From Elwiki
职业 | 所需等级 | 技能需求 |
烂漫稚子 | 30 | 卡密拉的秘籍(中级) |
所需等级 | 光团(魔法) | [娜薇,我来帮你!] | 最大连击数 | MP消耗 | 冷却时间 | |
光团(魔法) | 踉跄 持续时间 | |||||
30 | 917% | 825% | 2秒 | ? | 200 MP | 14秒 |
[真] | 1100% | 990% |
所需等级 | 光团(魔法) | [娜薇,我来帮你!] |
光团(魔法) | ||
30 | 331% | 264% |
[真] | 397% | 317% |
巨大化的魂我一体拳 | 轻便的魂我一体拳 | |
特性效果 | 特性效果 | MP 消耗 |
攻击范围增加到120% | MP消耗减少到80% | 160 MP |
- 尽管技能范围看起来很大,但是它的距离并不是无限的,可以在审判者的安息处的最高点看到它的范围、
- This skill can deal the most hits on tall enemies. It is especially effective on Giant Draugr and Interdimensional Colossus.
- On average, the skill will deal 5~6 hits as it passes through enemies.
- The most hits it can currently deal in-game is 13 hits, when cast after a double jump above Interdimensional Colossus.
- Assuming 5 hits are dealt, Everybody, Punch will deal an average of 5,500% (1,985% in PvP) Magical Damage.
- The [Need Help, Laby?] version will deal an average of 5,485% (1,975% in PvP) Magical Damage.
- With the current maximum possible hit count on Interdimensional Colossus, Everybody, Punch can deal up to 14,300% Magical Damage.
- The [Need Help, Laby?] version will deal up to 14,261% Magical Damage.
- 2019年1月3日 韩服
- Groggy 持续时间 increased.