Artifact System

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Artifact Menu

Upon advancing to Master Class, you will gain an Artifact. Artifacts have four stages, with one passive for each stage. Artifacts gain EXP as you do and will level up when they accumulate enough EXP. When they reach level 10, they will advance to the next stage and reset their level. Each master gives a different type of Artifacts. Unlike Pets, their benefits work in PvP and they can be toggled off as well.

Growth Stage Passives

Icon Growth Stage Effect
Stage 1 Physical/Magical Attack Power +3%
Stage 2 Master Skill Damage +20%
(+8% in PvP)
Stage 3 [3 Hidden Power effects]
Stage 4 +1 Force Passive Slot

Hidden Power

Hidden Power Menu

When an Artifact reaches Growth Stage 3, their third passive will grant them 3 random stat effects. Similar to identifying equipment, these effects can be rerolled for a different set of effects using Master Artifact Hidden Power Scroll.

Possible Stats

Stat Values
Row 1
All Master Skill Damage Increase 9% / 11% / 13% / 14%
Stage 1/2/3/4 Master Skill Damage Increase 6% / 7% / 8% / 10% / 11% / 12% / 13% / 14% / 15%
Row 2
All Master Skill Cooldown Decrease 8%
Stage 1/2/3/4 Master Skill Cooldown Decrease 6% / 8% / 10% / 12% / 16% / 20%
All Master Skill Size Increase Not overlapped 6% / 8% / 10% / 12% / 14% / 16% / 18% / 20%
Stage 1/2/3/4 Master Skill Size Increase Not overlapped 6% / 8% / 10% / 12% / 14% / 16% / 18% / 20%
Row 3
Physical Attack Increase 200 / 500 / 600
Magical Attack Increase 200 / 500 / 600
Critical Damage Increase 1% / 5%
Damage dealt to Boss Monsters 2% / 6% / 7% / 10% / 13% / 14% / 15%
Adaptation Increase 1% / 3%
Movement Speed Increase 2% / 8%
Master Artifact EXP Increase 14% / 16%

Artifact Accessories

Artifacts can be equipped with special Artifact Accessories. These accessories can be found as a random drop in Master Road dungeons. There are 5 available slots, two Ring Accessories, one Head Accessory, one Top Piece Accessory, and one Necklace Accessory.

Identifiable Stats

Stat Artifact Ring Artifact Circlet Artifact Armor Artifact Necklace
Hyper Active Skill Damage Increase 5%~10% 5%~10% 5%~10%
All Master Skill Damage Increase [2 × Growth Stage]% [2 × Growth Stage]%
All Master Skill Defense Ignore 1%~5%
Stage 1/2/3/4 Master Skill Damage Increase 1%~5% 3%~8% 3%~8% 3%~8%
Stage 1/2/3/4 Master Skill Cooldown Decrease 3%~8%
Stage 1/2/3/4 Master Skill MP Cost Decrease 3%~8%
Critical Increase 8%~12%
Critical Damage Increase 1%~5%
Maximize 8%~12%
Max HP Increase 8%~12%
Damage Reduction 8%~12%
Adaptation Increase 1%
All Element Resistance Increase 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50

Related Items

Image Item Name How to Obtain Effect
File:ArtifactPotion.png Master Artifact EXP Potion
(마스터 아티팩트 경험치 포션)
Events Acquire Artifact EXP upon use. Can only be used on Artifact stages 1 and 2.
File:ArtifactBook.png Master Artifact Hidden Power Scroll
(축복받은 마스터 아티팩트 잠재능력 주문서)
Master Road Dungeon Random Drop
Item Mall Purchase
Re-roll Hidden Power effects
File:CourageCrystal.png Crystal of Courage
(용기의 결정체)
Dismantle Artifact Accessory Can be traded for Master Artifact Hidden Power Scroll at Denif.


Gaia's Artifact

Rosso's Artifact

Ventus's Artifact


  • Gaia's Artifact is likely based on the Celtic god Cernunnos, which the English town of Cerne Abbas also gets its name from. It is usually seen as a god of nature and animals and is associated with stags.
    • While Cerne is pronounced officially with a K, many people pronounce it with an S, leading to the 세르네 (Serne) version of the word in Korean also seeing use alongside the official 케른 (Kern).
  • Rosso's Artifact is likely based on the East Slavic Simargl, a mythical creature that is depicted as a winged dog or lion cloaked in flames, though little else is known about its origins.
  • Ventus's Artifact is based on the mythical griffin, a winged lion-like creature with an eagle's head.
    • Its name is a male Turkish name, which itself can be traced all the way back to the Levant, a historical area in the Middle East. People from this area were referred to as leventis by the Greek, meaning "handsome" or "courageous man", but also has more unruly connotations in Italian, matching Ventus's appearance and flamboyant behavior.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 세르네 Serne
Server Name Translation
South Korea 에리샤 Elisia
Server Name Translation
South Korea 레벤트 Levent

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