ELSTAR Showcase

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  • English

ELSTAR Showcase

ELSTAR Showcase. The very first Elstar performance! Let's give everyone the best show of their lives!

The very first Elstar performance! Let's give everyone the best show of their lives!
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements

Do one of the following:

  • Use a free daily Event Dungeon entry.
  • Have 1 Concert Glow Stick in your inventory.

How to Play

While on the dance floor, complete a series of button inputs including , , , , Z, X, and C. Complete these inputs within the given amount of time and press SPACE once the timer is within the glowing section. Successfully completing this will fill your completion meter based on the difficulty of the dance, a missed input will allow you to retry, but pressing SPACE at the wrong time or allowing the timer to run out will boot you back to the stage.

EASY: Complete a string of 5 inputs and press SPACE within a large margin within 5 second.
NORMAL: Complete a string of 7 inputs and press SPACE within a medium margin within 4 second.
HARD: Complete a string of 11 inputs and press SPACE within a narrow margin within 3 seconds.

While on the stage, players must defeat one of three Idol Phorus which will allow them to reenter the dance floor by standing on the teleporter at the center of the map. Based on which Idol Phoru last defeated, that will determine the difficulty of the dance. Blue being EASY, Yellow being NORMAL, and Red being HARD.

Bodyguard Phorus will also be present to impede your progress, if the number of Bodyguard Phorus exceeds 12, you will be unable to enter the dance floor.


  • Items cannot be used
  • Pets cannot be used
  • Mount use available
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Idol Phoru - These cap wearing phorus are hogging the spotlight, take and out and show them up!
  • Dance: For a period of time after they have spawned, they can dance and become completely invincible.
  • Throw: The idols can throw a ball of light.
  • Retreat: These cowards are capable to running away while phasing through anything.
Bodyguard Phoru - These sunglass wearing bodyguards wanna keep you off stage, keep their numbers low.
  • Push: These bodyguards can push you while in super armor.


Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 엘스타 쇼케이스 ElStar Showcase


  • Region 13~18
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 19~22
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
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