Po ukończeniu Trzeciej Zmiany Klasy i dotarciu do Rigomor gracze mogą odblokować Klasę Mistrza. W przeciwieństwie do innych ulepszeń, osiągnięcie Klasy Mistrza nie odblokowuje nowych umiejętności pasywnych oraz wzmocnień umiejętności. Dodano natomiast nowy slot umiejętności na Umiejętności Mistrza.
W celu rozwoju postaci został dodany nowy obszar Ścieżki Mistrza, w którym gracz musi trenować z mistrzem. Plansze dostępne są dla wszystkich postaci, ale do osiągnięcia Klasy Mistrza wymagana jest plansza z odpowiadającym im mistrzem.
[Strona 1] - Znasz sześciu mistrzów Elios? Znajdują się stale w pobliżu EL i Opiekunki EL, by ich strzec. Posiadają wielką moc i niebywałą wiedzę oraz wyjątkowo silną wolę. Tutaj znajdziesz opis niektórych z ich nadludzkich umiejętności.
Zbierz 35 Kształt Woli z dowolnego Bossa w Rigomor.
[Strona 2] - Mistrzowie poprzysięgli strzec Wielkiego EL do końca swego życia i za pomocą wszelkich dostępnych środków. Ich indywidualne cele mogą się nieco różnić, ale ich determinacja jest niepodważalna. Ponoć nawet sama determinacja pojawiła się w postaci wyjątkowej manifestacji.
[Strona 3] - Aby chronić EL i Opiekunkę EL, mistrzowie muszą władać potężną mocą. W walce mistrzów przeciwko silnym wojownikom ich dana moc pojawiła się ponoć w postaci wyjątkowej manifestacji.
[Strona 4] - Te wyjątkowe manifestacje wydawały rzekomo czasami nawet nowe formy życia. Czy te formy rzeczywiście żyją jest kwestią sprzeczną, jednak każdy wprawiony wojownik będzie w stanie skorzystać z ich pomocy. Gdy przygarniesz taką istotę, będzie się ona rozwijać u twego boku, by wkońcu stać się częścią ciebie.
[Strona 5] - Wy wojownicy, którzy pragniecie zachłysnąć się mocą mistrza ziemi: zważajcie na wibracje pod stopami. Manifestacje poprowadzą was do nowego wymiaru. Ostatni klucz znajdziecie w swoim wnętrzu. Pod koniec drogi do oświecenia szlachetna moc wybudzi się ze snu i będzie wam towarzyszyć.
A battle against those who have reached a certain aptitude is sometimes what's needed to understand new power. While this match is unexected, the transformation already started for those who have accepted this challenge.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 1/3
Collect 60 Mark of Transforming Power from any Master Road dungeon.
In order to properly use new power, there must be a transformation from within to accept this power. Do not fear transformation. It is needed to move forward.
You feel the power within you transformed through sparring with those who have reached a certain aptitude. Go to the one who instigated the change and show them the proof of your transformation.
[Chapter 1] - Have you heard of the six masters that protect the El? These El Masters that protect the El and the El Lady hold great power. They also hold outstanding wisdom and strong determination. These are just one of their many talents that will be listed here in this account.
A battle against those who have reached a certain aptitude is sometimes what's needed to understand new power. While this match is unexected, the transformation already started for those who have accepted this challenge.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 1/3
Collect 60 Mark of Transforming Power from any Master Road dungeon.
In order to properly use new power, there must be a transformation from within to accept this power. Do not fear transformation. It is needed to move forward.
You feel the power within you transformed through sparring with those who have reached a certain aptitude. Go to the one who instigated the change and show them the proof of your transformation.
[Chapter 1] - Have you heard of the six masters that protect the El? These El Masters that protect the El and the El Lady hold great power. They also hold outstanding wisdom and strong determination. These are just one of their many talents that will be listed here in this account.
Przejdź obszar Ścieżki Mistrzów - Spirit Sanctum/pl (Normalny / Piekło) jeden raz.
A battle against those who have reached a certain aptitude is sometimes what's needed to understand new power. While this match is unexected, the transformation already started for those who have accepted this challenge.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 1/3
Collect 60 Mark of Transforming Power from any Master Road dungeon.
In order to properly use new power, there must be a transformation from within to accept this power. Do not fear transformation. It is needed to move forward.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 2/3
Przejdź obszar Ścieżki Mistrzów - Spirit Sanctum (Normalny / Piekło) jeden raz.
You feel the power within you transformed through sparring with those who have reached a certain aptitude. Go to the one who instigated the change and show them the proof of your transformation.
[Chapter 1] - Have you heard of the six masters that protect the El? These El Masters that protect the El and the El Lady hold great power. They also hold outstanding wisdom and strong determination. These are just one of their many talents that will be listed here in this account.
A battle against those who have reached a certain aptitude is sometimes what's needed to understand new power. While this match is unexected, the transformation already started for those who have accepted this challenge.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 1/3
Collect 60 Mark of Transforming Power from any Master Road dungeon.
In order to properly use new power, there must be a transformation from within to accept this power. Do not fear transformation. It is needed to move forward.
You feel the power within you transformed through sparring with those who have reached a certain aptitude. Go to the one who instigated the change and show them the proof of your transformation.
[Chapter 1] - Unlike Masters who receive power directly from the El, there are beings called Debrians who use technology to use the power of the El. Here, I will be accounting stories of Debrians who are known to be just as powerful as the El Masters.
Zbierz 35 Kształt Woli z dowolnego Bossa w Rigomor.
[Chapter 2] - Though most historic accounts of Debrians have been lost during the Nasod War, according to what I have salvaged, the power of El they could utilize when the El was most stable could be comparable with the power of the El Masters.
Przejdź obszar Ścieżki Mistrzów - Nasod Testing Chamber (Normalny / Piekło) jeden raz.
[Chapter 3] - Though they have left an irreparable mark on Elrios, there are those who still honor their achievements. Some researchers claim if the ancient technology has passed down to this day, Elrios would have reached the heavens.
Collect 15 Origin Artifacts from Master Road - Nasod Testing Chamber (Normalny / Piekło).
[Chapter 4] - It is said that their knowledge and the power of El create new form of life. It is still not completely determined whether these creatures could be considered a 'life form', but in any case, those who are qualified will have no trouble controlling it. Once they have accepted their master, it is said that they grew side by side as a part of their master.
Przejdź obszar Ścieżki Mistrzów - Nasod Testing Chamber (Normalny / Piekło) pięć raz.
[Chapter 5] - To those who seek ancient knowledge, know this. Be aware of the subtlety of knowledge. The expansive memory of ancient times will bring you to new heights. The last key lies within you, and when you awaken that key, the power will be with you forever.
Przejdź obszar Ścieżki Mistrzów - Nasod Testing Chamber (Normalny / Piekło) jeden raz.
If you wish to achieve something, a trial will follow. It was not an easy battle to face those who wish to test you, but those who wish to move forward will be resolute.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 1/3
Collect 60 Mark of Transforming Power from any Master Road dungeon.
In order to properly use new power, there must be a transformation from within to accept this power. Do not fear transformation. It is needed to move forward.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 2/3
Przejdź obszar Ścieżki Mistrzów - Nasod Testing Chamber (Normalny / Piekło) jeden raz.
You feel the power within you transformed through sparring with those who are testing your limits. Go to the one who instigated the change and show them the proof of your transformation.
[Chapter 1] - Have you heard of the six masters that protect the El? These El Masters that protect the El and the El Lady hold great power. They also hold outstanding wisdom and strong determination. These are just one of their many talents that will be listed here in this account.
A battle against those who have reached a certain aptitude is sometimes what's needed to understand new power. While this match is unexected, the transformation already started for those who have accepted this challenge.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 1/3
Collect 60 Mark of Transforming Power from any Master Road dungeon.
In order to properly use new power, there must be a transformation from within to accept this power. Do not fear transformation. It is needed to move forward.
You feel the power within you transformed through sparring with those who have reached a certain aptitude. Go to the one who instigated the change and show them the proof of your transformation.
[Chapter 1] - Have you heard of the six masters that protect the El? These El Masters that protect the El and the El Lady hold great power. They also hold outstanding wisdom and strong determination. These are just one of their many talents that will be listed here in this account.
A battle against those who have reached a certain aptitude is sometimes what's needed to understand new power. While this match is unexected, the transformation already started for those who have accepted this challenge.
Complete the quest [Mistrz] Transforming Power 1/3
Collect 60 Mark of Transforming Power from any Master Road dungeon.
In order to properly use new power, there must be a transformation from within to accept this power. Do not fear transformation. It is needed to move forward.
You feel the power within you transformed through sparring with those who have reached a certain aptitude. Go to the one who instigated the change and show them the proof of your transformation.
Po ukończeniu Klasy Mistrza gracz zdobędzie dostęp do Umiejętności Mistrza. Ta umiejętność dostępna jest w czterech częściach, zwiększa ona swoją moc z każdym kolejnym etapem. Pierwszy faza dostępna jest automatycznie po osiągnięciu Klasy Mistrza, natomiast dodatkowe poziomy można odblokować lub kupić w Item Shop.
Umiejętność Mistrza nie ma Wzmocnień Umiejętności i nie wpływają na nie statystyki Zwiększenia obrażeń umiejętności. Kiedy używana jest Umiejętność Mistrza, zostanie wyświetlony specjalny Przerywnik Umiejętności Klasy Mistrza.