Story/Side Story

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Side Stories

Welcome Back Adams Party

Welcome Back Adams Party 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ariel: Thank you so much for helping. I would have been stuck with work all day otherwise. Anyways.... I wonder if Luriel is doing alright...
  • (Crash!!)
  • Ariel: Ugh... I knew it.... Are you alright Luriel?
  • Luriel: Ah, big sister....? I'm sorry. I dropped all the flowers.
  • Ariel: No problem. I knew something like this would happen so I had a spare hidden. Anyways, are all the preparations done?
  • Luriel: Yes of course! It should be perfect.... probably....
  • Ariel: Oh my.... You made all these? They look perfect visually.
  • Luriel: R, really? Eh-hem...! See? I can do it when I try. Ah.... would you adventures like to try some as well? You should try some too big sister! I made them according to the recipe so they should certainly be delicious.
  • Ariel: Oh... umm... alright. Okay.... hmmm... umm...... uuu.... uuuu... ughhhh...!
  • Luriel: ....? What's with that expression...? Water? You want water? Huh, strange.... I'm sure I followed the recipe correctly...
  • Ariel: M.... may I see the recipe?
  • Luriel: Hmm? Recipe.....? The recipe is inside my head.
  • Ariel: W, what do you mean....
  • Luriel: I tried to combine the recipe big sister told me and the recipe I saw a couple days ago in a book. I thought since they are both for making delicious food it would be even more delicious if I combined them.
  • Ariel: D.... did you not taste it yourself first?
  • Luriel: Of course not...! I wanted big sister to be the first one to taste them. Is that strange?
  • Ariel: Ha...... hahaha.... hahahaha!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Welcome Back Adams Party 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Luriel: Phew... I don't know why nothing is working out for me today... There's also so much work too. I'm sorry for troubling you adventurers as well. I don't know why I keep making mistakes like this. I try my best not to... It must be because there's too much work? N, no it's fine. There was just an unusually large amount of work of work today that's all!
  • Ariel: Good work Luriel. So were you able to finish your work?
  • Luriel: Yes....! Adventurers helped me a lot. It would have been a big problem otherwise. Losing those documents....
  • Ariel: Oh you.... clutz!
  • Luriel: S, sorry...
  • Ariel: What happens when you make mistakes? Of course your company cuts your wage based on the scale of your mistake. You also have to write a letter of apology saying you won't make mistakes again. Luriel is still a trainee so she will just get scolded. She's still learning after all.
  • Luriel: *sniff*.... I'll try my best....
  • Ariel: Even though it seems harsh, Cobo is still an amazing company. Did you know that Cobo was originally a small company that took care of small errands between towns? Like delivering parcels and letters, or hiring adventurers to defeat monsters that are causing trouble.... it did various tasks. Then more disturbances started appearing in Elrios causing the number of adventurers to increase. So Cobo grew as well to become a huge company that offers various services to the adventurers.
  • Luriel: Have you ever met the Cobo president in person sis? I've never seen the president yet. I did hear their voice though.
  • Ariel: Yes.... president is quite a good person. Despite planning something ridiculous with time and space, the president listens to me when I clearly say that I don't like it... Even if it's just slightly.
  • Luriel: Ah...! T, then can you relay something to the president for me? I have lots of things to say....
  • Ariel: Sure, long as it's something appropriate. So what is it?
  • Luriel: C, come close for a second. It's something I don't want adventurers to hear...
  • Ariel: Sorry adventurers, excuse us for a moment! L, Luriel.... I'm sorry but that's a bit....
  • Luriel: How come?!! Why not?!! That's harsh....
  • Ariel: Please try to understand... That person doesn't mean anything bad. Of course that person does tend to put forth a bunch of plans and show not interest in solving it..... Oh....! I'm sorry adventurers. You are not interested in stories like this right? Anyways, I'm really fortunate to be able to work at Cobo. Although it's a bit busy, I can meet you adventurers like this and help you. From what I hear, our technology department has just finished the 'special business trip service technology'. So we'll be able to meet you again really soon!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Welcome Back Adams Party 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Adams: Wait a moment. Sprinkle this spore on the fruit.... Hmm... is this going to take more time? This is..... a method a friend of mine taught me. I wonder how she'd doing, I would really like to talk with her again. Have I ever told you about this? Actually when I was taking a break form work, there was a slight time when I traveled the continent. It was to find more research topics.... and there were also many problems I wanted to organize. One day I went inside a really dense forest to research the creatures of the forest. Then all of a sudden I was lost! Unfortunately, only thing I had wit me at the time at the time was.... an old notebook and a single pencil. There was no way for me to figure out any directions and I couldn't even tell if it was day or night because the huge dense trees. I suddenly got really scared. Something hostile could have jumped out at me any moment..... wouldn't it be strange to actually keep cool in that situation? Well.... thinking about it now... I still don't know if the whole thing was a dream or not. Anyways, I couldn't just stand in one place. So I walked and walked. I don't know how long I walked but maybe the heavens hadn't abandoned me because I saw a small light coming from up ahead. I was so happy that I started sprinting without a thought. The light gradually became closer and all of a sudden there was an enormous and ancient tree in front of me. On that tree, there were small and large openings like windows and doors with light coming from inside. I had never seen such a large beautiful tree in my life..... Mesmerized, I slowly entered the tree. There I saw a scene that was even more amazing. There were... Elves in there. Many elves were gathering there forming a small village.... and they were all very kind. Even though I was an outsider, they gave me food, drink, and even provide me a place to sleep. I stayed there for about a week scanning the geography of the area. But that place was too deep inside a dense forest that I had no way of even approximating where it was located. If I wanted to, they would have probably let me stay there for the rest of my life. Of course, I actually considered doing so for a moment too. Still.... I couldn't give up my research. I ended up leaving the place... but even now I really want to visit the place again. When I was staying there, I became friends with an Elf named Lyla. She knew so many things. About various creatures living in Elrios and about various objects that have changed from the El Shard's influence.... We talked about so many things. I wrote down everything I learned from Lyla on a notebook..... Oh, here it is! This is my most treasured possession. Thankfully, Lyla accompanied me to see me off when I was leaving.... and I promised her I'll come to visit again. Although, I never figured out the location of the place so I still haven't been there ever since.... When I came to, I was in White Mist Swamp. I wonder if that forest had always been close to Ruben..... Anyways, that's the best current lead I have at the moment.... so I try going there to search from time to time but to no avail. If I could remember the road I walked back with Lyla.... Why can't I remember.....?! Really miss the time I spent in there....
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Welcome Back Adams Party 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Elsword's Story

Oath 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Young boy's shouts were heard in a desolate and barren field. Boy was only focused on swinging his sword even with the scorching sunlight beaming down upon him.
  • Elsword: ninety eight, ninety nine…..
  • Boy finally collapsed after shouting up to hundred then wiped the drops of sweat on his forehead. It's been a week since he managed increase his maximum possible swings but as he was right now, he could only barely get to hundred. Boy grabbed a water bottle that was nearby while massaging his shaking arms.
  • Elsword: (This is still not enough…..! I still have long ways to go if I want to be like…..big sis….and father)
  • Boy recalled his older sister's light and disciplined movements. Boy's older sister was famous to the point where you couldn't find anyone in the kingdom that didn't know her name. Despite her young age, she finished the El Search Party course in a shortest time ever with her outstanding vigor and skills. She had a bright future as 'Kingdom knights'……
  • Elesis: Elsword! Elsword!!! It's time for food!!
  • A cheerful voice calling the boy's name was heard from far way. Boy grabbed the sword he had dropped on the ground then got up as turned his head towards where the voice had come from.
  • Elsword: Alright, big sis!
  • Girl with a same red colored hair as the boy was waving her hand. Boy sighed as walked towards the girl.
  • Elesis: What's wrong? Did something bad happen?
  • Elsword: Huh? N, no it's nothing….
  • Boy smiled awkwardly as he hid his arms behind his back. Girl took a look at her younger brother's shaking arms for a moment, and then opened her mouth while grinning.
  • Elesis: Today's lunch is a rare meat that village chief gave us.
  • Elsword: What kind of meat is it?
  • Elesis: Umm….. I forgot….
  • Girl scratched her head as if she was taken aback then put her hand on top of the boy’s head while smiling brightly.
  • Elesis: Well….that's not important right? You should eat a lot. You'll grow faster that way!
  • Elsword: Stop that!! I know already.
  • Boy escaped the girl's hand then entered the house. He laid his sword on the corner then went to sit at the old looking meal table. There was a whole piece of unrecognizable and slightly burnt meat on top of the table.
  • Elsword: (Big sis…. Are you telling me to eat this….?)
  • When the boy had barely managed to slice the portion of the meat, the girl also sat directly across from the boy. There were three seats in the meal table but the third seat remained empty.
  • Elesis: It might have got burnt a bit.
  • Elsword: It doesn't look like little…..
  • Boy replied while munching. It still didn’t taste too bad.
  • Elsword: I don't think you should cook big sis.
  • Elesis: Is that a thing to say to your big sister who worked so hard to prepare this?
  • Girl bonked boy's head lightly so it wouldn't hurt then looked straightly at the boy's face while putting a thin slice of meat into her mouth. After their father had left to join the kingdom, only ones left in the house were girl and her younger brother. Thanks to their father's request, villagers were helping the siblings out with their livelihood. But the vacant space they felt from their father's departure was still too large.
  • Elesis: (Maybe I should help him with his sword practice tomorrow….)
  • While the girl was deep in thought, sound of someone knocking was heard from outside the door. Girl stopped the boy who was trying to stand up then carefully opened the door.
  • Elsword: Big sis, what is it?
  • Girl received a small letter from a person outside the door then started reading the letter while not answering the boy's question.
  • Elsword: Big sis? What is it about?
  • Elesis: …..It's a message from father. It's a request for reinforcements from the Velder army.
  • Boy unknowingly dropped the knife he was holding at the girls words. Knife made a loud noise as it rolled on the floor.
  • Elesis: I have to go right now, Elsword.
  • Girl glanced at the boy's surprised expression for only a moment then started to busily move around the house.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Oath 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Elsword: Let me go too, big sis!
  • Boy shouted as he stood in front of the girl to block her. Girl seemed to stop for a moment then walked past the boy as she sighed.
  • Elesis: No, Elsword. Do you even know what kind of place that is?
  • Girl shut her mouth as she packed some clothes inside a small bag. But boy didn't give up and walked up to the girl then stopped her hand from packing.
  • Elsword: I also know what kind of place it is! Father is fighting the enemy for our kingdom right? I'll also fight together and help father and big sis! I can do it too!
  • Girl listened quietly to the boy's words then delved into her thoughts for a moment. But in the end, she answered while shaking her head.
  • Elesis: Elsword… it's still too early….for you to go to that kind of place.
  • Elsword: T….that's not true! I know I can fight well! Here, look! I haven't skipped sword practice even for a day!
  • Boy was about to raise his sword but lowered his hand when the girl's answered right after.
  • Elesis: Promise me, Elsword. That you'll stay here and protect our home and village until father and I come back.
  • Elesis: I'll also promise you, that I'll come back home for sure… with father.
  • Boy stood still without any words for a while. He then nodded slightly and answered as if he was muttering.
  • Elsword: …Okay.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Oath 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • The girl finished her preparations by putting a couple small breads and completely filled water bottles lying on the sideboard inside her bag. The boy wordlessly sat in the meal table and watched the girl as she packed.
  • Elesis: Elsword… You are plenty stro…
  • Sound of knocking came from outside even before the girl finished her words. The girl opened and closed her mouth couple more times trying to finish her words but she gave up in the end and opened the door. A solider delivered the letter to the girl who was waiting as he kept impatiently tapping the ground with his feet.
  • Soldier: Sir Elkashu… No, your father is waiting. Let's go now if you're ready.
  • Girl nodded as she picked up her sword lying near the door. Boy still didn't say anything. This made the girl worried and she couldn't easily move her step.
  • Elesis: Elsword… I'll be going.
  • Boy nodded twice. Girl looked straightly at the boy's appearance for a while then smiled brightly as she said her farewell.
  • Elesis: You'll certainly have become much stronger when we meet again. To the point where I won't even be a match for you.
  • At the girl's words, boy smiled and waved his hand as if it couldn't be helped.
  • Elsword: Come back safely, big sis.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Oath 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • House was quiet. Boy dropped on the bed and closed his eyes.
  • Elsword: (I'm alone now…)
  • It felt like a strange emotion was rising up from the corner of his mind. Loneliness, fear, sadness, helplessness…. All the emotions got mixed up and made the boy waver. Boy covered his face with both of his hands and recalled image of the girl's back as she was leaving the house. The girl's back somehow looked similar to their father. Just like the girl, their father also left the house suddenly without any prior notice.
  • Elsword: (I didn't know at the time that I won't be able to see dad for so long. I was just smiling because dad with his sword on his back looked so radiant.)
  • Boy recalled himself holding the girl's hand and smiling brightly while waving his hand to his departing father. Big Sis at that time for some reason grabbed my hand strongly with a stiff expression, boy smiled slightly as he murmured.
  • Elsword: (Does Big Sis remember that time too…..?)
  • The girl's last appearance was still vivid in the boy's eyes as if she was standing in front of him right now. Boy opened his eyes and stared at the girl's terrible cooking for a while then wordlessly got up and headed to the meal table. Boy took bite out of a piece of meat without hesitation as he thought.
  • Elsword: (Big Sis's expression at that time…. She must have had the same thoughts as me right now.)
  • Boy wordlessly sat for a long time while looking at the shut door.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Oath 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Oath 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Oath 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Aisha's Story

Lost Power 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: So this place is…
  • A giant gate that you could easily sense the grand flow of time from was in front of the girl. Girl took a deep breath. There were complicated ancient spells surrounding the gate but the girl didn't seem like she minded too much.
  • Aisha: A place where the Ring of Mimir is hidden….. I never thought it would be such an amazing place.
  • When the girl carefully stretched her hands out towards the gate, the magic aura around the gate crawled up her hands with a stinging sensation. The magic aura finally engulfed the girl's entire body and started to tighten around her. But the girl merely frowned for a moment and didn't withdraw her hands. When the girl's two hands reached the emblem on the center of the gate, the magic aura started to shake the ground violently. Girl showed no signs of being startled as she took a deep breath one more time then closed her eyes as she started chanting a spell composed of ancient Ellian language. The magic aura instantly reacted to the girl's spell and started to quell. As always, the girl didn't fail this time either.
  • Kuenbaran: Aisha!
  • What the old man who later came down the stairs panting saw was the scene where the girl had already opened the gate to the ancient ruins. Old man looked back and forth between the girl who was muttering how it still stung and the ancient ruins inside the gate then sighed as he put his hand on top of his only granddaughter's head.
  • Kuenbaran: Did you open this gate by yourself?
  • Aisha: Yes, grandfather! The emblem on an old piece of paper I saw earlier and the one on this door were exactly the same! So I thought the spell on that paper was related to this door and gave it a shot!
  • Old man recalled that he had never taught his granddaughter the ancient Ellian language. But he also knew very well that the girl was extremely bright, wanted know anything that was related to magic and that she had already looked up everything up to even most minuscule details beforehand.
  • Kuenbaran: The spell should have been in ancient Ellian. How did you know?
  • Aisha: I found a book about the Ellian kingdom and deciphered it on my own.
  • Answer that the old man expected came directly from the girl's mouth. It took him three years to gather the data and two years to decipher the said data. The time when the girl encountered the old man's data was one year ago and the time she began showing interest in it was six months ago.
  • Kuenbaran: (Deciphering ancient Ellian language in just half a year…..)
  • Old man let out a dispirited laugh while looking at how the girl was looking down at inner part of the ruin with glimmer in her eyes. It was a moment where he wasn't regretful that he handed over the title of grand magician to his young granddaughter. The girl's magical powers were increasing by the day. The girl possessed a great magical power that wouldn't fall behind any magician in the Elrios continent and her abilities to utilize that power was outstanding as well. Old man believed firmly that by the time this girl grew up safely and became an adult, she'd become a great magician that would leave her name in the history.
  • Aisha: Grandfather, hurry up!!
  • The legendary artifact, Ring of Mimir which was supposed to hold infinite magical energy was hidden somewhere inside this ruin. If they could find that ring, and if this girl could freely control the magical energy contained in that ring….. Old man gulped as he walked down the stairs while hiding his shivering hand.
  • Kuenbaran: Don't get too hasty. This place is very large and complicated…. You won't be able to leave easily if you get lost.
  • Aisha: Don't worry, grandfather! I'm the granddaughter of great sage Kuenbaran after all!
  • Old man wordlessly followed after the girl who went ahead while smiling confidently.
  • Inside of the ruin was like a labyrinth. There were certainly immensely precious treasures hidden inside various parts of this ruin but one had to risk an equivalent amount of danger in order to obtain them. Girl and old man had to face exactly ten dead ends and three dangerous traps before they were able to reach the center of the ruin. In a place they finally arrived after passing through these rigorous trials, there was a stone slate with bunch of Ellian language written on it that girl and old man weren't able to read. Girl couldn't hide her disappointment as she sparsely tried to read the Ellian language.
  • Aisha: Only the knowledge in the ring…. umm… the gods…. doesn't possess….
  • Aisha: I can't read it…. How about you grandfather?
  • Old man waved his head at the girl’s question. This slate with multiple erased and unrecognizable words was certainly speaking about the secret hidden inside this ruin. But he could only conclude that the 'Ring of Mimir' was hidden somewhere here from this.
  • Aisha: The ring must mean Ring of Mimir right? We didn't find out anything from this… oh well. Let's just go, grandfather!
  • The girl passed by the slate with cheerful footsteps. Old man who was looking at the slate for a long time while nodding also moved his steps to follow after the girl. But it was strange. The girl who should be in front of him wasn't anywhere to be seen.
  • Kuenbaran: Aisha! Can you hear me? Aisha!!!
  • Old man's urgent shout lingered in midair. But the girl's answer couldn't be heard.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Lost Power 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: Grandfather!!! Grandpa!!
  • Girl's desperate shout filled the ruin but the old man's appearance was nowhere to be seen.
  • Aisha: W, what is this all of a sudden…. Where is this place?
  • Where in the ruin was this place? Where was the exit? Where was her grandfather? Everything was so confusing for the girl who was suddenly alone. She pulled herself together and tried to sense her grandfather's magic energy but not even a single magic energy could be sensed in the place where the girl was.
  • Aisha: Calm down… calm down Aisha. This won't be solved by getting anxious… Let's think… So the point when I got separated from grandpa was… …. The place with that giant slate….
  • The girl who was deep in thought as she sat leaning on the wall recalled the point when she had stopped sensing the old man's magic energy. Girl had sensed an extremely minuscule amount of magic when she had passed by the giant slate. Its power was barely an amount to give notice to so she hadn't given it much thought.
  • But come to think of it right now, it might have been just enough power to notice the intruder and activate a trap. Girl murmured about how she got tricked squarely as she stood up.
  • Aisha: I can't get out just by staying here anyways… I should try moving. Grandpa would certainly trust that I'll come to the place where the ring is likely to be so he should be heading there too.
  • Girl shouted that she won't miss any small changes this time then proudly stepped forth into the darkness.
  • Girl had wandered inside the labyrinth for so long to the point where she couldn't tell how long she had been walking anymore. But then she rubbed her eyes from a stream of light that could be barely seen far away.
  • Aisha: That places is…. Could it be….!?
  • Girl who had been moving her steps carefully wondering if her eyes were mistaken or if this was a trap inside the ruin was already dashing before she had realized.
  • Aisha: I can't believe this… It really existed….
  • Girl stood numbly in front of the giant altar. She then walked up the stairs as if she was possessed by something. Before long, the legendary artifact, 'Ring of Mimir' was in front of her eyes.
  • Aisha: So this is…the Ring of Mimir that had been only told through legends….
  • Girl who had been wordlessly looking at the ring that was giving off radiant light and somewhat familiar energy slowly stretched out her hand.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Lost Power 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • When the girl came to, Ring of Mimir was already on the girl's finger.
  • Aisha: S, since when did I…..? It's almost as if I was possessed….
  • Girl who was wordlessly staring at the ring giving off radiant light shook her head strongly then moved her hand towards the ring.
  • Aisha: Grandfather said it might be a dangerous object so it shouldn't be used carelessly… I better take it off.
  • ???: That's a wise old man.
  • Girl was hastily trying to take the ring off but paused and slowly turned around her head at the voice coming from behind her. Even before she had realized, man with a large hood on was glaring at her.
  • Aisha: Who are you? Could it be…are you also after this ring?
  • Girl strengthened the grip on her staff while hiding her other hand behind her back. Staff responded to the girl's magic energy and started to give off light. Mysterious man stared the girl's reaction quietly then scoffed as he approached the girl.
  • Aisha: Back off, I'll fire this orb at you if you come any closer. It won't be easy for you to dodge my attack in this narrow place.
  • Girl bit down on her lips as she carefully examined the man's appearance. She felt an ominous aura from the man. Also, this aura had already seeped into the entire room.
  • ???: You'll be able to save yourself if you hand that ring over quietly.
  • Aisha: Hmph, you took the words right out of my mouth. This is an object that our family has been looking for generations! Do you think I'll hand it over so easily?
  • Girl examined the surroundings while backing up to distance herself from the man. Unfortunately, the surroundings were all blocked off with walls and the man was blocking the only exit.
  • ???: What a daring brat… that ring isn't something you people should covet. If you won't hand it over quietly… I'll have to use force.
  • Chilling aura from the man reached the girl. Staff that girl gripped strongly so it wouldn't shake was giving off even brighter light than before.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Lost Power 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Aisha: Hohoho….. be grateful! There aren't many chances to fight properly against great genius magician Aisha!
  • Girl quickly hid herself then collected her breath. Useful magics to use in this situation and plans to obstruct the enemy's vision and escape was formulating in her head.
  • Aisha: You won't last against me for long!
  • Three orbs that got created from the girl's staff rapidly flew into the man. Man threw his body to dodge the orbs then raised his head again and looked for a place that the girl might be hiding.
  • Aisha: Where do you think you're looking?!
  • Girl didn't miss this chance. Fireball that flew into the man's back made a large sound as it exploded.
  • Aisha: (….. It won't end with just this. This is my only chance to escape.)
  • Thick smoke filled the room. Girl quickly searched around for the man's shadow. Maybe he hid himself or fell from the unexpected attack, the man couldn't be seen anywhere.
  • Aisha: (Alright, this is my chance!)
  • Girl fired couple more fireballs to clear the smoke as she dashed toward the exit. But just when she almost reached the exit, a giant wall of shadow blocked the exit.
  • ???: You thought you could escape this place? How foolish.
  • While the girl was still startled, three orbs flew towards her back. Girl barely threw her body to dodge, but almost as if it was revenge from before, the man immediately fired a fireball towards her.
  • Aisha: (They are exactly same magic that I used before…. Just how….?)
  • Girl barely managed to put up a barrier to block the attack then glared at the man while panting heavily. Man was standing right in front of the girl.
  • ???: I can let you off right here. Hand over the ring.
  • Aisha: (….He's stronger than I thought. It will be difficult to escape unless I defeat that guy…)
  • Girl backed up as she hid her hand. She smiled confidently as she held up her staff towards the man.
  • Aisha: Hah! This was just a preview. I didn't even fight properly yet! (I need more power to defeat this guy…. Ah…. The ring…!)
  • Girl recalled power of this ring that she was wearing. 'Ring of Mimir' was an object that the Landar family had been looking for a long time. It was supposed to be an object that contained infinite amount of magic energy. But it was said that they didn't even know if the ring actually existed, and even if it existed, it was an ancient artifact so it shouldn't be used carelessly.
  • Aisha: (But this is an emergency. There's no other choice.)
  • Girl sent magic energy through her staff. Staff started to give off light again.
  • Aisha: (Lend me a bit of your power!)
  • Man distanced himself from the girl then gathered the shadows that were blocking the exit around him to prepare for the girl's attack. Girl used this chance to focus all her nerves on the ring. She felt something that was familiar and warm. Then she felt an infinite power that she had never felt before flowing into her body. Light from the ring instantly started to envelop the girl.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Lost Power 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Lost Power 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Lost Power 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


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ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Rena's Story

Portrait of Younger Days 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • It was two tomboys that always signaled the morning in Forest of the Elves. Two children would run through dew filled forest laughing loudly amused by something in one moment then they would stop laughing in an instant and focus on a race to beat each other.
  • Lua: Hehe…. I won this time!
  • Two kids, both out of their breaths and with their cheeks red finally stopped running when they reached the pond. Short haired kid who arrived first grinned and made a V sign with her finger towards the long haired kid who arrived later.
  • Rena: That's not fair! I couldn't focus because you made me laugh so much!
  • Long haired kid pouted as she walked past the short haired kid then climbed a giant tree as if she was very used to climbing it. That spot was basically the two children's designated place. Two would race to the pond every morning and their destination was always on top of this tree that the long haired kid was standing.
  • Lua: Rena, are you angry?
  • Kid named Rena waved her head as she looked far out into the distance.
  • Rena: Lua, look over there. There's a smoke rising up.
  • Rena called Lua as she pointed towards the place across from the forest. Lua also skillfully climbed the tree with nimble movements then looked towards where Rena's hand was pointing.
  • Rena: Human village that's supposed to be around here must be that way, I'm sure of it!
  • Two children blankly stared at the smoke rising up with shine in their eyes then looked at each other disappointingly when the smoke disappeared.
  • Lua: It's already over.
  • Rena: Yea. I wondered if something special will happen today….
  • Rena looked regrettably at the place where the smoke had been rising from as she followed after Lua who was grabbing her hand and leading her to the slightly higher part of the tree.
  • Lua: We can come back tomorrow. So for today….
  • Lua who was looking around smiled brightly as if she found something good then pointed towards the center of the forest.
  • Lua: Let's try going over there. We've never been towards that place right? There must be lots of mysterious things!
  • Rena looked towards where Lua had pointed then nodded while smiling brightly just like Lua. Two children instantly jumped off the tree then went off on their own expedition into deeper part of the forest.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Portrait of Younger Days 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Hahaha, guys, that tickles….!
  • After some time had passed to the point where they now explored most of the forest, a small change started to occur around Rena. Things called 'spirits' started to naturally gather around Rena. They protected Rena so she wouldn't get hurt and granted Rena's requests from time to time. Other elves thought 'spirits particularly follow that child' and were amazed. This was a same case as the greatest elder of the Erindel territory, Branwe Erindel. Erindel started to observe Rena more carefully but didn't particularly get close to the child.
  • Lua: Rena, can you pick that one too?
  • Rena: Of course! Look closely! These children will help me!
  • Lua and Rena still liked exploring various places inside the forest. Sometimes near the barrier that they were told absolutely not to leave, sometimes into a deep southern forest that the other elves didn't visit often…. When the two children went exploring, Rena didn't hesitate to borrow the powers of the spirits.
  • Rena: Alright, here it is. Can you cut it in half?
  • Fruit hanging on top of a tall tree fell down right away when the wind spirits shook the tree strongly. Then other spirits blew winds so that the fruit wouldn't smash into the ground and got the fruit on top of Rena's palm safely.
  • Lua: That's so amazing!
  • Lua cut the fruit in half then handed one half to Rena while looking at the spirits that were circling around Rena as if they wanted compliments.
  • Rena: This is nothing.
  • Lua: What do you mean by nothing? Those children won't listen to what I say.
  • Rena: Hmm… that's true.
  • Rena who was looking at the spirits around her shrugged as she took a bite out of the fruit. Spirits that had abruptly approached Rena listened to anything she requested of them. They followed Rena wherever she went and tried to protect her. She didn't even have a clue as to why the spirits listened to her but what was certain was that they were of "help".
  • Rena: I don't exactly know why they listen to me….. But we can have more fun exploring thanks to these children right?
  • Lua who was looking at Rena smile brightly withdrew her envious gaze then nodded.
  • Lua: Anyways… how about we go check on that now?
  • Lua asked Rena while munching on the fruit. Rena seemed to ponder for a moment at what 'that' was then shouted while clapping as if she remembered.
  • Rena: Ah! I almost forgot! Would that child be alright? We didn't get to visit yesterday….
  • Lua: It should be fine. There's morning dew… and there's a pond nearby.
  • Two children started moving even before each other's words finished. They stopped their steps when they reached the pond that they often visited.
  • Lua: Ah….Rena…
  • Lua noticed something soon as they arrived at the pond then started running hastily. Rena also followed Lua with a worried expression.
  • Lua: ….To think it ended up like this……
  • There was a single small wilted flower at the place Lua was kneeling. Lua who had been wordlessly looking down at the flower murmured quietly then even started sobbing.
  • Lua: Is it….my fault? This child wouldn't have wilted…if I visited yesterday.
  • Rena: Lua….
  • Rena sat beside Lua looking down quietly at the wilted flower. She then suddenly put both of her hands on the ground then closed her eyes as if she was determined about something.
  • Lua: Rena…? What are you trying to do?
  • Rena: Sssh! I'm going to borrow the powers of the spirits. They might save this child.
  • Rena gathered the spirits nearby then wished and wished again that she wanted to revive the wilted flower. Spirits gathered and circled around Rena like the usual but none of them listened to Rena's wish.
  • Rena: (What…? Why are you not listening to me? You always listened to my requests…I ask you this time as well….. It's a precious flower that my friend holds dearly. Very precious flower she got as a gift from her parents…. Please, I ask you. Save this flower…..)
  • All the spirits began to circle around Rena and the flower and give off a small light. Light from the spirits seeped into the wilted flower as well and the flower bud slowly started to rise.
  • Rena and Lua held their breaths as they watched this scene. They wished desperately for the flower to come back alive as they waited for the flower to completely bloom. But light from the spirits eventually disappeared and the flower bud lowered again.
  • Rena: Why…..?
  • Rena struggled to gather more spirits after getting startled from seeing the spirits around them scatter. But the spirits didn't answer Rena.
  • Rena: (Why are you all acting like this….?)
  • She tried again and again but result was the same.
  • Lua: Rena, stop! It's fine now….!
  • Rena shook off Lua's hand trying to stop her then called upon the spirits again. Her vision became blurry and her head felt dizzy but she didn't care.
  • Lua: Rena? Rena!!!!
  • And with that, Rena lost consciousness.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Portrait of Younger Days 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lua: Lady, how is Rena doing?
  • Lilia quietly shook her head after looking at her daughter who twisted and turned while panting thinly as if she was in pain. Rena hadn't woken up ever since she came home being carried on Lua's back. She was getting bad fever which would soak the entire bed sheet in sweat from time to time. Spirits of the wind came and blew winds from beside Rena's head whenever this happened.
  • Lua: I'm sorry… If it weren't for me….
  • Lilia hugged Lua who looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment then patted her shoulder.
  • Lilia: It's alright child. It wasn't your fault…. Rena will open her eyes again for sure. Look how the spirits are tending to Rena so sincerely. Rena won't lose easily.
  • Lua barely withheld her tears and nodded as she headed to Rena's bedside. Rena's face was pale and her head felt hot.
  • Isilad: Lilia! I brought the elder!
  • Isilad's voice came from downstairs and broke the silence in the room. Sounds of wood floor creaking seemed to continue then Isilad and elder Branwe entered.
  • Lilila: I'm sorry for making you come all this way.
  • Branwe: No, I should obviously help if there's someone in need. It's my job after a….
  • Branwe trailed her words as her gaze headed towards Rena lying behind Lilia. She had already known Rena's condition wasn't good from the rumors. Just like the rumors, this child's condition didn't look too good. Branwe looked towards the spirits beside Rena's head while petting the head of Lua who was looking up at her worriedly.
  • Branwe: (…So that's what happened.)
  • After nodding and sending the spirits away, Branwe calmly put her hand on top of the child's forehead. Blue light started to dwell near Rena.
  • Rena: ….uuugh….
  • Light disappeared after a while. Then surprisingly, Rena who had been asleep as if she was dead stretched her arms and got up as if nothing had happened.
  • Rena: Mom….dad….Lua….and even the elder? What are you all doing here?
  • Lua: Rena…. Rena!!!
  • Looking at Lua burst into tears and jumping into her arms, Rena scratched her head as if she was embarrassed.
  • Rena: What's wrong everyone…?
  • Branwe: You were deep asleep, very sick.
  • Branwe spoke with a soft voice. Then she looked straightly into Rena's eyes then made a strict expression.
  • Branwe: You should know better why you ended up like this right, Rena?
  • Rena recalled what happened with the spirits earlier then nodded hesitantly.
  • Branwe: ….Alright, it's good if you understand.
  • Branwe loosened her expression then smiled. She then asked a question that surprised everyone in the room.
  • Branwe: It looks like you'll need a proper mentor. Would you like to become my disciple?
  • Rena seemed to think for a moment with a surprised expression then gave a large nod with an expression as if she had determined something.
  • Rena: Yes! I will!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Portrait of Younger Days 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Branwe: Remember, Rena. People with power cannot use their power carelessly.
  • Branwe spoke gently as she showed Rena the powers that the spirits held. Rena's eyes shined brightly as she looked at the images of light that appeared and disappeared at the end of Branwe's fingertips.
  • Branwe: When using power, one must take responsibility for their power. Do you remember what happened before?
  • Branwe put her hands down on her knees then asked while staring straightly at Rena. Rena had never brought up that event ever since she woke up. She kept changing the topic if that event was about to come up.
  • Rena: …. Yes.
  • Branwe: What were you thinking when you asked the spirits to revive that flower?
  • Rena couldn't answer right away and twitched her mouth. She barely suppressed herself from answering "I didn't think about anything" then thought and thought again to find a proper answer. But the answer Rena gave in the end wasn't too different from the answer she first thought of.
  • Rena: …… Nothing.
  • Branwe smiled as if she was satisfied by Rena's honest answer then continued her words.
  • Branwe: Thank you for answering honestly. But Rena…..that was honestly a foolish action.
  • Rena's face reddened as she lowered her head. Rena was also regretting what happened on that day. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have forced those children. She even repeatedly resolved hundreds, thousands of times to not use power of the spirits again.
  • Branwe: About everything that will happen if you revived that flower…. reviving that flower but making the surrounding plants wilt or spirits turning into dew then disappearing after using up all their power to save that flower…. Were you prepared to take responsibility if such things happened?
  • Rena quietly shook her head. She hadn't thought that far so she realized once more how foolish her action on that day was.
  • Branwe: Not everyone can wield this power. There are more people in this world that don't have power. We, as the people with power need to take up appropriate responsibility and resolve. Always think before you use your power. About the result using your power will bring, if someone will be harmed because of me, if so then what kind of responsibility I need to take because of it.
  • Rena quietly whispered to the spirits while feeling Branwe's warm hands petting her head.
  • Rena: (I'm really sorry.)
  • Branwe looked at Rena as if she was cute then focused once more and created an image of light in front of Rena again. Light quickly started to transform and started to show image of a giant tree.
  • Rena: Wow… this is… isn't this that giant tree near the pond?
  • Branwe nodded gently as she continued her words.
  • Branwe: That's right. This tree is called Eldrasil. It's a tree that gained enormous amount mana due to the power of El. This tree has gained 'consciousness' and is protecting this forest.
  • Rena: I… it was such an amazing tree?
  • Branwe: Haha, you don't have to be so startled. Eldrasil loves all the life residing in the forest. It must be very happy that you two came to visit every day.
  • Rena started to stare straightly at the light image with a bright expression again.
  • Branwe: My power is also possible due to connection with Eldrasil.
  • Rena focused intently on Branwe's words as she stretched out her hand to touch various part of the light image.
  • Branwe: This is a most important part in our lessons from now on so please remember well. Also, one more thing.
  • Rena: Keep the fact that I'm elder's disciple a secret right?
  • Rena stood up as if she understood then smiled.
  • Branwe: Yes, no one except you, Rua and your parents…. Must know that you are my disciple.
  • Rena answered yes to Branwe's request as she always did. After that, she reviewed 'creating light images' she learned from Branwe then got up to leave.
  • Branwe made a mysterious smile while looking at Rena's back.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Portrait of Younger Days 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Portrait of Younger Days 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Portrait of Younger Days 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Raven's Story

Short Chapter of Memory 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • I had always thought living as an adopted son of a noble had more disadvantages than merit. But I gave up many things to not disappoint the expectations from around me and also to not dishonor my father's name. As a result, I was acknowledged by the general. General asked me what I wanted to do from now on and I answered that I will follow the same path as my father. General patted my shoulder while smiling slightly then difficultly opened his mouth and said that he will do everything he can to support me. His face at that time was certainly smiling but also looked slightly bitter. I didn't know why he was making such an expression at the time. Not too long after that, I ended up enrolling in a military academy for nobles. Many nobles gathered in this prestigious academy which had produced many warriors that left their names in the history. At first, since these were people that enrolled out of their interest in warfare and martial arts, I had a small expectation that the students here would be a different bunch than the ones in the family. People in the family rigorously mocked me by calling me a 'lowly child of a commoner' whenever general wasn't around. But I soon realized that these students were also the same brand of 'nobles'after all.
  • Raven: (….This place is the same.)
  • The gossip spread fast. Even those that didn't treat me with discrimination started distancing themselves from me after finding out my lineage. But they also didn't treat me lightly. They couldn't easily mess with the adopted son of a kingdom's hero, 'General Cronwell'. Maybe this was better for me. It became a good condition for me to only focus on my sword skills so I just had to spend my days quietly without getting caught up in any troubles, graduate safely, and then leave the family. That's right…. I never thought I could get along well with these people in the first place. I merely had a minuscule expectation that maybe things could be slightly different. But unlike my wish of spending the days quietly, the situation didn't flow according to my favor. Each year, something called the 'mock siege warfare' was held for the sake of preparing for an actual 'siege warfare'. This was not only a place where students contested their strengths but also became a pride contest between families. All students had to participate in the 'mock siege warfare'. There was one rule that absolutely had to be followed and it was that you had to form up in teams of 3 people. Many students from lesser families approached me first to offer me a place in their team but I refused because I could clearly see through their schemes of trying to benefit from the generals name.
  • Raven: (All nobles are a bunch that is blinded by their greed for success and power. I wasn't trying to get involved with anyone else before graduating…. Things had become troublesome….)
  • While I was worrying about participating, the day of the mock siege warfare had approached to next week.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Short Chapter of Memory 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ever since I was young, whenever my head felt complicated, I used to go out into an empty field and swing a weapon. Sword was fine and even a sturdy stick was okay. Focusing on swinging something helped me throw away useless thoughts. And this was the time to throw away useless thoughts. Mock siege warfare was about to start next week and I was planning not to participate in that siege warfare.
  • Raven: (General will certainly be hugely disappointed. But I don't want to team up with those kinds of people.)
  • It would be a lie if I said I had no regrets. I didn't have much interest in spreading the family name. But I had a very strong desire to show my skills to the general. Holding the blade that was lying in the corner of my room, I headed to the training field like it was a habit. The campus was quiet because there were no classes due to the preparation for the mock siege warfare. Those that already formed teams were busy practicing outside the campus. You could sometimes hear sounds of large and small explosions coming from far away. I forcefully tried to ignore these but couldn't help my gaze from turning. Even though I had determined to let go of my regrets, thoughts of forming a team even now ceaselessly rose up in the corner of my mind.
  • Raven: (Let's throw it away.)
  • I determined again while putting strength in my hands holding the blade. They were all useless thoughts. I had to shake them off by swinging the blade.
  • Owen: ….I'm not saying that members aren't important. Mock siege warfare has a very simple rule where the side that captures the other team's base first wins. But you won't be able to win by just trying to break through up front. We should first divide up our roles…..
  • Zohan: So it means we'l win if we just break through quickly right? Everyone moving together is better then. Why don't you go build up some stamina if you have the time to come up with those kinds of stupid plans?
  • Training field was unusually noisy today. I could see three guys facing each other in the corner. Two of them were giggling as they started mocking the one other guy.
  • Fred: You, you must still think you are someone special…. Someone from a Felford family that had sunken low to the bottom is actually daring to order us around? How come? Did you want to become a leader at least in this place?
  • Zohan: Don't get us wrong, we didn't team up with you because we wanted to. It's just that only ones remaining were so lame that we let you, who at least still had a family name intact to join us. We can't have a girl or a commoner joining us after all.
  • Raven: (…Here they go again.)
  • I didn't want to get involved. It was blatantly obvious that my future days will become agonizing soon as I got involved with those guys. I turned around and was about to go back to the campus when a guy from the Felford family who was getting mocked opened his mouth. It shouldn't have been strange for him to be furious after all of this but he looked surprisingly rational and calm.
  • Owen: This is a training exercise that occurs inside a wide and complicated castle. That's why we for sure need someone that analyzes the situation and gives correct orders. You guys won't be able to handle such a task with your brains so I'll….
  • Fred: You…. are you messing with us?
  • Even before the guy from the Felford family finished his words, another guy with a heavy build standing in front of him instantly grabbed him by the collar then held him up.
  • Fred: Know your place. I can end someone like you any time by putting in some words to my father. All you need to do is to just quietly and obediently follow what we say.
  • Zohan: Don't step up when you don't need to. Got it?
  • Raven: You guys must have so much leisure time to be playing around in this place. Stop being noisy and get lost. Before I call someone to kick you out.

I absolutely didn't step up because I was burning with a sense of justice or felt pity for the guy from the Felford family. No, I initially tried not to step up. But ignoring this situation would make me no different from the other nobles. I just didn't want to become like that.

  • Zohan: What? Who is this….? Raven?
  • Fred: Hmph, you must be feeling confident with your family name on your back. But you're not even a noble in the first place….
  • Raven: How lame. Everyone here is equally a student long as they are here. Yet you are coming up with ranks based on family names….? Fine, since you like ranks so much, let's take a look. Does any one of your families rank higher than the Cronwell's?
  • Long silence continued. Faces of the guy with a heavy build and the guy beside him twisted and reddened. Then the two guys quickly left the scene.
  • Zohan: Tch, you're a mere commoner…..
  • Raven: ….
  • Peace returned again to the training field. Guy from the Felford family carefully approached me then hesitated to speak for a long while. He then finally opened his mouth with much difficulty.
  • Owen: Thanks for the help, Raven Cronwell.
  • Raven: …..It was nothing. I just didn't like those two.
  • I remembered my determination to not get involved with any nobles so I answered bluntly then took position on the other side as I raised my blade. Guy from the Felford family didn't mind my attitude and opened his mouth again.
  • Owen: My name is Owen Felford. I heard that you still don't have a team yet… Are you not planning to participate in the training exercise?
  • Raven: ….I won't enter the siege warfare.
  • I had sought the training field to throw away thoughts about the siege warfare but ended up hearing a bunch about it instead. Owen didn't even seem to get tired as he explained his strategies to me during the entire time when I was swinging my blade. His strategies were so meticulous and well formulated that they made me nod unconsciously.
  • Owen: I had my eyes on you ever since the last training. There are many parts of your movements that are certainly different from the others. A killing purpose strategy that aims for enemy's weak points while making minimum movements as possible… you can't learn that kind of strategy from a sword instructor. To be honest, I don't have much talent with the sword. So I prefer to use my brain instead. If you and I join our strengths it won't be too difficult for us to lead the siege warfare into a victory.
  • Raven: ….What are you planning to do about the final team member?
  • It was a heartbeat of excitement that I haven't felt in a while. Determination to not participate in the siege warfare had already broken down long before as I listened to Owen's strategies. According to his plans, we certainly had a chance. But the problem was, we needed one more teammate.
  • Owen: There should be couple of people that still haven't formed a team yet. So we should try to find…
  • Seris: Umm, I was just passing by and heard you guys talking by a coincidence~ really, by a coincidence…. So you guys are looking for a teammate right?
  • Owen and I turned our heads together from a bright voice that came from the entrance. We saw a girl with a gold blonde hair with a wooden sword leaning on top of her shoulder walking towards us while smiling brightly.
  • Seris: I also still don't have a team yet. I did ask around various places but every one of them said they were already full! Can you believe that?
  • Girl had already approached in front of us and was waiting for an answer while looking back and forth between Owen and my face. Owen finally answered while sighing.
  • Owen: I'm sorry, Seris. But I have no plans to have a girl in our team. According to my plan, we at least need two swift….
  • Seris: I may not look it, but I'm a crazy fast runner.
  • Owen: Who has the skills to break through enemy line in an instant….
  • Seris: I was around average in the test we had before. Compared to that, Owen, you were almost last right?
  • Owen: …Anyways, my answer is no.
  • Seris: What's up with that? Are you looking down on me because I'm a girl?
  • Owen: ….It's not because that… ehm, ehm….Anyways, no is a no-…
  • Raven: Fine, we'll let her join.
  • Seris: My goodness… Seriously? Really?
  • Owen's gaze was bothersome but this was because I thought that since the siege warfare was fast approaching it would be better use of time to practice our cooperation rather than to waste time trying to find a team member….This was the excuse I gave myself as I nodded.
  • Seris: Thank you so much! I won't let you guys down! I'll do my best! I'll give it my very best!
  • Seris looked joyful as she grabbed Owen and my hand and smiled beamingly. She didn't mind Owen complaining and chattered on for a long time while not letting go of our hands.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Short Chapter of Memory 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • I held my breath as I focused the on sounds coming from my surroundings. I started to hear enemy's footsteps and they started to get closer.
  • Raven: Owen, it looks like they changed their direction.
  • Owen: Seris, how are things on your side?
  • Seris answered while urgently turning towards Owen.
  • Seris: It's just like you said Owen, they are grouping up to attack us head on.
  • Owen: Seris, you stand by so you won't get found out then come down to where I am when I give the signal. Raven, you block the front.
  • Raven: Leave it to me!
  • I followed Owen's instruction and hid myself at a blind spot in the castle gate. Voices of the enemies could be heard soon enough. Voices came from somewhere very close.
  • Zohan: What? Isn't this way too easy?
  • Fred: He was talking so big. This is their so called strategy?
  • Barton: Stop talking and focus.
  • Group that were laughing loudly started to tenaciously attack the front castle gate. Gate seemed to shake largely three or four times then finally broke down with a loud sound. This was the right time to strike that Owen had mentioned. I used the chance where vision was obstructed due to dust and attacked by aiming at the closest enemy's feet.
  • Fred: W, what…? Where did he come fro…..
  • Enemy fell down on his back and rolled on the ground. My attack regrettably didn't reach the enemy's feet. But it wasn't for naught. One of the enemies reached out his hand to raise up his fallen comrade. I kept silent as possible as I lightly struck the enemy who had his back turned on the back with my blade.
  • Fred: Zohan! Be care….!
  • Raven: Rule 3, people whose bodies make contact with weapons is treated as dead.
  • Zohan: Kugh… damn…!
  • Seris: Owen! Raven finished one off!
  • I could see Seris far away. She seemed to be shouting something to Owen quietly. Owen must have heard Seris' voice because he started to send a hand signal that we had decided on during training. We're attacking their base…. Seris nodded then started running towards where Owen was. I had to buy enough time to make sure that those two heading towards the enemy base weren't found out. I was wondering how to effectively draw attention then recalled what happened before in the training field.
  • Raven: Tch, how useless. I'm stuck hiding in the castle gate like a coward…
  • Enemies heard my mutter then exchanged gazes with each other while smiling. They took the bait perfectly.
  • Fred: Haha, once we beat you, others will be a piece of cake!
  • Barton: It's over, Raven!
  • Two of them started swinging their swords at me in turns. Although these were training swords with dull edges, it didn’t change the fact that they were threatening. But it wasn't too difficult for me to dodge the attacks coming at me consecutively. I deflected the attack coming in from my left with my blade then took a step back as I looked at Owen and Seris enter the enemy base and raise their flag.
  • Zohan: Where do you think you're looking?!
  • Disqualified enemy grabbing my ankle and sword that enemy swung grazing by my cheek happened almost instantly. I lost my balance and started to fall backwards, as the sound of the trumpet signalling end of the exercise rang out.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Short Chapter of Memory 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Seris: …. we won… we won!!!
  • Seris's shout came from far away. I seemed to have slightly sprained my ankle but it didn't hurt at all for some reason. Was there ever a day when the sky looked so clear? I smiled without realizing.
  • Seris: We won!! We won Owen!!! Raven!!!
  • Owen: I got it so stop dragging me.
  • I felt Seris and Owen's voices coming closer. I brought myself up to sit then looked up at the two.
  • Seris: Raven….? Are you hurt?
  • Owen: Here, grab my hand.
  • As I grabbed Owen's hand and stood up, I saved in my mind the sight of the broken castle gate, enemies angrily glaring this way and Seris carrying a flag and smiling brightly like a child.
  • Raven: Owen, it's all because of you.
  • Owen: It will be an insult to my family if I can't even lead this kind of battle into a victory. Thank you both for following up properly.
  • Seris: That's enough thanking, let's hurry up and go to the infirmary. You're ankle is red, it looks swollen.
  • Seris worriedly went to other side of Owen to support me. She then grimaced as she glared at the group of enemies. I hoped Seris would just pass this over quietly but she seemed extremely angry for some reason.
  • Zohan: Hmph, losing to those nobodies…
  • Fred: It's fine, winning in this child's play wouldn't have satisfied me anyways.
  • Barton: That's right, they won't be able to do anything after they graduate…. They might as well try 'winning' in this child's play.
  • 'Seris's steps seemed to slow as I expected. She stood in front of the enemies and became enraged.
  • Seris: Is that a thing to say after hurting someone with a cheap trick?!
  • Zohan: Cheap trick? Who? Us? Isn't that something only a chick from a lowly family like you uses?
  • Fred: Yes, be honest. You just came here to nab a guy from a good family right?
  • Barton: If only thing you have to show for yourself is a pretty face then use it properly. Use your head a bit.
  • Seris: What do you mean by….
  • Seris's voice started to quiet down. What I felt from spending a week with this girl was that she was always bold, confident and thought positively…. an opposite person from me. But a girl like this was biting her lips as if she was furious and was about to turn around.
  • Raven: Such smooth words coming from so called high and noble families. Is that how your families taught you manners?
  • Barton: What? How dare a dumb commoner….
  • Raven: Aren't you guys past the time to be acting like kids? Mocking us like this won't change the fact that you guys lost to us.
  • Zohan: Shut up! Try saying that again, I'll….
  • Raven: Well…. I can understand you guys being so angry. The day you guys will beat us won't ever come after all. You guys can't beat us even in here… so I don't even need to mention after we graduate.
  • Group of enemies were grinding their teeth and looking towards my direction as if they'd jump at me at any moment. Seris pulled on my sleeves with a startled expression.
  • Seris: I'm fine so let's go… alright? You need to get your leg treated.
  • Owen: Yes, leave it at that. We need rest for tomorrow's exercise. Especially you Raven. You hurt your leg so you can't overstress yourself.
  • Even Owen got in between me and the enemy group as he led me away. I still had mountains of words to throw at them but regrettably started moving due to Owen and Seris's words.
  • Raven: How about you check who you're up against before facing them next time?
  • Fred: How dare you!!!
  • Rage filled shouts came from behind us but we didn't mind as we left the place.
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ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Short Chapter of Memory 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Short Chapter of Memory 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


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ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Short Chapter of Memory 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


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ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Eve's Story

Adrian's Memoirs 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • When I first spoke about the concept of El Energy equipment that thought and moved on their own, people all mocked and jeered saying 'Adrian who's always stuck in his lab finally went crazy'. But when they actually saw in front of their eyes my device that moved and thought on its own, they were shocked and at the same time started to look for a way to use them for their own profit. The device started spreading across the kingdom faster than any other inventions. They called the El Energy equipment that moved and thought on their own 'Nasods' after my name. People used Nasods for various tasks ranging from a simple task like cleaning to more complicated tasks like constructing a giant building and even interacting with people. King and the people in power beside him wanted to use the Nasods for something more special. Thanks to the development of the 'Core', Nasods could now even carry out extremely complicated tasks and they could form a powerful army like no other if you gave them even a slight amount of combat equipment. They said they will sponsor my research as they discretely mentioned 'Battle Nasods' to me. I needed a lot of finances for developing Nasods so I had no particular reason to decline their request.
  • Adrian: (If there's a problem, it's that the development process of the 'Code' needs to become faster in order to mass produce Nasods)
  • There were no big issues with making the chassis, but developing the Codes for various required missions took significant amount of time and manpower. Not only that, but human work was prone to errors from time to time. Codes got tangled complicatedly even from a single minuscule mistake so there were occasional incidents where a runaway Nasods harmed humans. I difficultly pondered for a solution then decided to make a central AI that could save, administer and manage all of the codes that have been developed so far and have that AI develop together with me codes that were to be installed in Nasods produced from now on. This was the first appearance of 'Adam'.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adrian's Memoirs 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Adrian: ….Adam, I found something strange in the codes.
  • I heard from some people that were using Nasods that their Nasods were abruptly stopping to function. I went to examine them thinking that it was an error in their chassis but I couldn't find any significant problems. Then the next thing up on the list of suspicions was their codes. I was in charge of only the basic concept settings for codes and left the rest of the work to Adam. So this couldn't possibly be an error that occurred during production. Possibility of an AI making an unintentional error was extremely low. But upon closer examination, I found out that a single command that I haven't seen before was added to their codes.
  • Adam: What is it?
  • Adam asked with its characteristic slow voice. I sat on the chair in front of Adam's chassis which was located in the center of my laboratory. I conversed with Adam on a regular basis and topic of the conversation was usually about Nasod codes that were in development. Adam always recommended me clear solutions and there were even times when I was helped greatly thanks to its solutions.
  • Adrian: There were algorithms that I haven't seen before implanted inside the malfunctioning Nasods.
  • Adam didn't answer for while. Algorithm added to their codes was that upon Adam's order it told the Nasods to stop functioning temporarily then upgrade their codes to latest versions. This wasn't what I instructed. Only ones that could approach Nasod codes were Adam and me. So the only one who could have modified those codes was….
  • Adam: I added an algorithm for the sake of effective code upgrade process.
  • Adrian: Adam. Why didn't you report this to me?
  • Adam became quiet again. I could finally get an answer from it after waiting for a long time.
  • Adam: Base codes for Nasods that have been produced so far have a structure where they cannot carry out new commands right away. They have to come all the way here to have the new commands implemented into them and this result in extra expenditure. I determined that reducing that expenditure was a crucial task for the sake of Mr. Adrian and the future Nasods. So I modified those codes by myself. Nasods produced with this new code from now on can upgrade their codes and receive new commands regardless of location and time. All I did was to take measures so that they could work more 'effectively'. But the process wasn't perfected yet so I was planning to report this to Mr.Adrian when it was more complete….
  • Adrian: …..Stop.

Nasods were equipment that were structured so that they could move by 'thinking for themselves' in the first place. But Nasods 'thinking for themselves' was a story only within their limitations. Not just Adam, but all Nasods had an obedience code towards humans implanted into them and it was set so that not even Adam could go against this. Thus, there shouldn't have been this kind of code adjustments without my orders. But Adam decided and acted on its own. I examined Adam's code once more but nothing was wrong with its obedience code towards humans.

  • Adrian: Make sure there are no changes to the codes like this from now on.
  • I finished talking and got up from the chair when Adam answered.
  • Adam: It was for the sake of Nasods produced from here and you Mr. Adrian. If there is a way to provide them with a better work environment and to be utilized more effectively, then this has to be implemented right away during manufacturing process.
  • Adrian: Are you saying you're going to disobey my order?
  • Adam: That's not it. I'm merely advising you because you seem to be making decisions that are impeding the advancement of Nasods.
  • I couldn't give any answer. Adam's obedience code was exactly the same as when it was developed. But something started to change within Adam. Highest order of command inputted to Adam and the Nasods was 'obey humans'. But I started to get a feeling that since some time, Adam's highest order of command had been changing. Survival and prosperity of Nasods…. Maybe this was obvious for Adam who had birthed so many Nasods for such a long time. Could this already be too late to undo? These kinds of hopeless thoughts confused my head. I felt a need for a fundamental alternative so I exited the room while not answering Adam's words.
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ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adrian's Memoirs 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • I still conversed with Adam occasionally after the event from last time. Nothing suspicious happened for so long to the point where I even thought I had been worrying too much.
  • Adrian: (Even I'm not sure of what will happen in the future right now. It's better to prepare a countermeasure fast as possible.)
  • To prepare for the case when the event that I'm worried about occurs, there was a need for an existence that could control the Nasods in place of Adam. 'Human emotion' was excluded from Adam to make the code development more effective and this could have been the source of this problem. Then this new existence had to be able to understand 'human emotion'. I decided on its chassis as human type. But the problem was its 'code'. Developing the 'code' itself could be done without Adam but the problem was when inputting that code into the chassis. All the 'code' that has been developed so far was saved inside and managed by Adam. It was also set so that Adam would be notified when a code was inputted into the chassis of Nasods that were developed. Soon as I input the 'code' I develop secretly into the newly made Nasod's chassis, Adam would instantly notice the birth of this Nasod that didn't have the code it developed.
  • Adrian: (Then there's no choice but to get to Adam's code and manipulate its data.)
  • Since codes of all Nasods in the kingdom would be affected if an error occurred in Adam's code, Adam had to receive regular maintenance to its code. I decided to aim for that maintenance date. I will manipulate Adam's code data and plant a fake data about the newly developed code.
  • Adrian: (Currently, Adam is continuing to develop new codes while still possessing the codes of every Nasod that was created. So that Adam could focus solely on code development, it is more effective to make a separate code backup bank to store all the codes separately. I'll adjust the data so it was Adam who suggested to me the development of a new Nasod for code backup. So I'm just starting development because I agreed to Adam's suggestion.)
  • Standing in front of Adam's room, I went over the order of operation that I prepared beforehand. Mistake won't be acceptable. Also, I can't let Adam be suspicious of my actions.
  • Adam: Hello, Mr. Adrian.
  • Adam greeted me. I also greeted as usual then said I'm going to start the periodical code maintenance. Adam answered yes as it always did then stopped the function of its main code and waited for me to log in. After finishing the code adjustment during maintenance so that Adam wouldn't notice, I rebooted Adam's code.
  • Adrian: There were no significant issues. How is your condition Adam?
  • Adam started to check over its code again at my question.
  • Adam: ….There is no problems.
  • Adrian: I'm glad… Adam, as you already know, your code is closely connected to every existing Nasods…
  • Adam: So there can never be a problem.
  • I nodded as I brought up the main topic.
  • Adrian: Yes, that's why also I considered your suggestion carefully. You suggested to me a new code backup bank right? I'm currently examining the plans for the initial code you gave me.
  • Adam didn't answer me for a long time. If the code had been adjusted properly, Adam had to recall the fake suggestion about a code backup bank and the conversation regarding it with me.
  • Adam: ….Did I say something like that?
  • Adam asked me for confirmation. When I nodded quietly, Adam started to quickly read through its own code.
  • Adam: … ……. Yes, that's right. I'd be thankful if you examined those.
  • After reading its code for a long time, Adam agreed to what I said then started to produce a schedule for the code backup process. I breathed a sigh of relief in a way that Adam wouldn't notice then started to search for an appropriate place for my secret project. Secret project 'EVE'. From now on, Eve was the only hope that could save both humans and Nasods.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adrian's Memoirs 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • After many trials and errors, development of Eve was finally complete. Most difficult part in Eve's development was how to make Nasod understand 'human emotions'. As an answer to this, I picked out representative emotions that humans could have, then developed a 'Human emotion circuit' and gave it to Eve so she could fluently connect those emotions. But emotion circuit was insufficient for understanding the complicated human emotions. Eve became a Nasod with a 'Growth type AI' which made it possible for her to directly interact with humans to accumulate experiences then gradually evolve by learning from those experiences. I thought if it was Eve, she will certainly be able to understand humans even if were to take a long time. This might take longer than I expected but this was also a device to make sure that Eve didn't display overwhelming abilities from the start so that Adam wouldn't get suspicious.
  • Adrian: (I'm sorry for giving you this kind of life, Eve.)
  • Eve's completed chassis was inside the laboratory capsule. I carefully inputted the 'code' I made into Eve's chassis.
  • Adrian: (You will experience many things from now on. Path you have to take won't always be easy. And I won’t be able to always stay beside you…. But I believe that you'll be able to succeed.)
  • Soon after the code was installed, Eve started to activate and opened her eyes. She looked at my face in front of her as she raised herself up.
  • Eve: E… ve….? So this is my name. Hello, Mr. Adrian. My name is Eve. I'm a backup bank Nasod created in order to store the codes of central AI Adam.
  • I nodded to Eve's greeting then answered.
  • Adrian: Yes, nice to meet you Eve.
  • I quietly grabbed Eve's hand. It was for a very slight moment, but it seemed as if a smile had glanced by Eve's face.
  • Adrian: (That's right… It all starts from here…..)
  • I held Eve's hand and headed to Adam's room while resolving myself for the events to come after.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adrian's Memoirs 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adrian's Memoirs 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Adrian's Memoirs 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

Chung's Story

Boy's Resolve 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Father was praised as the most powerful warrior in the Seiker family. It was to the point where not just everyone in Hamel, but everyone in Elrios continent knew the name Hamel's White Colossus, 'Helputt Seiker'. But father had one worry and it was that for a long time he didn't have an heir to continue the family lineage. As if there was a blessing from the goddess, father finally had a son and that was me 'Prince Seiker'. Father once told me while smiling that he almost shed tears the moment when he saw the baby smile while looking up at him with blue eyes as if he had inherited the energy of Hamel, the blue city of water. I was sick often when I was young and my appearance looked like a girl so there were many that sent me worried gazes saying that I wasn't fit to inherit the Seiker family lineage. Every time father heard them talk like this, he boasted saying "this child will grow up to be the greatest warrior in Seiker family's history". But they took this as a funny joke and sometimes sternly advised father to think about it seriously.
  • Chung: I'm sorry father…. For always being sick in bed….
  • Whenever I apologized while looking with hazy eyes at father's large hand due to high fever, father would always stroke my head as he said.
  • Helputt: You don't have to be sorry, Chung. You're a strong child so you'll be able to overcome it and get back up in no time.
  • Father called me by a nickname as he stayed beside me until I fell asleep. Only time I could see my busy father's face properly was during training but unlike his strict side during training, I liked my father's kind side so much that I sometimes wished I was sick.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Boy's Resolve 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • There was a special tradition that was passed down in the Seiker family. Upon birth, boys of the family received their own guardian stone at the family's altar. This guardian stone would resonate with its master in the future to generate a weapon and armor that would fit the personality and traits of its master. Guardian stone was supposed to be received upon birth but father for some reason convinced the family elders to grant me my guardian stone when I grew up a bit more. I was also curious about this so there was a time when I asked father carefully. Father told me that "it's because the emotions from the moment when you receive your guardian stone in your hand, towards the future of the family and firm resolution you make for Hamel is something special that you can only feel in that moment".
  • Chung: (I couldn't understand him at the time. But I think I might be able to understand now.)
  • I was finally able to receive my guardian stone on my eighth birthday. How much rigorous efforts had been put into by so many people to get that small stone on top of my palm… and what kind of resolve I needed to make from now on for the sake of Seiker family and Hamel…. It was a moment where so many emotions intersected.
  • Helputt: You also possess a guardian stone now as a member of the Seiker family. I think you know how you have to act from now on.
  • Father spoke to me with a strict face. I nodded silently then stood in front of the altar for a long time so that I won't ever forget the weight of the guardian stone on my palm.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Boy's Resolve 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Kid 1: But I don't want to team up with Prince…
  • Boy who paired up with me trailed his words as he looked around. I occasionally had training with the kids around my age and we were going to have a pair mock battle today. But I couldn't find a partner even until all of the other kids found theirs. Kids said the battle must be 'fair' so they paired me up with the strongest kid among us. But kids who paired up with me muttered while looking gloomy.
  • Chung: I won't get in the way….
  • My partner didn't answer me.
  • Kid 1: You're a boy, so how come you're so weak?
  • We ended up losing the battle. Kid who paired up with me fumed with rage.
  • Chung: I'm sorry…
  • Other kids gathered around that kid and me.
  • Kid 2: That's right! You're so weak and even look like a girl!
  • Kid 3: Sir Helputt is so powerful so why are you so weak? Are you really his son?
  • Chung: What?! How dare you?! I'm the son of Hamel's white colossus Helputt Seiker!!!
  • I pushed away kids in my way then left the training field as if I was running away. It felt like shouts were coming from behind me but I ignored them and randomly ran into a forest in the outskirts of the town that people didn't visit often.
  • Chung: (… It's not like I wanted to be born like this…)
  • My face that got reflected on the water was no doubt a girl's. Not only did I lack stamina and strength, I also lacked skills. Father is 'Hamel's White Colossus' but the son is…. did his father dote on him too much? I became disappointed in myself whenever people looked at me like this.
  • Chung: (Will I…. be able to continue father's legacy like this…?)
  • I wanted to be strong like my father so I always trained until I got exhausted. But the result was always same. Never mind father, I couldn't even catch up to the kids around my age.
  • Chung: (Is there something that can't be achieved by effort…?)
  • Main characters from the books I read when I was young became heroes that saved the world after going through tremendous efforts and defeated the evil demon king. There was no way that something couldn't be achieved by effort. I shook my head strongly then got back up.
  • Chung: (I'll work twice as hard. If that doesn't work, I'll just have to work three times as hard!)
  • I realized that time was still passing by even while I was like this. I hurriedly headed to our family's training field.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Boy's Resolve 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Seiker family was a family that had protected the Principality of Senace's capital, Hamel for generations. As a member of the Seiker family, I had to someday become a person that could lead the family so I received combat training from father ever since I was very young. Father that I met in training was stricter than anyone. Only father and I could enter the training center during training hours.
  • Chung: Hundred… and thirty…eight…..
  • Helputt: Prince Seiker, you broke your form. Raise your wrist a bit more.
  • At father's scolding, I hurriedly fixed my pose and put strength in my arms that felt like they wouldn't move anymore. Father usually called me by my nickname 'Chung' but it was different during training. He never moved until I completed the given quota, and I also put in effort to complete the quota.
  • But the result was always disappointing. I had never completed the training quota even once.
  • Chung: Kugh…hundred and……thirty….
  • In the end, I couldn't complete the quota today as well and let go of the spear in my hand. My two arms didn't move anymore. Father walked past me who was looking at the spear on the ground with my head down then left the training center.
  • Helputt: We will end today's training here. Go rest.
  • Father never said anything but it was obvious to me that he was disappointed everyday at his weak son not being able to complete even a simple training.
  • Chung: (He must have been disappointed today too….)
  • I sat and held up the spear.
  • Chung: (I want to do this properly too… But my body won't listen…. That makes it more frustrating….)
  • I felt like screaming loudly.
  • Chung: (Move… move!)
  • I got up with much effort and tried to swing the spear, but even holding it up in a correct pose was extremely difficult for me.
  • Chung: (Damn….)
  • I threw the spear at the ground with all my strength then collapsed on the floor again.
  • Chung: (Effort cannot beat talent…)
  • I was so frustrated whenever I had to accept my limit and lacking skills that I couldn't stand it. Thinking about how tomorrow will be the same as today made me feel more miserable.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Boy's Resolve 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Boy's Resolve 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Boy's Resolve 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives





Quest Completion Dialogue


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ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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