Hunting Fields

From Elwiki
Elder's Hunting Field, Wally's Memorial Bridge

The Hunting Fields are another method of obtaining EXP, alongside Dungeons and PvP. The Hunting Fields allows you to explore areas of Elrios and face enemies.

Hunting Fields

Field Mobs

Various mobs can be found wandering in the fields, most of which are similar to mobs found in dungeons. They can be defeated for EXP and drops, as long as you are within 10 levels from the respective field's level range. Defeated mobs will respawn at their designated spawn location after a set amount of time. If monsters move too far from their respawn area, they will immediately stop fighting you, enter an invincible state, and start running back to their designated area. As you defeat mobs, your stamina will gradually decrease. You may still fight in fields even upon depleting your stamina completely, however you will not gain any EXP, ED, or drops while you have no stamina.

Field mobs have two different types of behaviors; Aggressive and Reactive.

Aggressive Mobs

Aggressive Mobs are monsters that will attack you whenever you are within their attack range, and are identified with a yellow life-bar.

Reactive Mobs

Reactive Mobs are monsters that will attack you only when you attack them first, and are identified with a green life-bar.

Safe Spots

Every field has an area that cannot be reached by monsters. This area can be identified by a wider, farther viewpoint. This is the ideal spot for healing without being attacked by monsters or having to leave the field.

List of Fields

Image Name
Wally's Memorial Bridge
Level Range: 9 - 13

Resting Areas

Resting Areas are areas between Towns and Fields where you may rest and recover HP and MP without any mobs around. This is where the NPCs Helen and Glave can be found, along with a Board and Mailbox. Just like in villages, your combat system is disabled here and skills cannot be used.

List of Resting Areas

Player Capacity

Every Hunting Field cannot contain several different people at a single given time. Because of this, most Fields are limited to a capacity of 8 players. Once the Field contains 8 people, the next player that enters will be relocated to the same field under a different server.

Field Bosses

Just like dungeons, you can face bosses in the Hunting Fields. Each region, except Ruben, Elder, Altera and Feita, will have a chance of spawning a unique Field Boss or Bosses. Their chances of appearing will increase if more monsters in the area are being killed.

List of Field Bosses

Epithet Boss Name Image Description Moves (All are performed with Super Armor)
Corrupt Glitter Bater Bater is one tough Glitter gone wrong. He hardly knows any better than to walk aimlessly and chomp at enemies.
  • Bite: Similar to the Glitter Zombies, Bater can attack simply by biting his enemies.
  • Toxic Vomit: Bater can vomit onto his opponents, which will release several Poisonous Clouds that can severely poison you.
Gigantic Jubigee Wamu This giant can be tough to beat. Avoid the exploding seed pocket at all costs.
  • Gland Explosion: After being attacked its poison gland will expand until it decides to explode dealing large damage and inflicting poison.
  • Fatal Release: When it reaches maximum size, Wamu will do a more damaging explosion and revert back to it's normal size.


You will receive rewards from killing Field Bosses. Rewards can only be received if you have contributed at least 8% of the bosses' life. After killing the boss, they will drop a Roasted Mutton to recover 100% HP, a Pineapple to recover 150 MP, a Field Boss Cube, and an Evil Souls Orb. If you contribute the most damage towards the boss when over 4 people fought against the boss, there will receive two Field Boss Cubes instead. Please note that you will not receive anything from killed bosses if you are in a Field area whose level range is 10 levels above or below your current level.

Evil Souls Orb

Evil Souls Orb can be exchanged at Ariel for the following rewards:

Evil Souls Orb x3
Evil Souls Orb x3 Trade Type
Trading List
EXP Boost Medal Cube (1 Day) [Cobo] Complete Recovery Potion x2 Vigor Potion x3 El Tree Seed
Evil Souls Orb x30
Evil Souls Orb x30 Trade Type
Trading List
[Cobo] Phoru's Foot Stamp (White) [Cobo] Phoru's Foot Stamp (Purple) N/A N/A

Field Boss Cube

Field Boss Cubes can be opened to give one of the following rewards at random:

Field Boss Cube
Field Boss Cube A mysterious cube obtained after defeating Field Bosses. Looks like something heavy is inside.
Opening Requirements Reselling Price Trading
No requirements needed.
Random Content
Magic Stone x15 Advanced Magic Stone x5 El Shard (Random) x10 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x10
Ariel's Lv. 5 Magic Amulet Ariel's Lv. 6 Magic Amulet Ariel's Lv. 7 Magic Amulet Ariel's Lv. 8 Magic Amulet
Ariel's Lv. 9 Magic Amulet Ariel's Lv. 10 Magic Amulet Monster Card Random Cube Epic NPC Card Random Cube
Resurrection Stones (5) Cube Dual Magic Stone Random Cube High Grade Magic Stone Random Cube N/A

Field Boss Raid

Main Article: Field Boss Raid
Warning:The information in this page is from an old version of Elsword and is no longer available.
Image Name Image Name
City in the Sky Fahrmann's Peak



  • Prior to the Early Game Revamp, there were significantly more fields and rest areas available. They were removed due to players being able to level up much faster early on, which made the lower level fields obsolete.

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media