feel relieved if a member of the royal family come out and wish for peace and stability.
  •   Laudius: It is time to show some courage. If you refuse, it may disappoint the people who worked very hard to prepare for the Festival.
  •   Vera: ... Alright. If that is all...
  •   Lithia: (He's trying to pretend otherwise, but is very domineering.)
  •   Lithia: (I'm sure he thinks manipulating a girl like Vera is no problem, regardless of her status. I don't like it.)
  •   Laudius: Lead the way for Her Highness.
  •   Lithia: [Soon, the soldiers surrounded Vera and led her away. We didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.]
  •   Lithia: [The duke made us wait, then gave us a money pouch with a ludicrous amount of money.]
  •   Lithia: [It was a lot, for escorting one person.]
  •   Lithia: [Mathi didn't know what to do and tried to refuse. Ha! He won't make it big with that behavior! Of course, I graciously accepted mine.]
  •   Lithia: [I thought it was better to show that you understand, since the money probably included hush money.]
  •   Lithia: [You could name it, 'Take This and Get Lost. Never Speak to Me Again' money.]
  •   Lithia: [It's not like I didn't see this coming... But it was still sad to part ways with this...]
  •   Mathi: -
  •   Vera: -
  •   Laudius: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Bad Feeling
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Arriving in Velder story quest

Lithia faces a familiar face in Velder and gets a bad feeling.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Mathi: I didn't know we'd part ways like this. It' hectic...
  •   Lithia: Yeah. So... What are you going to do now?
  •   Mathi: I'll have to go with Vera if she decides to go back... So I'll wait around at the square.
  •   Mathi: We have to go see Vera make a speech at the podium. You should come with me. You have to see her before you leave.
  •   Lithia: Maybe I shou... ...Huh?
  •   Society Member: (.......)
  •   Lithia: (That robe... It looks familiar...)
  •   Mathi: Um... Lithia. Where did you say you were meeting your client again?
  •   Lithia: Uh... Huh? Feita. Why?
  •   Mathi: Then it's not that far from Velder. Do you think you'll visit Velder again after you're done with your business?
  •   Lithia: Uh, if I feel like it?
  •   Mathi: Then let's meet again. We didn't get to see each other too often with how busy everything's been... and I'm worried about your curse.
  •   Mathi: What happened on the ship... ...It's the curse, isn't it?
  •   Mathi: Once you're done with your job, let's visit the ruins in Sander again.
  •   Mathi: Maybe we'll find a way to break the curse if we investigate the ruins again.
  •   Lithia: Uhh... Ok.
  •   Lithia: (It's that noble earlier, too... What are they talking about?)
  •   Lithia: (They seem close... Did the society have a connection with someone in the castle?)
  •   Lithia: (Damn it, they didn't say anything about that! A job involving the Kingdom is bound to cause headache.)
  •   Lithia: (Not only that....)
  •   Lithia: (Why does that robbed person feel similar to the strange feeling I felt at the lake and the ship?)
  •   Mathi: ...Lithia? Are you listening?
  •   Lithia: Ah, sorry! I better get going!
  •   Mathi: What? It's so sudden.
  •   Lithia: Yeah! Better go meet my client! See ya! I'm sure we'll meet again soon!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Infiltrate the Castle
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Bad Feeling story quest

In order to find out the identity of her client, Lithia secretly infiltrate the castle.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,410,500   [Ariel] Organic Honey Apple x30   N/A
ED 178,400   N/A   N/A
EP 20   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Secrets in the Castle
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Infiltrate the Castle story quest

Lithia holds her breath to listen to her client and the duke.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 9,628,800   N/A   N/A
ED 194,700   N/A   N/A
EP 20   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 One Behind Them All
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Secrets in the Castle story quest

Duke Laudius was planning on upsetting the people using Vera with the Society member researching the Rift. There was no time. Vera is in danger.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 11,848,000   [Ariel] Organic Honey Apple x30   N/A
ED 211,600   N/A   N/A
EP 20   N/A   N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the One Behind Them All story quest

When she is cornered by the commander of Velder, Lithia gets a spark of brilliance and starts making up excuses.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 9,405,600   N/A   N/A
ED 229,200   N/A   N/A
EP 20   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 [Village] Rest Within the Rift
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Cornered story quest

Lithia stops her story and look around. It's a place she misses and she is familiar with.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   Advanced Magic Stone x10   N/A
ED 0 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x10   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

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