Story/Side Story

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Adams' Welcome Party

Adams' Welcome Party 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Achieve Level 65

Hello! It's Ariel. I know this is so sudden, but... Could you bring me some rock berries from Bethma Lake? They will be used for something very important!

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 File:Star Shower Garland.png Star Shower Garland (14 Days) N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 1
  • Collect 30 Whole Grain Flour

We are actually preparing a welcome party for Adams. I was preparing some food with Luriel but we are short on some ingredients. Could you please find the missing ingredients for us?

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 2
  • Clear 3 dungeons within your level range (Except Ruben, Henir, Ereda)

Oh, Ariel just stepped out for a moment... B-But, I'll take care of everything in her place, so don't you worry! But could you help me out a bit? She seems very tired these days, I'm getting worried...

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ariel: Thank you so much for the help! Without you, I might have been stuck at this all day! Hmm.. I wonder how Luriel is doin--...
  • (CRASH!!)
  • Ariel: Sigh.. As expected... Luriel, are you okay?
  • Luriel: S-Sister..? Sorry! I accidentally dropped the flour...
  • Ariel: It's okay. I knew this would happen so I have a secret stash. Anyways, are you almost done?
  • Luriel: Yes! Of course! It's perfect... maybe... probably..?
  • Ariel: By the El... You did all this? It looks perfect.. on the outside..
  • Luriel: R-Really? Ahem..! I told you I can do it! Oh, adventurer! Would you like to have a taste? You too, Sis! I followed the recipe, so it... should be good.
  • Ariel: Um.. Okay... Let's have a taste... Mmm.... mmm? .... Yuc...!
  • Luriel: ...? Why are you making that fa... Water? You want water? T--That's strange.... I followed the recipe...
  • Ariel: Ca-Can you show me the recipe?
  • Luriel: Hm? The recipe...? The recipe's in my head...
  • Ariel: W-What...?
  • Luriel: I took your recipe and combined it with a recipe I found in a book. They were both recipes of tasty food so I thought if I combined it, it would be even better...
  • Ariel: Did.... Did you even taste your food?
  • Luriel: Umm... I wanted to have you taste it first... Is it bad...?
  • Ariel: Ha... Hah.... Hahahaha!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 3
  • Collect 40 Cookie Crumbs in Elder

Sigh... I guess there is no use crying about it... I think we can prepare simple dishes again in time.. The problem is that we are missing some ingredients for them.. It would be a big help if you could bring us some missing ingredients!

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 4
  • Clear 3 dungeons within your level range (Except Ruben, Henir, Ereda)

Luriel? She said she had something to take care of. Sigh, it's a relief.. Not to be mean, but.. It's a lot easier to prepare when she's not helping out. Anyways, could you please find Luriel? I'm sure she's struggling with something somewhere. Please help her return without causing any problems.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 5

Oh no... What do I do..? I lost the documents that I was supposed to send to H.Q... It's really important... What do I do? Why do I always mess up? I shouldn't have carried it all the way to Hamel... Sob, sob.. Please, help me find the missing documents!

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 6

You really did it! You really found it!! Thank you, so much... But... Um... I actually lost another thing.. I lost another document... I visited Velder for a short moment.. I think I lost it there. Please, could you find the other missing document?

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Luriel: Sigh.. Nothing's going right today.. And there's too much work! Sorry to put you through so much, Adventurer.. I tried not to make mistakes but I keep messing up... I don't know why. Am I overloaded with work? I'm a-alright! I'm not always this busy... It's just that today was strangely busy.
  • Ariel: Good job, Luriel. Did you finish everything?
  • Luriel: Yes...! The adventurers really helped me a lot. It could have been a disaster, I lost some documents..
  • Ariel: You're so clumsy!
  • Luriel: S-Sorry..
  • Ariel: What happens if we make a mistake? The H.Q. will take a cuts the pay for the money they lost from the mistake. We also have to write a letter of apology saying we will not make the same mistakes again. Luriel will only get a scolding since she's still an intern. She's still learning after all.
  • Luriel: Ugh... I'll do better...
  • Ariel: It seems strict but Cobo is an amazing company. Did you know that Cobo started off as a small company that ran errands for people? Like delivering something or hire adventurers to take care of monsters that are causing trouble... They did a lot of things.. But as chaos spread throughout Elrios, more adventurers popped up and the company grew with them. Now, Cobo is a giant company that has multiple top-notch services.
  • Luriel: Sis, have you ever seen the CEO of Cobo? I haven't met him yet, only heard his voice.
  • Ariel: Hmm... He's quite nice... Sometimes he plans weird things.. But if I say no, he tends to listen.. a little.
  • Luriel: Oh! Then could you tell him some things? I have lots to tell him...
  • Ariel: If it is something that can be delivered, why not? So, what is it?
  • Luriel: Come a little closer.. It's kind of embarrassing to share with the adventurer...
  • Ariel: Sorry adventurers. Excuse us for a moment! Lu-Luriel.. That's a little...
  • Luriel: Why not?!
  • Ariel: You have to understand, he doesn't mean you any harm.. Probably. Of course he just throws out plans without thinking of the outcome... but still... Ah, sorry adventurer! We didn't mean to bore you with this kind of talk. Anyways, it was lucky for me to have an opportunity to work for Cobo. It's a little busy but we get to meet adventurers like you and help other people. I heard the technical department has almost finished this thing called 'Express Cobo Service'... You'll be able to experience it soon!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 8
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 7

I think everything's prepared... But we have a problem. I didn't keep track of the time. Adams should be here any moment now... Um, could you please keep Adams busy and buy us some time? It can even be for a brief moment! If you bring him some papers that he is interested in, you'll be able to stall for a good hour or two!

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 9
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 8

Oh! I was actually starting to study the life forms in Elrios! This will be great help. Oh, look at the time, I should get going now. Hm? You have something you want to show me? Just for a brief moment..? I guess if it is just for a moment.. But you must hurry, I don't have much time!

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 10
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 9

Ohh, this is... Interesting, how interesting. I think I've seen something similar before. It creates a nice scenery at night time. I just remembered, could you please find some Whirlwind berries from the Caluso Tribal Village? I'll show you something magical.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Adams: Hold on... If I just sprinkle the spore on top of the berry.. Hmm... Does it need more time? This is something... a friend of mine told me. I hope she's doing well, I want to meet her again someday. Did I tell you? I went on vacation and traveled the continent. I also wanted to gather some data for my research. One day, I went inside a forest to study the life forms.. And got lost. At the moment, all I had was an old notebook and a pencil. I had no way to find the direction and the sky was covered by trees. I had no way of knowing if it was night or day.. When that hit me, I got a little scared. It was hard to keep my cool when at any given moment, a monster could pop out. If I think back on it now, I'm not sure if it was even real. But I wasn't getting anywhere by standing around. I just walked and walked. I don't remember how long but I finally saw a bit of light. I was so happy that I ran towards it. The light got closer... Then I saw a giant tree. There were little holes that kind of looked like windows on the tree and the light was shining through it. I admired the giant tree before stepping inside. When I stepped inside, I saw something even more surprising. There were... Elves. The Elves gathered around to create a small village... And every one of them were nice. To a stranger that showed up randomly at night. They gave me food and even a bed to sleep on. I stayed there for about a week and scouted the location. But I couldn't figure out where I was, the forest was too big for me to map. I feel like... If I wanted, they would have let me stay there forever.. And I actually thought about it too. But.. I couldn't give up my research. I eventually left... But even to this moment, I want to go back. While I was there, I befriended an Elf named Layla. She knew so much, about Elrios, different life forms and much more... We talked so much... And I've written everything I learned from Layla in this notebook.. Ah, here it is.. This is my treasure. When I left, Layla walked with me for a bit... I told her I will return. But I could never find the location of that place... I wish I can go back there again.. When I came to, I was inside the White Mist Swamp. I couldn't figure out if the forest was close to Ruben or not.. But right now, that's all the evidence I have.. I go back every now and then but I always come back empty handed. I wish I could remember the path I walked with Layla... But I don't know why I can't remember it... I miss that moment...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 11
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 10

I think I need something to help it grow faster... If I can find that special water from Hamel that Layla used, I might be able to do it. How about it? Would you get it for me? I'm sure all the people that are preparing will like it too. Hm? How did I know? How could you not when they come to me one by one asking for my favorite food. I want to repay their kindness somehow.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 12
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 11
  • Clear 4 dungeons within your level range (Except Ruben, Henir, Ereda)

It's working, I see the sprout. It should have a miraculous change around the time we arrive. Now, let's get going. I think they should be ready by now.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 13
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 12

Ah, but can we stop by the White Mist Swamp? I don't know if Layla will be able see... But I really want to show this to her. It will only take a moment, I promise.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Cobo's Thank You Gift N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adams' Welcome Party 14
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Adams' Welcome Party 13
  • Collect 60 Stella's Powder Mix

Hm.. I took a longer than I expected. I didn't think we would waste that much time at the White Mist Swamp. They should be waiting for us, should we prepare something for them as well? Help me look for it.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Adams: Um... Can you remove the blindfold? I promise I won't open my eyes...
  • Ariel: Now, now! Stay put, Adams! Here, hold my hand and walk carefully.
  • Adams: Fine... But stop pulling so hard.
  • Ariel: Everyone ready? One... two... three!
  • Ariel, Luriel, Myu: Welcome to Cobo, Adams!!
  • Adams: You shouldn't have..
  • Ariel: We're co-workers now, it was nothing! Here, you're the star of this gathering, you sit in the middle. We have a lot of food, so don't be shy! Here, Adventurer, have a seat! Thank you for all your help!
  • Luriel: I really don't know how to thank you... Without you, this Welcome Party would have been a disaster. My Sister worked very hard! I'm happy that you like it, Mr. Adams!
  • Myu: You should have called me too! I'm really good at preparing something like this!
  • Ariel: It.. It's okay... I know you're busy. Right? You're busy, right?
  • Myu: Mm... It's true... But..
  • Ariel: If both Myu and Luriel tried to help me... I wouldn't even been half done.. I would probably still be preparing...
  • Myu: Huh? What was that? I couldn't catch you?
  • Ariel: It--.. It's nothing! A-Anyways, Adams! Did you hear anything about Cobo?
  • Adams: Cobo? Nothing out of the ordinary..
  • Ariel: Oh, really? What you're about to hear now will be kind of different.. Maybe you might even regret deciding to work for Cobo.
  • Adams: What do you mean...?
  • Ariel: Adams, have you ever seen me take a vacation? I'm sure the Adventurer never saw it too. That's right, there's absolutely NO TIME to rest. We're always working, every single day.
  • Luriel: Sigh.. That's not even the worst part. We always have to visit different locations inside Elrios. Of course, they don't provide any transportation fees. Everything's done with our own money.
  • Myu: That's right! I work every single day but I always end up working until it is late! I've never once gone home at 6! It's always overtime!
  • Luriel: And if we were to make a mistake, the CEO will call you... Have you ever met him? He's big... And when he's mad, he's really scary.
  • Ariel: I've only heard rumors but people who were called to his office... They always look so beat up...
  • Adams: S-Sorry to interrupt, but... I am resigning my position as of this moment... What was I thinking? I've only just started... So, I think I'll take my leave. Goodbye, everyone!
  • Ariel: Adams?! Where are you going, Adams!!! Adventurer, quick! Catch Adams! If he quits, we'll have to do his work! Hold it right there, Adams!!!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 File:Star Shower Garland.png Star Shower Garland (Permanent) N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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