Add's Energy Fusion Theory

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Revision as of 11:32, 31 March 2017 by ChokorRock (talk | contribs)

Add's Energy Fusion Theory

An experiment gone wrong just before it's completion.

Obtain the complete enegry by defeating the raving enegry frames.

Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements


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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Modified Alterasia - A smaller indestructible Alterasia flower which will endlessly spawn Alterasia Spores.
  • Spore Summon: Alterasia plants will continue to spawn more Alterasia Spores.
Energy Frame: Type - Alterasia Spore - Same as the Alterasia Spores, all mobs can absorb these on contact to regain HP.
  • Heal: Nasods can absorb the spore to heal a significant amount of their HP.


Mini Boss
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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Energy Frame: Type - Alterasia - A Nasod unit programmed to utilize sword techniques that has been consumed by the Alterasia plants. Function much like it does in 4-X.
  • Sword Combos: Type-H's attacks are basically mixture of Elsword's Sword Knight and Magic Knight. Knows >>^XXX, XXZ, >>ZZX, ZZZ >>^XXX and >>^XZ.
  • Wind Blade: Same as Magic Knight's Wind Blade skill, causing moderate damage to target. Type-H usually uses this move to finish off his combos.
  • Armageddon Blade: Larger and longer than Sword Knight's version (more than half the screen), causing enormously high damage on activation.(During activation you're unable to move.) Type-H will use this whenever he has full mana.
    • Sometimes he will refuse to use it unless he feels he can hit someone with it on activation.
  • Storm Blade: Same as Magic Knight's Storm Blade skill, dealing extremely high damage. Be warned that it is tall enough to reach the top platforms from the bottom of the stage. After being reduced to a certain amount of HP, Type-H will automatically perform Storm Blade. In addition, Type-H will retain stoic for several seconds preventing him from being immediately caught right after this skill.
  • Air Slash: An exact copy of Sword Knight's Air Slash. Tends to use it in a middle of a combo or for catching purposes.
Energy Frame: Type - Edan - A Nasod replica of Edan created by Add.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Edan benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Roar: Edan unleashes a mighty roar that manifests itself as a blue aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Awakening: Edan can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Counter Chance: When Edan falls down, he can tap X to sweep his sword in a broad sweeping motion that does not knock down.
  • Bloody Accel: Edan has a permanent Bloody Accel buff.
  • Evacuation!: Edan has a 99% chance of automatically activating Shadow Strafe when hit from behind.
  • Shadow Piercing: Edan lunges forward with a Shadow Step, dealing heavy damage to anyone he pierces.
  • Cut Tendon: Edan does a low slash aimed at one of the opponent's tendons causing the enemy to Bleed, steadily draining their health while preventing them from running.
  • Berserker Blade: Edan swings his sword in a downwards arc at a short range.
  • Wolf Fang: Edan does a short leap forwards to tackle his opponent with his claw. On contact with a target, Edan will use the opponent to propel himself into the air and swoop downwards causing two crescents from his blade to attack the target, dealing more physical damage.
  • Shockwave - Divider: Edan slashes his sword with a forceful aura to send a sonic shockwave downward at a 135-degree angle that travels in that direction until it goes off-screen.
Energy Frame: Type - Valak - A Nasod replica of Valak created by Add.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Valak benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Roar: Valak unleashes a mighty roar that manifests itself as a blue aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Awakening: Valak can activate Awakening under 50% HP.
  • Scar of Pain: Valak's basic attacks and actives ignore 100% of the target's defense.
  • Counter Chance: When Valak falls down, he can tap X to sweep his sword in a broad sweeping motion that does not knockdown.
  • Subliminal Rage: Valak can activate awakening repeatedly.
  • Weapon Crash: Valak crushes his opponent's weapon with his claw, reducing their damage by 70%.
  • Shadow Piercing: Valak lunges forward with a Shadow Step, dealing heavy damage to anyone he pierces.
  • Ground Impact: Valak smashes the ground with his claw, creating a small quake that launches opponents into the air.
  • Charged Bolt: Valak surrounds himself with a black sphere that sends out piercing black needles all around him.
  • Valkyrie's Javelin: Valak jumps into the air, summoning a number of black javelins that crash onto the ground and explode.
  • Wild Charge: Valak unleashes a devastatingly strong punch.
  • Nuclear: Valak summons a Nuclear Missile in front of him, creating a giant mushroom cloud that obliterates everything caught in it.
Energy Frame: Type - Q-PROTO_00 - A Nasod replica of Q-PROTO_00 created by Add.
  • Increased Mana Regeneration: Like all NPCs, Code: 00 benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
  • Roar: Code: 00 unleashes a mighty roar that manifests itself as a blue aura that rapidly travels across the entire map and takes away 33% of your HP and 400 MP.
  • Permanent Awakening: Code: 00 is under a constant state of awakening from the very start of the match.
  • Queen's Throne: Code: 00 constantly has Queen's Throne activated by default.
  • Cloaking: Code: 00 becomes invisible for 4.5 seconds.
  • Metal Dust Aura: Code: 00 summons a number of metal fragments that swirl around her, doing constant DOT damage.
  • Mega Electron Ball: Code: 00 shoots a gigantic Electron Ball.
  • Spear Burst: Code: 00 rises in the air slightly, summoning a volley of dozens of spears to protrude from the ground all around her.
  • Hornet Sting: Code: 00 shoots an extremely fast missile that travels straight forward and explodes.
  • Atomic Blaster: Code: 00 pulls out a machine gun and fires it repeatedly in an upwards arc.
  • Iron Scraps: Code :00 releases a flurry of minature stingers in a circular radius all around her.
  • Junk Break: Code: 00 summons a giant drill that burrows into the enemy, dealing heavy damage.
  • Generate Black Hole: Code: 00 summons an ancient piece of Nasod Technology that generates a Black Hole, sucking all opponents in while dealing massive magic damage.
Energy Frame: Type - Berauk - A genetically altered Berauk created by Add. He cannot move, however will attack constantly.
  • Energy Ball: Berauk fire a ball of energy at you.
  • Thunder: Berauk will summon a smashing thunder in front of him.
  • Lightning Shower: Berauk's strongest skill: the boss will raise his staff high into the air when he has full MP and cast multiple Thunders all around him. They are much more quicker and is harder to dodge, and they also can drain your MP as well.
Energy Frame: Type - Bug Walk - A genetically altered Assault Crasher created by Add.
  • Hammer Swing: Pulls its hammer back then slams it into the ground.
  • Dash: The Glitter dashes towards you and can continue to Leap Hammer or Hammer Swing. (Super Armored)
  • Leap Hammer: The Glitter jumps and pounds down at you heavily with its hammer. He can continue combo-ing from here. (Super Armored)
  • Hammer Swing: Usually chained from Leap Hammer. He simply swings his hammer to sideways and knocks you far far away.
  • Multiply: As the battle goes on, it will multiply adding more copies of itself into the mix.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Apocalypse Type - Void - A failed attempt at making an ultimate weapon. Type-Void has gone rouge.
  • Teleport: Warp anywhere on the map at will.
  • Electro Break: - Immerse its hands with electricity then perform a couple swipes finished by causing the ground in front of it to burst with electricity.
  • Neutron Burst: - Create an explosive sphere of electricity in front of it.
  • Electronic Fall: - Create a large column of energy which deals heavy damage.
  • EMP Field: - Emit a massive sphere of electrical energy. Does not provide hitstun but inflicts Slow and deals substantial damage.
  • Power Up: - Gradually become stronger as the battle progresses.


  • Add: Heh heh... It's almost complete! According to the theory, it should soon.. The Ultimate Weapon, [Apacolypse Type - Void]!! Wha, what! This can't be!? Shoot! It was almost complete!! Nooooooooo~-~-~-~!!!
Legendary Weapon
Icon Name Stats Mystic Enchant Enhancement Bonuses
Apocalypse Type - Void Weapon

Lv95 Weapon:
[Unidentified Stats]
[Unidentified Stats]

Red Stage 1: Critical +3%
Red Stage 2: Action Speed +3%
Red Stage 3: Maximize +3%
Red Stage 4: Add. Damage +3%
Red Stage 5: Physical/Magical Attack Power +Lv.3

Blue Stage 1: Damage Reduction +5%, Awakening Charge +5%
Blue Stage 2: HP Increase +9%
Blue Stage 3: MP Recovery Attacking +25%
Blue Stage 4: All Weapon Attribute Activation Chance +2.5%
Blue Stage 5: When attacking knocked down enemies, damage is increased by 2.5x (Damage in knocked down state does not exceed the damage of normal state) (Dungeon)

Yellow Stage 1: Elemental Resist +75
Yellow Stage 2: 5% chance of Double Attack (Except special active skills)
Yellow Stage 3: Damage increase by +10% when attacking enemies with less than 30% HP
Yellow Stage 4: Critical +7%, Add. Damage +7%, Maximize +7%
Yellow Stage 5: All Skill Damage +10%

Enhancement +9: Physical/Magical Defense +7.5%
Enhancement +10: Physical/Magical Attack Power +Lvl.10
Enhancement +11: All Skill Damage +5%, All Skill Cooldown -5%, MP Cost -5%
Enhancement +12: Critical Damage +10%
Enhancement +13: +20% Max MP






Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 애드의 에너지융합 이론 Add's Energy Fusion Theory
Japan エドのエネルギー融合理論 Add's Energy Fusion Theory
Brazil Teoria de Fusão Energética do Add Add's Energy Fusion Theory

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous