10-1 : Mine de Décion

From Elwiki

Mine de Décion

Mine de Décion. A force de chercher la dame d'El, tu as fini par te retrouver dans une autre dimension. Les prémices d'un complot t'ont conduit dans les mines situées au-delà de la forêt.
En cherchant la Dame d'El, tu te retrouves dans un autre monde. Là-bas, derrière la forêt touffue, tu découvres les indices d'un complot dans la mine.
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise
Plan du donjon
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Image Description Attaques
Flingchu - A small organic sprout creature that burrows itself in the ground. It will pop out when players approach it. It comes in a green and slightly larger red variant.
  • Leaf Wind: They will spin the leaf on their head and fire a wave of wind.
Bomeba - A species of sentient mushroom.
  • Cap Smack: It can take of its mushroom cap and smack you with it.
  • Dive Spore: It will dive at you doing several hits and spread its spores.
Pimpim à carapace - A large hermit crab like creature with an elaborate shell.
  • Shell Smack: Smack players with its spiky shell.
  • Abandon Shell: It will perform its spike attack flee from its shell, revealing himself as a normal Pimpim.
  • Dying Spike: Upon being defeated its shell will fire spikes out of its side inflicting bleed on anybody next to it. This will also perform again if it abandons its shell.
Pimpim - A small hermit crab with a thorn sticking out of its shell.
  • Leap Attack: Will hurt anybody it comes in contact with when it leaps around.
  • Thorn Shot: It will fire its thorn in a parabolic arc.
  • Dying Thorn: Will typically fire a thorn once it had been defeated.
Alboko Furiosa - A large beast that lives in the forest.
  • Lunge: It will perform a short lunge and ram you.
  • Ram: It will charge forward then do a backflip attack.


  • Does not receive proper hitstun, will instead flinch in super armor allowing it to retaliate.
Prototype Code_C - Nasod security robots.
  • Energy Spike: Stab with its robotic appendage.
  • Jet Trust: Rearrange itself into a jet and propel itself forward into players.


  • Only appears on Normal mode.
Prototype Code_D - A D grade miner Nasod. Reprogrammed for combat functionality.
  • Energy Spike: Stab with its robotic appendage.
  • Jet Trust: Rearrange itself into a jet and propel itself forward into players.


Boss intermédiaire
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Image Description Attaques
Déca Furiosa - A mechanized version of the Alboko Furyta.
  • Lunge: It will perform a short lunge and ram you.
  • Ram: It will charge forward then do a backflip attack.
  • Electro Shock: It will charge its tail with electricity and create three bolts of lightning which loosely home onto targets in front of it.


  • Does not receive proper hitstun, will instead flinch in super armor allowing it to retaliate.


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Image Description
Water Flow - Flowing water that will take you off the cliff into the lower area.
Energy Flow - A tube transporting resources from place to place. Standing on these will drag you forward.


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Image Description Attaques
Savant Déca - A Nasod scientist working with Solace to illegally extract Diceon Stones from the mines.
  • Cube Release: Deka will release 8 energy cubes as projectiles in a 180° arc.
  • Cube Explosion: Dekal will release energy cubes onto the ground as it moves, releasing blue energy fields that will damage anyone standing on it.
    • The energy field does not deal damage normally but subtracts an un-resistible amount directly from your HP.
  • Diceon Explosion: Dekal will move towards a platform and release a strong energy wave that covers the entire stage, the only safe place is the Diceon Shield that Dekal emits around himself. The platform will emit a ring of light before he begins to move.
  • Dekal Wave: Dekal will move towards the center of the stage and release a shockwave that will travel across the ground in both directions. This activates his Decison's Mana shield.
  • Decision's Mana: Dekal can create a shield to reduce the amount of damage he takes. Performed at the start of the battle and after Dekal Wave.


  • Does not receive proper hitstun, will instead flinch in super armor allowing him to retaliate.
  • Immune to debuffs.


  • Déca : Solace ? Faites-moi confiance, Déca. Hum ? D'où proviennent ces rats ? Hahaha ! Très bien, mes petits rats... Qu'est-ce que je vais bien pouvoir faire de vous ?
Butins de bossMusique de fond

Image Nom Boss Personnage Effets
Arc de Decitium d'Atlas
Cette arme légère mais résistante a été fabriquée avec du Decitium, l'essence de la haute technologie d'Atlas.
Aussi légère qu'une flèche ! J'ai l'impression que mon armure pèse beaucoup moins sur mon torse ! - Rena
Déca Furiosa

Arme pour Rena niv. 82 :

Attaque +4874

Attaque +4874

[Non identifié * ?]

Ravage +3%

Dégâts supplémentaires +3%

Rapidité +3%






Noms alternatifs
Serveur Nom Traduction
Corée du Sud 디시온 채굴장 Installation minière de Dicéon
Chine (chinois simplifié) 迪西昂采矿场 Exploitation minière de Dicéon
Amérique du Nord Diceon Mines Mines de Dicéon
