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  • English
El Master of Water
Full Name
El Master of Water
As of now, we need to protect the El Lady at all costs.

~ Denif



The El Master of Water. One of the six protectors of El who worked under the El Lady. A combination of coolness and intelligence controls the sea so that it does not overflow onto the land.

Denif is a humanoid type of dragon. He is part of a family which had protected the El for generations, and he is not different.


The Incident

The El Tower was attacked, however they were able to fend off the enemies. Solace arrived and asked Denif what had happened, Denif explained that a similar situation had occurred to the El Tower a hundred years ago. He explains that back then Henir zealots had attacked the tower and were able to harm the El Lady, this nearly caused the annihilation of the entire continent. Solace asked Denif about these Henir zealots, he told Solace that the Henir zealots are extremists who believe that everything not created by Henir should be destroyed, hence why they attacked the El Lady, the human form of the goddess Ishmael, the servant of Elia. Denif was thankful the the El Lady was safe this time and decided that they have to strengthen the defenses of the El Tower for the Harmony Festival.

The Harmony Festival

During the Harmony Festival, Denif was patrolling the El Tower when he heard a strange sound. On guard and some of the soldiers starting to panic, Denif became very alert. Denif tried to calm people down to assess the situation, and ordered that the security of the tower be tightened and to have the tower on complete lock down. When Solace panicked and rushed in to save Hernia, Denif became suspicious and ordered the guard to stop him, activating the tower's defense magic.

El Explosion

After the El exploded, the El Masters decided to pour their energy into the scattered El. In the process, they gave the power of attributes to the various scattered El. In order to preserve Elrianode, they created a seal and locked it with the El. The capital of Erios would fall into slumber alongside the El Masters who sealed it.

Chapter 27: The Boy and the El

Elsword choosing to sacrifice himself, restored the El to its former glory. With the El restored to its full power, the ancient capital of Elrios, Elrianode was released from its slumber in the scattered El. Denif awoke in the reawakened city, he soon found Artea as well as the other priestesses of El who were teleported to the city. Denif patrolled the city when the El Search Party arrived. He asked them to identify themselves and Elesis had told him that they were acting upon request of the El Lady. Denif was first reluctant to aid the group but with Artea's assurance decided to hear what they had to say.

The El Search Party then told Denif about what had happened to Elsword, he then concluded that Elsword's sacrifice must've been the cause of Elrianode's awakening. Rena asked Denif if he knew where the other El Master were, he was not aware of their locations speculating that they might have waken up in a different place or may have not yet waken up at all. Denif remember that they had mentioned the El Lady, he asks the group the details on that. The group told him about Solace. Denif expresses his regret for not stopping Solace but also that he understands the situation he had been under. He still expresses great disdain for Solace's actions but admits that it is not the time for him to harp on the past. Rena pleas to Denif to help them save Elsword even if it risks the El. Denif hesitates, but accepts their request. Acknowledging that Elsword's sacrifice may only lead to the cycle of sacrifice continuing.

Denif tells the group that he is a dragon, part of a family who had guarded the El for generations. He tells the Search Party that they must go inside the El and take Elsword out themselves. He says that he will open an dimensional fissure allowing them to enter the Corridor of El. He warns the group that there is no guarantee that their plan will work but admires their commitment. He lastly warns the group that the El energy will most likely test their resolve and failure may result in them being consumed by the El.

Once the group had successfully overcome the hall's trials and found Elsword, they managed to escape the El together. Upon returning outside the El, Denif greets the El Search Party once more, Elsword asks who Denif was, mistaking him for a child. Elesis butts in, scolding Elsword for his rudeness, introducing Elsword to Denif, Elsword swiftly apologizes and thanks Denif for helping his friends save him. Denif not harping on Elsword's mistake is charmed by the boys spirit and impressed by the group's ability to have returned from the El. He tells the group that they must've faced resistance from the El and confirms that the voices that they heard were illusions of the El energy. That if they had fallen for the El's deception, they would've been lost for good. Denif then comments that as he suspected, due to Elsword's removal, the El has once again become unstable, however reassured the group that Solace's diceon is helping temporarily maintain the El, as well as the powers of himself and the other Priestesses of El. However, their efforts will not last forever and suggests they search for another power source to replace the diceon currently in use. The El Search Party collect themselves and prepare to embark on their task, Denif smiles at the groups reliability and places his full trust in them.

Chapter 28:

The El Search Party was unsure what exactly they'd need to search out to replace the diceon being used in the El. Denif mentions a shrine his family had been guarding for generations at the Water Dragon Sanctum, he is unaware of what exactly lies inside the shrine but knows it radiates an immense El energy, who which can be felt despite the object being sealed. This being his only lead was the perfect place to start their search. Denif however mentions that the Water Dragon Sanctum is a place that had fallen into the gaps of Henir sprouting around the city, located in the outskirts of the city, Henir consumes the area. Denif tells the group that he can still send the group to the entrance, but he cannot do anything about the Henir wall. Speaking about Henir, Denif says that Henir energy in itself is not bad, in fact Henir energy is in part what comprised Elrios in its early stages, but the situation at hand is quite strange. Denif informs the group that when the original El brought life to Elrios, it too created traces of Henir energy as feedback. Rena wonders if the resurgence of Henir around Elrianode could be a response of the El reforming and creating, Denif was unsure, finding the current situation different than what he had read. Unlike Henir energy created as feedback which just twist the world around them, the Henir energy currently present appear to be destroying everything around them, hypothesizing that something must be intervening. Planning to send the group of to the Water Dragon Sanctum, he tells the group that they must find a gate to access the sanctuary, and that Elsword should be able to react and find it for them. Despite that, he states that the gate is still sealed, that only very few knew how to unlock it, even during the Elrian Kingdom's peak. He was shocked to learn that Aisha might be able to. He was even more shocked when he learned Aisha and her grandfather were members of the Landar family, the greatest magician family of the Elrian Kingdom, he was very pleased to have met a member of the Landar family. With Aisha able to undo the seals, Denif counted on her to get them inside the Water Dragon Sanctum before sending them off.

After their confrontation with a mysterious man and the Henir fanatics and the Water Dragon Sanctum, the group went back to Elrianode to contact Denif about the situation. Denif was shocked to learn that others had too known about the seal inside the sanctuary. Unsure how this could've been, Denif wondered if the intruders had connections with other water dragons in the past, however he still finds that possibility unlikely. Add proposes that someone else might have known about it before the water dragons. Upon some thought, Denif recalls that the water dragons had been given the task by humans long ago, he thought that these intruders might be decedents of those humans. Ain brings to the table the Henir fanatics, which Denif too considers, however cannot drawn any concrete conclusions with so little information. Afterwards, Raven showed Denif an orb which they retrieved from the intruders. Elesis tells Denif that the orb contained unknown substances and radiated Henir energy, that all the people they saw use the orb turned into monsters. Denif was surprised by the news, wondering if those under the orb's influence had gone berserk, which Rena corrected that they had actually transformed into abominations. Denif was confused by the revelations, recalling back to the assaults on the El by Henir fanatics in the past, we worried for the current situation and insisted they seek methods to counter it quickly.

Chapter 29:



  • Writer of the Strong Shield skill note.
  • Despite his youthful appearance, Denif is the oldest among the El Masters and is treated as such.
  • After the introduction of Corridor of El, Denif's portrait was modified to display him with pointy ears.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 데니프 Denif
Germany Agaur
France Agaur
Italy Denip
Poland Agaur

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other