Story/Side Story/LuCiel

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Nightmare 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

When I awoke, I saw the land of the demon world stretched out before my eyes.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ciel: (….This place is….)
  • When I came to, a landscape that I have never seen before was spread out before my eyes. Not even a single blade of grass could be seen in these dark and barren lands and lava was ceaselessly flowing out from the volcanoes that I could see in various places. Fissures on the land was deep to the point where their bottoms couldn't be seen. Far out into the distance, there was a mountain range so high that it looked like it was touching the sky, and under the cliffs, there were new lands endlessly being created and destroyed. Unstable world where terrain changes multiple times overnight. If my knowledge was correct, this place was…..
  • Ciel: (….Is this the Demon Realm?)
  • Demon Realm…. the place where Lu was. Then I might be looking at Lu's dream right now. Only one who could draw the image of the Demon Realm so vividly was 'Lu' who knew scenery of that place very well.
  • Ciel: (Is Lu over there?)
  • I could see a blinding stream of light falling from far way. It was only an intuition, but it felt like Lu would be there at the place where the stream of light fell. Stream of light fell once more into the middle of the pandemonium. I saw surrounding demons turn into dusts and disappear.
  • Ciel: (….That's… Lu…?)
  • In the middle, there was a demon woman with long white hair standing precariously as if she was going to collapse at any moment. Woman was despondently looking up towards the sky with an empty gaze. For some reason she looked dreadfully lonely. The appearance that looked similar to my sister and eyes that shined with purity of a child was nowhere to be found. But I could tell for certain. She was 'Lu' before she lost her power. Lu stood still without a word for a long while then finally lowered her gaze to look at the demons that had amassed before her eyes again.
  • Ciel: (Lu, watch-….!)
  • The moment demons jumped at Lu all at once, for some reason my vision turned dark and the world started getting covered in darkness.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP - File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendulum of Memories (7 Days) N/A
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Nightmare 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

Lu decided to help the demon king.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • After opening my eyes carefully, the world had become brighter as if the darkness from before had never existed. As I looked around, a different scenery came into my eyes.
  • ???: …….
  • Lu and an unknown male demon were facing off with each other. Lu's demonic energy was also incomparably large than before, but this other demon's demonic energy was horrifyingly enormous.
  • Luciela: ….
  • Two of their energies swayed then turned into blinding lights. Two forms of light clashed and created a giant explosion.
  • ???: Kaaaaaaaah!!!
  • Luciela: Haaaaaaah!!!
  • Quake that shook both the sky and earth continued on for a while, then when it finally settled, I could see two demons standing amidst the thick grey smoke. Lu and the unknown demon both had vague smiles on their faces, but their eyes looked like they haven't let their guards down.
  • ???: How about we stop this pointless fight now? …. All your battles so far, you should already know. Battles without any purpose, just for the sake of protecting what you have, wasn't it hollow?
  • Unknown demon's other words couldn't be heard clearly but his last words flowed into me as if it got carved into Lu. 'Come to me. I'll give you something that no one else could give you, a grand purpose and the future that you can grasp with your own hands!'
  • Luciela: …….!
  • Lu's expression seemed to change then the world turned dark all of a sudden.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Nightmare 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

After a long war, the demon king and his men were able to unify the demon world.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • When I opened my eyes again, I felt a giant demonic energy from before surround my entire body.
  • ???: …….
  • There was that unknown demon who was with Lu and his four subordinates were standing under him. Lu was also amongst those four subordinates. Lu looked around at her surroundings with an expression filled with determination. 'They are Dark-Eye King Berngart, Red-Demon King Stirbargen, White-Ghost King Aegirp…..' Lu's thoughts flowed into my mind. Lu led her legion into battle countless times. Other demon lords had no choice but to kneel before the name of Steel Queen. As many forces repeatedly clashed, divided and joined together, the unknown demon's armies started to topple nearby demon forces with an overwhelming power. I couldn't exactly tell how battles as one of the 4 Great Lords was different from the battles before for Lu. But it was true that Lu's look as she went into battle had changed. And the battles that felt endless started to end as the grand goal of unification of the Demon Realm which had been just a vague dream had approached before everyone's eyes. The demon who unified the Demon Realm together with the 4 Great Lords enthroned himself to a position of the Demon King, and the world became shrouded in darkness again. It was a very deep…..darkness of the abyss.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Nightmare 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

In front of my eyes, I found a sealed Lu being consumed by darkness.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • When the darkness subsided and I opened my eyes to see Lu's startled face.
  • Ciel: !!… Lu…!!!
  • Lu was tied up in chains. I ran up to her and tried to untie the chains strangling Lu's body but my hands just passed through the chains.
  • Luciela: You…. how dare you…!
  • One who was standing in front of Lu while smiling sinisterly was Lu's general, Barkat. Barkat made a nasty smile as he approached Lu.
  • Barkat: Kuhaha, please don't move. It will only become more painful…
  • Luciela: Untie me right now! If you stop this right now I'll at least spare your life…
  • Barkat snapped his fingers as if he didn't want to listen to Lu. With that, another chain came flying and stabbed into Lu's chest.
  • Ciel: No!!!!!!!
  • Along with a terrifying scream, Lu was swallowed up by a great darkness along with the chains. The world became dark once again.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Nightmare 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

In front of the struggling Lu, I was infinitely weak.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • I heard a painful groan. I opened my eyes again to look around. I saw Lu who had her entire body restrained by chains.
  • Ciel: (Damn it…. Damn it…! Break, break!!!!)
  • My hands didn't reach the chains. I couldn't even touch them. I had no choice but to helplessly watch Lu struggle amidst her suffering.
  • Ciel: Lu….!!!
  • I knew that this was only Lu's memory. I knew that this was merely a dream, that Lu won't be able to see me, that I was merely an observer in this dream. Even still, I couldn't stand it. I hated myself for being so powerless, so weak, so stupid. She won't have to suffer anymore if I could just break those chains…. I'm in front of her right now….
  • Ciel: It won't work after all….? Kugh!
  • I felt the world becoming darker once again. Lu's appearance was gradually disappearing into the darkness. I silently closed my eyes. Please let this dream end already…. But the sight in front of me coldheartedly became brighter again. I could still see Lu who was restrained by the chains. Lu had her head lowered and was murmuring something while not even moving a muscle.
  • Luciela: Luciela R. Sourcream….. Luciela R. Sourcream… Luciela…..
  • Then at one moment, Lu felt that a chain had moved very slightly for an instant. Power of the barrier had weakened. She might be able to break through like this. Lu stopped repeating her name and started to bring out all of the remaining power she had to start applying force on the chains.
  • Luciela: …..!
  • Much as she brought out her power, pained returned in equal amounts. It felt like her mind and body would crumble at any moment as she struggled desperately to escape from the chains that were now shining intensely. Even the powers to maintain her base form must have been depleted because Lu's body was gradually becoming smaller. But Lu didn't give up and pressured the chains up to her utmost limit.
  • Ciel: Little more… Just a little more…!!
  • Lu brought out all of her remaining power and gathered them in one place to start applying force on the chains.
  • Ciel: Don't forget, Lu…. You have to come find me….
  • Cracks started forming on the chains.
  • Ciel: Come to meet me, Lu!
  • When the chains finally shattered, Lu's body weakly started to fall to the bottom. Lu was stretching her hand out towards the place at the bottom where the light was coming from but then slightly turned her head to look up. It felt like I made an eye contact with Lu for a moment. Then…
  • Luciela: Thank you, Ciel.
  • Lu looked at my face and smiled brightly.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Nightmare 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

When I awoke from my sleep, Lu was still suffering from her nightmare.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ciel: Lu!!!!!
  • I saw a familiar scenery when I hastily raised my upper body as I called Lu. It was a campsite that we had selected yesterday. Campfire's embers were still alive as well.
  • Ciel: Lu….?
  • When I looked beside to find Lu, I saw Lu sweating with a face as if she was suffering. It looked like she was still having that nightmare from before.
  • Ciel: Lu, this is only a dream. You escaped from the seal and you're not alone anymore. I'm beside you, Lu.
  • I held out my other hand and wiped the sweat off her forehead. Lu's face that looked as if she was being tormented before seemed to have become more relaxed.
  • Ciel: (Was she…. always having nightmares about that time….?)
  • I had never imagined because I've only seen bright sides of Lu so far.
  • Ciel: (I understand very well how painful everything you've been through was. But you still haven't given up, am I right Lu?)
  • Lu had lost everything but she hasn't given up yet. On everything that should rightfully belong to her….!! I pulled up the bed sheet over Lu then stood up and left my bed. It was time to prepare breakfast.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Nightmare 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

It was a day like any other, but something that morning was a bit different. Lu began to tell me about her dream from the night before.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lu: I had a dream last night.
  • Lu walked into the kitchen yawning then sat on the chair as she rested her chin on her hands.
  • Lu: It was the same nightmare as usual…. But it was a bit strange this time.
  • Ciel: Really? What kind of dream was it?
  • I asked nonchalantly as possible while moving around various dishes and tableware.
  • Lu: Hoo~ today's breakfast is extravagant! These are only things I like!!
  • I brought out cake and sweets that Lu usually liked in turns then finally poured a fragrant tea into Lu's teacup. Lu took a bite out of the cake then asked with an excited voice.
  • Lu: What's wrong Ciel? Is today some kind of commemoration day?
  • Ciel: Well…. they are ingredients that will spoil quickly so I couldn't just leave them be….. so eat quickly.
  • I sat across from Lu and quietly raised my teacup as well.
  • Lu: Hmm…. Well, whatever. So anyways Ciel, I had a dream last night about when I was still sealed. It's a same dream I always have. But……
  • Lu put down her fork on the table then looked straightly at my face.
  • Lu: Someone helped me in the last night's dream. That person was really desperate….. who was it? It was certainly a familiar face…. But I can't seem to remember no matter what.
  • Lu thought deeply as she tilted her head but then sipped her tea and smiled as if she gave up.
  • Lu: But it was such a warm person so it would be nice if I can remember….. Ciel, do you have any guesses to who it was?
  • She doesn't remember….? It felt slightly disappointing but this was fine too. Lu wouldn't like it too much if she knew that I saw her dream.
  • Ciel: I wonder…. wouldn't it be someone who really wanted to save you with all their heart?
  • Lu: Hmm… yes… Someone who really wants to save me with all their heart…. I'm really glad to have such a person by my side.
  • Lu's bright smile reached me. You said you didn't remember, you liar… I also gave a light smile as I put down my teacup.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP - File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendulum of Memories N/A
ED - N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
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  • Noah
  • Lithia
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