The mount system allows you to hop onto powerful mounts that you can ride to help you progress through dungeons.
How to Acquire a Mount
Formerly, mounts were obtainable from Fossil Readers, which behaved similarly to Ice Burners, and yielded similar rewards, with pets and mounts instead of costumes. After the removal of Fossil Readers, mounts are now exclusively obtained from the Item Mall and events, or by trading them with other players. The cost to purchase a mount from the Item Mall is 2,390 K-Ching (NA).
How to use Mounts
To begin using mounts, you must acquire the Summon Stone item of the mount of your choice, then right-click it to add it to your mount list. Once added, you can access your mount list through your pet interface by clicking on the "Mount" tab. Here you can check your mounts stats, abilities, and stamina. To get on your mount, select the mount and click 'Ride', and subsequently press 'Get Off' to dismount. Alternatively, you can mount/dismount quickly by right-clicking the mount on your mount list, or using the [G] key. Mounts can be used in fields, and inside of normal and secret dungeons.
Podczas używania wierzchowca w walce, pasek wytrzymałości wierzchowca będzie się zmniejszał.
Wytrzymałość zużywa się około 1 punkt na 3 sekundę.
Wytrzymałość regeneruje się około 1 punkt na 7 sekundy, gdy zejdziesz z wierzchowca lub w mieście/miejscu spoczynku.
Kiedy znajdujesz się w Gorących Źródłach regenerujesz 2 punkty wytrzymałości na 7 sekund.
Dosiadanie wierzchowców na terenie przywraca 1 punkt wytrzymałości co 3 sekundy.
Możesz natychmiast odzyskać 20% wytrzymałości wierzchowca, używając Eldrytowego Paliwa.
Once your mount's stamina reaches 0%, you will automatically dismount, and you will temporarily be unable to mount it again until it regains a sufficient amount of stamina.
Specjalne Zdolności Wierzchowców
Wierzchowce mają unikatowe cechy i zdolności, które pomogą ci w walce. Podczas jazdy na wierzchowcu możesz wykonywać jedynie umiejętności wierzchowca. Każdy wierzchowiec ma inny zestaw umiejętności, który można użyć, naciskając przyciski [Z], [X], [C]. Sposób poruszania wierzchowca różni się w zależności od jego typu. Wierzchowiec może biegać, skakać, przyśpieszać, a nawet latać.
Wszystkie wierzchowce dają następujące buffy podczas jazdy:
Zmniejsza odnoszone obrażenia o 50%
Regeneruje co 5 sek. 2,5% twoich PŻ
Prawdopodobieństwo aktywacji niektórych elementów +2%
Dotyczy tylko poruszania się na wierzchowcu.
Szybkość poruszania się zostaje zmieniona na 700
Szybkość sprintu zostaje zmieniona na 1000
Dotyczy tylko poruszania się na wierzchowcu.
Pełna Lista Wierzchowców
Poniżej znajduje się przegląd każdego wierzchowca w grze, wraz z ikoną Kamienia Przywołania.
Pełna Lista Wierzchowców
Nazwa wierzchowca
Nazwa wierzchowca
Wietrzna Kousika (바람의 코우시카)
Rydwan MobiRT (돌진 전차 모비RT)
Prastary Buras (에이션트 라이딩 뽀루)
Skorpion Pongo (퐁고 스콜피온 Typ R)
Lodowy Smok (아이스 하멜링)
Ognisty Smok (파이어 하멜링)
Czarny Smok (다크 하멜링)
Spersonalizowany Oberon 650 dla Eve (이브 커스텀 - 오베론650)
Spersonalizowana Trupia Główka dla Eve (이브 커스텀 - 블랙 스컬)
Spersonalizowane Serce Anioła dla Eve (이브 커스텀 - 엔젤 하트)
Naver Ancient Phoru (네이버 에인션트 뽀루)
Sacred Fox - Red Spirit (비호선 - 적령)
Rydwan MobiRt - Blue Storm (돌진 전차 모비RT 커스텀 - 블루스톰)
Moby Chariot RT - Golden Fire (돌진 전차 모비RT 커스텀 - 골든파이어)
A new invention using Ponggo's technology. The mount is high in quality and functionality and possesses abilities to penetrate and dash through large enemy forces.
Electron-balls Barrage Fires a barrage of Electron-balls from the tip of its tail. Impact Damage: 100% x12, Explosion damage: 134% x12.
Electronic Claw Enchant Charges claws with electrical energy causing them to extend to a bigger range. Also it increases Z's damage. Stab: 360%. Z Attack: 400% x2.
A new invention using Ponggo's technology. The mount is high in quality and functionality and possesses abilities to penetrate and dash through large enemy forces.
Electron-balls Barrage Fires a barrage of Electron-balls from the tip of its tail. Impact Damage: 100% x12, Explosion damage: 134% x12.
Electronic Claw Enchant Charges claws with electrical energy causing them to extend to a bigger range. Also it increases Z's damage. Stab: 360%. Z Attack: 400% x2.
Double Slash 2 Frontal slashes Slashes: 328% x2 Jump Z : Rams down diagonally. Ram: 328% x3.
Ice Breath Release an icy breath from its mouth. Touching the breath will inflict frostbite. Breath: 267% x7.
Frost Eyes Summons many icicles and rain them down on targets. When targets touches the icicles, they will be inflicted with frostbite. Icicles: 360% x15.
Special Movement (Flap Flap)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (New Evolution [Rider])
Freezing and Petrifying (+2%)
Fire Hameling (파이어 하멜링)
A mystical hatchling breed that inhabits a flame basin. The hatchling is born immune to flames. He is extremely hot-tempered but can be docile at the same time.
Double Slash 2 Frontal slashes Slashes: 328% x2 Jump Z : Rams down diagonally. Ram: 328% x3.
Fire Burst Release a fiery breath from its mouth. Touching the breath will inflict burn. Breath: 1638% Continuous hits: 47% x6.
Meteor Destroyer Summons 7 meteors and rain them down on targets. Meteors that touch the ground will have a small round explosion. When targets touches the meteors, they will be inflicted with burn. Impact: 378%, Explosion: 168% x9.
Special Movement (Flap Flap)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (New Evolution [Rider])
Burning and Petrifying (+2%)
Dark Hameling (다크 하멜링)
A darker breed of the hatchling species. Its appearance and personality was changed by the dark demons' powers. It is loyal to people who it trusts and protects them till the end.
Double Slash 2 Frontal slashes Slashes: 328% x2 Jump Z : Rams down diagonally. Ram: 328%.
Darkness Shot Release a dark ball from its mouth. The ball is slow moving and will pierce through targets. Ball: 78% multiple hits. Explode: 1638%.
Dark Calling Summons a giant gravity orb in mid air. All targets inside will be damaged continuously and be inflicted with Helpless. Summon orb: 1134%. Damage: 88% x16.
Special Movement
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance
Poison and Plagued (+2%)
Halloween Hameling
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Double Slash 2 Frontal slashes Slashes: 328% x2 Jump Z : Rams down diagonally. Ram: 328% x3.
Ice Breath Release an icy breath from its mouth. Touching the breath will inflict frostbite. Breath: 267% x7.
Ice Fall Summons many icicles and rain them down on targets. When targets touches the icicles, they will be inflicted with frostbite. Icicles: 360% x15.
Special Movement
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Eve's unique mount designed with the body and power of Oberon. Riders possess great amounts of dignity when riding the Queen of Nasod's mount. The engine runs on energy and is tuned to go fast and drift.
Energy Cannon Attack Fire 2 energy balls. Ball: 328% x2 Jump Z : Fire 2 energy balls downwards. Ball: 328% x2.
Oberon Drift Attack Rams forward in super armor and performs a circular drift. Charges frontally for about 800 meters range. Charging hit: 120%, Drift: 460%.
High-angle Twin Energy Cannon Fire two lasers that sweep 90°upwards. Works similar to Atomic Blaster - Plasma Gun and range is almost as long as Psychic Artillery's Preceding Amplification Beam. Laser Damage: 100% x42
Special Movement (Ignition Cannon Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Iron Body [Rider])
Freezing and Piercing (+2%)
Eve's Custom Black Skull (이브 커스텀-블랙 스컬)
Eve's next line of custom mounts designed specially for Raven. This mount has modifications specifically for Raven's liking. Also there are modifications done illegally without Eve's knowledge to improve the weapon systems.
Dark Missiles Fire 2 small missiles. Missiles: 163% x2 Explosion 163% x1 Jump Z : Fire 2 small missiles downwards. Missiles: 163% x2 Explosion 163% x1.
Oberon Drift Attack Rams forward in super armor and performs a circular drift. Charges frontally for about 800 meters range. Charging hit: 120% x5, Drift: 460% x3.
High Angle Multi Missile Fires some homing missiles in a 90° angle. Shots take about 1 second to activate homing ability. Missiles(12x): 324%, Missiles Explosion: 103%
Special Movement (Ignition Cannon Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Black Body [Rider])
Plagued and Piercing (+2%)
Eve's Custom Angel Heart (이브 커스텀-엔젤 하트)
Eve's new line of mounts designed with a feminine touch. The engine is produced with special pink angel energy. Pretty on the outside, this mount is just as tough and fast as the rest.
Heart Missile Fire Fire 2 heart missiles. Missile: 328% x2 Jump Z : Fire 2 heart missiles downwards. Missile: 328% x2.
Heart Drift Rams forward in super armor and performs a circular drift. Charges frontally for about 800 meters range. Charging hit: 120%, Drift: 460%.
Lovely Tornado Creates a large pink sandstorm which will sweep targets back. Storm Damage: 66% 토네이도 연타: 529%
Special Movement (Ignition Cannon Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Pink Body [Rider])
Burn and Petrify (+2%)
Oberon 650 Ver.Keroro (오베론 650 Ver.케로로)
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Energy Ball Fire Fire 2 energy balls. Ball: 328% x2 Jump Z : Fire 2 energy balls downwards. Ball: 328% x2.
Laser Drift Rams forward in super armor and performs a circular drift. Charges frontally for about 800 meters range. Charging hit: 120%, Drift: 460%.
Twin Energy Cannon Fire two lasers that sweep 90°upwards. Works similar to Atomic Blaster - Plasma Gun and range is almost as long as Psychic Artillery's Preceding Amplification Beam. Laser Damage: 100% x42
Special Movement (Ignition Cannon Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Iron Body [Rider])
Freezing and Piercing (+2%)
Oberon 650 Ver.Kururu (오베론 650 Ver.쿠루루)
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Energy Ball Fire Fire 2 energy balls. Ball: 328% x2 Jump Z : Fire 2 energy balls downwards. Ball: 328% x2.
Laser Drift Rams forward in super armor and performs a circular drift. Charges frontally for about 800 meters range. Charging hit: 120%, Drift: 460%.
Twin Energy Cannon Fire two lasers that sweep 90°upwards. Works similar to Atomic Blaster - Plasma Gun and range is almost as long as Psychic Artillery's Preceding Amplification Beam. Laser Damage: 100% x42
Special Movement (Ignition Cannon Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Iron Body [Rider])
Freezing and Piercing (+2%)
Oberon 650 Ver.Giroro (오베론 650 Ver.기로로)
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Energy Ball Fire Fire 2 energy balls. Ball: 328% x2 Jump Z : Fire 2 energy balls downwards. Ball: 328% x2.
Laser Drift Rams forward in super armor and performs a circular drift. Charges frontally for about 800 meters range. Charging hit: 120%, Drift: 460%.
Twin Energy Cannon Fire two lasers that sweep 90°upwards. Works similar to Atomic Blaster - Plasma Gun and range is almost as long as Psychic Artillery's Preceding Amplification Beam. Laser Damage: 100% x42
Special Movement (Ignition Cannon Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Iron Body [Rider])
Freezing and Piercing (+2%)
Oberon 650 Ver.Dororo (오베론 650 Ver.도로로)
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Energy Ball Fire Fire 2 energy balls. Ball: 328% x2 Jump Z : Fire 2 energy balls downwards. Ball: 328% x2.
Laser Drift Rams forward in super armor and performs a circular drift. Charges frontally for about 800 meters range. Charging hit: 120%, Drift: 460%.
Twin Energy Cannon Fire two lasers that sweep 90°upwards. Works similar to Atomic Blaster - Plasma Gun and range is almost as long as Psychic Artillery's Preceding Amplification Beam. Laser Damage: 100% x42
Special Movement (Ignition Cannon Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Iron Body [Rider])
Freezing and Piercing (+2%)
Oberon 650 Ver.Tamama (오베론 650 Ver.타마마)
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Energy Ball Fire Fire 2 energy balls. Ball: 328% x2 Jump Z : Fire 2 energy balls downwards. Ball: 328% x2.
Laser Drift Rams forward in super armor and performs a circular drift. Charges frontally for about 800 meters range. Charging hit: 120%, Drift: 460%.
Twin Energy Cannon Fire two lasers that sweep 90°upwards. Works similar to Atomic Blaster - Plasma Gun and range is almost as long as Psychic Artillery's Preceding Amplification Beam. Laser Damage: 100% x42
Special Movement (Ignition Cannon Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
A fox that uses the mystical power of fire, came into the Elrios world after sensing Eun's presence. It decides to join the El party to free Eun from the seal but it seems like only Eun knows its true intentions...
Soul Shot Fires a soul shot which will perice through targets. Soul Ball: 499% Jump Z : Spins in a circle in midair with fire emitting from tails and damage any targets it contacts. Fire Spin: 656%.
Soul Rush Engulfs itself in fire and rushes through targets. Rush: 264%
Possession: Fire Summons soul orbs which will float behind it. Z and X attacks will have additional hits per attack. Summoning: 1530% Z Attack: 249% x3 X Attack: 317%
Kroki Boga
Potrafi szybować w powietrzu. Naciśnij i przytrzymaj po skoku.
Elemental Activation Chance (Mystical Spirit Fire [Rider])
Burning and Piercing (+2%)
Święty Lis - Mroczny Duch (비호선 - 흑령)
Lisi Bóg, który używa siły ciemności. Przybył do Elios, aby pomóc Eun i dlatego też oferuje towarzyszom swoje usługi.
Control the lightning of an archangel without restrictions. Those who catch a glimpse of the elegant and holy Ramiel will never forget the once in a lifetime experience.
Z Attack Swing the sword to continuously strike enemies from the front. Consecutive Lightning Cut: 333% x2 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Sharp sword swing. Lightning Cutter: 667%
X Attack Release a destructive lightning bolt from the tip of the sword. Compact Lightning: 140%. Discharged Lightning: 133%. Lightning Explosion: 960%
Divine Punishment Call upon lightning from the heavens to smite all enemies within the horizontal radius of 1,000. Divine Punishment: 435% x6
Special Movement (Archangel's Descent)
Pressing in the air will grant you the ability of levitate, similar to Aisha.
An archdevil who wishes to destroy everything. Called by the name "Lord of Destruction" due to his overwhelming rage.
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Swing his sword for combo attacks. Multiple Lightning Slashes: 333% x2 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Sharp Sword Attacks. Lightning Slash: 667%
X Attack Concentrate powerful lightning at the tip of your sword and unleash it. Concentrated Lightning: 140%. Unleashed Lightning: 133%. Lightning Explosion: 960%
Annihilation Summon a Blade of Darkness and annihilate all enemies within a horizontal radius of 1,000. Annihilation: 435% x6
Special Movement (Summon Archdevil)
Pressing in the air will grant you the ability of levitate, similar to Aisha.
Elemental Activation Chance (Fury of Archdevil [Rider])
Burning and Plagued (+2%)
Lord Baal (군주 바알)
An archdevil who wishes to destroy everything. Called by the name "Lord of Destruction" due to his overwhelming rage.
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Swing his sword for combo attacks. Multiple Lightning Slashes: 166% x2 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Sharp Sword Attacks. Lightning Slash: 333%
X Attack Concentrate powerful lightning at the tip of your sword and unleash it. Concentrated Lightning: 70%. Unleashed Lightning: 66%. Lightning Explosion: 480%
Destruction Summon a Blade of Darkness and annihilate all enemies within a horizontal radius of 1,000. Annihilation: 217% x6
Special Movement (Summon Lord Baal)
Pressing in the air will grant you the ability of levitate, similar to Aisha.
Elemental Activation Chance (Fury of the Lord [Rider])
Burning and Plagued (+2%)
Nasod Battle Gear
Nasod Battle Gear (나소드 배틀 기어)
A Nasod packed with heavy firepower. This Nasod was created by Add combining his knowledge of Nasod technology and alchemy. Take advantage of the Nasod boosters to maneuver with glides similar to Eve.
Z Attack Strikes the enemy with a fast spinning wheel that consecutively hits the enemy. 109% x6 Jump Z : Rotating front wheel that collides with the enemy at high speed. 109% x6
X Attack Creates a wheel of fire from the underworld that sets fire to enemies around you for 5 seconds. 53% x51 (2 wheels have their own hitboxs)
God of Nightmare Fire demonic spirits that charges towards the enemy. 156% x56
Special Movement (Baby P1001 Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Mithril Body [Rider])
Burning and Plagued (+2%)
Hellhound (헬 하운드)
Hellhound, a beast that the Lords of Hell seeks to tame. It contains the power of Hell. Be cautious you could get hurt if you're not careful.
Z Attack Strikes the enemy with a fast spinning wheel that consecutively hits the enemy. 109% x6 Jump Z : Rotating front wheel that collides with the enemy at high speed. 109% x6
X Attack Creates a wheel of fire from the underworld that sets fire to enemies around you for 5 seconds. 53% x51 (2 wheels have their own hitboxs)
Hell Flame Fire demonic spirits that charges towards the enemy. 156% x56
Special Movement (Burning Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Z Attack Strikes the enemy with a fast spinning wheel that consecutively hits the enemy. 109% x6 Jump Z : Rotating front wheel that collides with the enemy at high speed. 109% x6
X Attack Creates a wheel of fire from the underworld that sets fire to enemies around you for 5 seconds. 53% x51 (2 wheels have their own hitboxs)
?? Fire demonic spirits that charges towards the enemy. 156% x56
Special Movement (Burning Engine)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Senar jest legendarnym duchem przeznaczenia, który żyje podobno w miejscu wiecznego lodu. Jest nieśmiałym bogiem, ale czyny demonów nie dają mu spokoju i postanawia zainterweniować.
Wyrzuca ostre odłamki lodu w górę. Lodowy Cierń: 667% (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Atak zimna: 3x 328% (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Podczas skoku lub skoku ze sprintu: Otocz ciało zimnem i rzuć się do przodu.
Zimno otacza twoje ciało i rzucasz się do przodu. Atak Zimna: 10x 202% (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Czas regeneracji:5 sek.
Wir Lodowy: Wirujące lodowe tornado porusza się do przodu. Kryształy Lodu: 72% (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Lodowe Tornado: 365% (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Czas regeneracji: 10 sek. PM: 250
Mroźny Krok
Potrafi szybować w powietrzu. Naciśnij i przytrzymaj po skoku.
Mroźna Aura (Jeździec)
Prawdopodobieństwo przebicia +2% Prawdopodobieństwo zamrożenia (lód) +2% Dotyczy tylko poruszania się na wierzchowcu.
A powerful dragon made of solid gold from the distant past. Awakened from deep hibernation by the power of El, Ascalon seeks to protect the fragments of El from those who are wicked.
Z Attack Release a short ranged but penetrating breath of fire. Flame Breath: 328% x2 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Unleash a downward breath of fire onto enemies. Flame Breath: 219% x3
X Attack Spins around and slams with a tail to deliver a powerful blow. Tail Strike: 1800%
Dragon's Roar Let out a powerful roar to overwhelm enemies. Dragon's Authority: 875% x5
Special Movement (Law of Dragon's Flight)
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance
Poison and Plagued (+2%)
Raul's Vassal
Raul's Vassal (라울의 하수인)
Raul's Vassal. Possessing the almighty power of lightning, this vassal has strength that rivals the power of Raul herself. The mere sound of it is enough to cause evildoers of Elrios to tremble in fear.
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Generate a ball of lightning forward Plasma Sphere: 231% x4 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Generate a sphere of plasma midair Plasma Sphere: 231% x4
X Attack Pierce through enemies with lightning fast speed which leaves enemies stunned Lightning Speed: 1632%
Overcharged Release Release a surge of lightning to deal damage to all surrounding enemies. Enhances the power of Z attacks. Plasma Sphere: 400% Plasma Release: 815% Enchant Z Attack: 195% x9
Special Movement (Lightning Figure)
Able to air walk and phase through units. Press after jumping.
Z Attack Fires shark bullets which explode when striking enemies. Shark Bullet: 73% x2 Explosion: 263% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Jumps in the air and fires shark bullets down at enemies. Shark Bullet: 73% x2 Explosion: 263%
X Attack Quickly rushes forward and drifts to cause a wave eruption. Collision: 420% Spray: 234% Multiple Hits
SOS! Unleashes a wave of sea creatures to attack all enemies ahead. Shark Charge: 2925% Fish Charge: 488% x2 Spray: 122% Multiple Hits
Rickshaw Phoru with a passion for customer satisfaction. Anything that stands in its customer's way will be defeated. It's filled with passion and their strange devotion to customer satisfaction brings tears to one's eyes. - Run Phoru, Run!
Z Attack Throw out multiple explosive bombs. Bombs: 49% Explosion: 244% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Fall below and throw out multiple explosive bombs. Bombs: 49% Explosion: 244%
X Attack Charge forward with the rickshaw. Don't stand in my way! I have a customer on board! - Phoru Impact: 390% Multiple Hits
Customer Satisfaction Summon an army of Rickshaw Phorus. Deal massive damage and acquire boosted morale. Boosted Morale lasts for 30 seconds and each attack has 10% chance to call an additional Phoru to pull the cart. Charge: 975% Multiple Hits Summon Phoru: 243%
Born in the smoldering hot volcanic grounds. It imbues the rider with a burning passion and courage to overcome any challenge.
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Create a fire that follows a path. Fire: 231% x5 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z You descend from the air and attempt a fiery kick. Fire: 231% x3
X Attack You quickly move forward and leave a trail of fire that deals constant damage. The fire follows a path and in the corner, it leaves a small potent fire. Impact: 816% Fire Trail: 112% x21
Inferno Create a shockwave around you and make it rain fireballs. Shockwave: 122% x6 Fireball: 317% x123
Special Movement (Enraged Mobility)
Able to air walk. Press after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Slaughterer from Hell [Rider])
Plagued (+5%)
Phantom Steed (팬텀 스티드)
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Fire: 231% x5 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Fire: 231% x3
X Attack Impact: 816% Fire Trail: 112% x21
Inferno Shockwave: 122% x6 Fireball: 317% x123
Special Movement
Able to air walk. Press after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance
Plagued (+5%)
Perkisas (페르키사스)
Perkisas appears as a mount and aids you in battle. He overpowers all enemies with his unstoppable power. No one knows why he suddenly decided to appear as your friend.
Z Attack Spit out a fireball to the front and pull the enemy towards the explosion. Fire: 231% x4 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Release flames in the air and hit multiple times. Fire: 231% x4
X Attack Smash the ground and deal a large area of damage. This attack has 100% chance to critically hit. (Can also be activated midair) Large Shockwave: 1452%
Great Lord of Inferno Fire a large breath to the front to demolish the enemy. (Can also be activated midair) Flame Breath: 132% x48
Special Movement (Walk of Pride)
Able to air walk. Press after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Avatar of Greed [Rider])
Plagued (+5%)
Maru (마루)
A cat spirit that protects all the cats in Elrios. Its body has become enormous from eating too many delicious offerings.
Z Attack Quickly scratch enemies with razor-sharp claws. Razor-sharp Claw: 420% x2 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Quickly scratch enemies with razor-sharp claws. Razor-sharp Claw: 420% x2
X Attack Charge forward with great speed and cause a shockwave with a stomach landing. Landing attack will be launched as 100% Critical. (Midair use possible.) Flawless Attack: 144% x14 Flawless Landing: 1200%
Help me, nya! Call upon cat friends for help. Cat friends will deal great damage to enemies in front. Help me, nya!: 1313% x12
Gale Force was usable for a certain time when Optimus summoned it, but after more research, Gale Force became mountable and able to be used in battle.
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Fire a machine gun towards enemies in front. Machine Gun: 67% x5 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Fire a machine gun downwards in midair. Machine Gun: 67% x3
X Attack Charge forward at a high-speed and deal damage to enemies blocking the way. High-speed Charge: 68% x11
Gale Force was usable for a certain time when Optimus summoned it, but after more research, Gale Force became mountable and able to be used in battle.
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Fire a machine gun towards enemies in front. Machine Gun: 133% x5 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Fire a machine gun downwards in midair. Machine Gun: 133% x3
X Attack Charge forward at a high-speed and deal damage to enemies blocking the way. High-speed Charge: 136% x11
Super short legs! A dog with a breathtaking butt. When a Corgi runs, it's hard to see their legs, but don't take them for granted because they're stubby.
Z Attack Attack enemies in front with your short legs. Flounder: 420% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Flounder your legs midair to attack enemies in front. Flounder: 420%
X Attack Charge forward excitedly, then land on your butt to create a shockwave. Landing attack is 100% critical. Want to Play?: 40% Multiple Hits Breathtaking Butt: 1200%
Dog Treat Discovery! A dog treat has appeared! A dog treat will fall onto the ground and deal a great amount of damage to enemies. The Corgi is super excited to see the treat. Small Dog Treat: 180% Multiple Hits Giant Dog Treat: 1680% Giant Dog Treat Explosion: 420%
Z Attack Seta attacks the enemy in front with its pointy horn. Headbutt: 280% Multiple Hits Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Flaps its fins to create a whirlpool. Whirlpool: 280% Multiple Hits
X Attack Deals damage by collapsing in place and onto the ground. Boom!: 960%
Holy Summon Calls upon a giant Holy Nasod that guards Elysion. Holy Summon: 1950% Multiple Hits
Z Attack Shockwave: 280% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Shockwave: 280%
X Attack Electron Wave: 1596%
C Attack Mini Nono: 40% Explosion: 148%
Special Movement
Able to air walk. Press after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance
Piercing and Freezing (+2%)
Rakshasa (나찰)
Ten wierzchowiec wykonuje posłannictwo ochronnego bóstwa Rakshasa. Załatwia swojego przeciwnika w mgnieniu oka. Jest znakomicie wytrenowany i bardzo zręczny.
Popping Carrot Shoot out popping carrots from the missile port. Attack: 146% Mutiple Hits Explosion: 195% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Spiral down by using the gravity acceleration device and a barrier. Gravity Crash: 735% Mutiple Hits
Boxing Gloves Create boxing gloves from the missile port and give a combination attack. Can also be activated midair. Rabbit Power: 840%x2
Popping Carrot Parade Launch loaded popping carrots at once. Deal damage to all enemies within the missile radius. Mini Popping Carrot Attack: 104% Multple Hits Mini Popping Carrot Explosion: 285% Multple Hits Big Popping Carrot Attack: 1121% Big Popping Carrot Explosion: 2243%
Special Movement
Able to air walk. Press after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance
??? (+2%)
Wah-Kun (쿤)
Wah-Kun Wild Beast, the King of Red Pandas. With a threatening pose, it scares all other animals away.
Paw Attack! Attack forward with its soft paws. Attack: 420% x2 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Attack using paws while in the air. Attack: 420% x2
Wind Strike!/Panda Rolling! Charge forward with high speed. Roll and attack again by pressing X while in the middle of an X attack. Can also be activated midair. Wind Strike!: 375% x4 Panda Rolling!: 476% multi hit
Threat of a Beast Slam the front paws into the ground to shoot a wave of bamboo trees that mercilessly pierce through enemies. Bamboo Trees: 1875% multi hit
Z Attack Deliver a swipe attack with it's claws. Swipe: 420% x2 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Dive forward while spinning. Spin Dive: 189% x4
X Attack Smash the ground to summon ice that shoots up. Press down on the X key for 2 seconds to charge for an ice attack that pushes the enemies back. Icequake - Blooming: 640% Multiple Hits Icequake - Drive: 576% Multiple Hits
C Attack Summon an ice wall and charge through it, causing the wall to shatter to deal damage. Summon Ice Wall: 720% Multiple Hits Blitz: 1440% Multiple Hits Ice Shards: 240% Multiple Hits
Special Movement
Elemental Activation Chance
??? (+?%)
Bebe (베베)
Bebe. A cute bird born with the blessing of snow. Bebe often feels cold, so it always has a scarf around its neck. It is self-conscious of its giant size, but its little bird friends still love Bebe.
Z Attack Peck the enemy ahead. Furiously peck the enemy by pressing Z multiple times. Peck: 840% Furious Pecking: 315% x3 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Charge ahead, piercing through the enemy. Swish: 893%
X Attack Surround an aura of snow around the body. Can also be activated midair. Snowy Wind: 320% Multiple Hits
Wild Chase Call upon bird friends to attack nearby enemies. Together, we are strong. Birdie Friends: 128% Multiple Hits
Special Movement
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Z Attack Shoots small exploding clouds. Hit: 368% Explosion: 486% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: While jumping and sprinting, you can shoot exploding clouds downwards. Hit: 368% Explosion: 486%
X Attack Somi dashes forward and creates small clouds and lightning. Rush: 630% Rain Clouds: 120% Multiple Hits
C Attack Somi gets stronger. Somi gets bigger, its damage and running speed increase, and every monster it touches suffers damage. Explosion: 1440% Sparkle Sparkle: 85% Multiple Hits
Special Movement
Able to glide across the air. Press and hold after jumping.
Z Attack Scatter white petals forward. Explosion Damage: 814% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Dash and jump to slam the rear wheels down and cause explosive damage. Explosion Damage: 866%
X Attack While Nell protects you, Leah appears and gathers enemies around her to attack them. Explosion Damage: 234% Multiple Hits
C Attack Nell asks Leah for support. Aim and attack enemies across a wide range from a distance. Explosion Damage: 2664% Multiple Hits
Atakuje ostrymi szponami skierowanymi do przodu. Szpony: 2x 604% obrażeń (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Szpony Skok: 2x 591% (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Podczas skoku i skoku ze sprintu przeprowadzasz za pomocą klawisza Z atak do przodu.
Atakuje przeciwników, rzucając się na nich ze znaczną prędkością.
Przywołuje sobowtóra cienia (możliwe do maks. 5 sobowtórów.) Można wykonać również w skoku. Niespodziewany Atak: wielokrotnie 270% obrażeń (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Regeneracja: 5 sek.
Wyjące Cienie: Potężny krzyk gna wszystkie sobowtóry cienia do przodu. (Można wykonać również w skoku.) Krzyk: wielokrotnie 765% obrażeń (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Sobowtór: wielokrotnie 176% obrażeń (średnia wartość ataku + magicznego ataku) Regeneracja: 10 sek. PM: 250
Prędkie Kroki
Potrafi szybować w powietrzu. Naciśnij i przytrzymaj po skoku.
Przemykający Cień [Buff Jeźdźca]
Prawdopodobieństwo aktywacji dla przeszycia +2% Prawdopodobieństwo aktywacji dla żądzy +2% (Dotyczy tylko poruszania się na wierzchowcu.)
A decorative broom made to look like a Witch's Broom. Is it... really just for show?
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Fire 3 spirit fire that pierces and explodes. Pierce: 41% Explode: 124% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z Fire 3 spirit fire diagonally downwards that will pierce then explode. Pierce: 41% Explode: 124%
X Attack Summon 10 ghosts that will haunt your enemies. Can also be activated midair. Pierce: 38% Explode: 114%
Mystery Wave Shoot unknown energy waves on both sides. Wave: 240% Multiple Hits
Special Movement (Broom Broom)
Possible to Air Dash 2 times. Press after jumping.
Elemental Activation Chance (Trick of the Spirit)
Burning and Plague (+2%)
Star Witch's Broom (별빛 마녀의 빗자루)
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack ???% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z ???%
X Attack ???%
C Attack ???%
Special Movement
Possible to Air Dash 2 times. Press after jumping.
Z Attack Step on the enemy ahead, guac! Additional Z presses during attack will let you mercilessly step on the enemy, guac! Kicking: 136% Multiple Hits Merciless Kicking: 136% Multiple Hits Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Step on the enemy in the air, guac! 136% Multiple Hits
X Attack Run forward and crush the enemies ahead. Run Forward: 50% Multiple Hits Crush: 1350%
C Attack Call out an enormous amount of small Guac Guacs to attack the enemy. Small Guac Guac: 187% Multiple Hits
Z Attack Fires condensed energy forward. Energy Shot: 371% Energy Explosion: 495% Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Accelerate and rush forward. Rush: 866%
X Attack Fire an energy bomb that tracks enemies. Penetrate: 186% Multiple Hits Explosion: 62% Multiple Hits
Flash of Battle Emit a huge amount of energy that pierces through the battlefield. (Can also be activated midair) Flash: 825% Multiple Hits
Special Movement
Elemental Activation Chance
??? (+?%)
Alpaca Tutu
Alpaca Tutu (알파카 튜튜)
Z Attack
X Attack
C Attack
Z Attack Kick forward with short paws. Kicking: 433% x2 Jump Z, Dash-jump Z: Kick forward while in the air. Kicking: 433% x2
X Attack Rush forward vigorously. Press and hold the X key for 2 seconds to charge up. When fully charged, you can shed balls of wool in the surrounding area to deal additional damage. Rush: 930% Multiple Hits Ball of Wool: 310% Multiple Hits
Scatter Wool Inflate the wool and spread it around. Balls of wool will cling to enemies within a certain distance. (Can also be activated midair) Wool Ball Explosion: 254% Multiple Hits
The Larva mounts are based off of a Korean animated series called Larva.
The name of the mount Ramiel means Thunder of God, hence its ability to use lightning. Ramiel is also the angel of hope that guide the faithful, hence its title of Guardian Angel in its release.
The Ramiel mount cameoed as a cross promotional pet in KOG's now defunct MMO Grand Chase under the name Archangel.
Bumblebee and Optimus Prime mounts are based on the characters of the same name from the Transformers franchise.
Eve's Custom verions Keroro, Kururu, Giroro, Dororo, and Tamama, are all based on the respective characters from the Sgt. Frog series.