Before Joining 1

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1:Before Joining 1

Before Joining 1

Desert Lord and Butler 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The butler found a temporary accomodation near Sander and went to investigate. He has terrible news to share to his lord.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • An abandoned house just outside of Sander, Lu was lounging on the bed Ciel made. It still smelled of dust, but it was nice.
  • The plan was to arrive at Sander around supper, but the tribe members around Sander reacted unexpectedly aggressive, so they were taking a break for now.
  • Ciel: I don't think we have to be this careful...
  • While Lu didn't think much of it, Ciel seemed to have a lot on his mind. He found the abandoned house, searched around to make sure there was eminent danger, cleaned the house, then left, saying he had 'something he needed to find out'.
  • Ciel: It won't take long, so rest while you wait here, Lu.
  • Lu: Hm? Alright. I am getting peckish, so make sure you don't take too long.
  • As she laid around resting, she did feel slightly sorry for Ciel. It was just battle after another for the last several days.
  • Though the further they travelled away from Lanox, the assault from demon assassins enough that they could not let their guard down yet.
  • They could not stay in one place, since they didn't know when the assassins would find them, and even when they leave, there were many things to take care of, such as removing any traces of them being there.
  • This, of course, also applied to monsters and Sander tribes as well.
  • Lu: Those in Elrios sure lead a complicated life!
  • Lu: In any case, I'm glad we were able to find a place. I can't even remember when I've rested under the roof last time.
  • Lu: Plus, there's a proper kitchen! I wonder what Ciel will make this time.
  • Lu: Ciel said we're closer to Sander than Lanox. Then this might be the chance to try out new dessert that we couldn't have in Lanox!
  • Just thinking about it made Lu happy.
  • (Click)
  • Ciel: I'm back, Lu. Did anything happen?
  • Lu: Oh, good timing, Ciel! I was thinking about different desserts I'd like to try.
  • Ciel: Oh, about that... I'm sorry, Lu... But we won't be having desserts for a while.
  • Lu: Hm? What did you say?
  • Ciel: We won't have dessert while we're staying here.
  • Lu: .......
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Desert Lord and Butler 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Desert Lord and Butler 1
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The butler's resolute response causes the lord to despair.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lu: No dessert? What do you mean? I cannot accept this!
  • Ciel: Ah... Hear me out, Lu. It seems the Trocks and the Harpies are currently in conflict. It's not a full-on war yet, but it may escalate soon.
  • Ciel: Since we do not know when the battle may break out, Sander is not safe. We may have to find another route without going through the village.
  • Ciel: That means we'll have to camp out for a while... so it's not feasible.
  • Lu: I, if that's the case, I can understand. But surely we could have as much as we want while we're staying here...?
  • Ciel: No.
  • Lu: Why not!
  • Ciel: While we weren't attacked by demon assassins recently, we've encountered more monsters.
  • Ciel: It's just a suspicion, but I think those with good sense of smell are following the scent of butter...
  • Ciel: So I won't make any dessert until we're some place safe. Plus, it takes a lot of room.
  • Lu: Thi... This is unacceptable! I cannot live without dessert!
  • Lu: By the time I keel over because you refuse to give me dessert, it will be too late to save me! Ciel!!!
  • Ciel: Lu, dessert is not a necessity. I have yet to hear anyone 'keel over' because they didn't have dessert.
  • No matter how many times she asked, begged argued, raged, Ciel refused to budge.
  • Lu: If that's how it is, I refuse to help out when you prepare for dinner. An eye for an eye!
  • Ciel was fine without Lu's help. In fact, it seemed he was more efficient without Lu. Lu was despondent as she dipped her hard bread in her potato soup.
  • Lu: It's delicious. But... It's too simple.
  • Lu: Mgrrr! Ciel! I'm exhausted from battle and need sugar. There's something inside me that can't be satisfied with soup and bread!
  • She said, as she finished 2 bowls of soup.
  • Ciel: Lu, you have to understand, eating tree whole meals as you travel is a luxury for most adventurers.
  • Ciel's sensible words did not reach Lu. Lu was too busy plotting to get Ciel to charge his mind and make dessert again.
  • And before long...'
  • Lu: ...... Zzzzz...
  • Lu fell asleep within 5 minutes of her plotting, not because she didn't take this issue seriously, but likely because of built up fatique and a full stomach.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Desert Lord and Butler 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Desert Lord and Butler 2
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The lord and the butler hurries as they travel though the dangerous Garpai region.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Next morning, Lu and Ciel warmed up the leftover soup and left early.
  • Lu: We could have stayed as bit longer.
  • Ciel: We won't know when the demon assassins will catch up, and I want to go some place safe when we can.
  • Ciel: It's only going to get more complicated if the conflicts between tribes in Sander boil over.
  • Not long after they left, they encountered monsters yet again, and even fought with a tribe with stone bodies called Trocks.
  • When the sun set, they camped where there are few rocks and where they can avoid the wind.
  • Lu never gave up and used almost all her waking hours to persuade Ciel, naming every single reason why he should 'make dessert'.
  • Lu: How do you know monsters are attacking us because of the smell of dessert! It must be because I'm a demon lord!
  • Ciel: Lu... Those are Elrios monsters. They're not even under orders fo the demons.
  • Lu: We can't know that! Maybe they are!
  • Lu: I know the demons are behind it somehow and it has nothing to do with desserts!
  • They entered Garpai region as they argued. There weren't as many Trocks around, as this was Harpy territory.
  • Of course, that didn't mean they could let their guard down, as Harpies are quite dangerous. Lu and Ciel carefully continued on their way, looking out for potential ambush.
  • The Garpai region, made with strange rocks and cliffs, was located in high altitudes, and had fierce winds.
  • It was well-fitting of Sander's name as the land of sand and wind.
  • Ciel: Lu, are you alright? Do you need help?
  • Lu: Pant, pant, I'm not fine at all! Why are the roads here so steep?
  • Ciel: We just need to get through this region, then it should be well-paved roads all the way. We'll also no longer be in Trocks and Harpies' territory, so it should be safer.
  • The final stretch, so to speak. Lu grabbed Ciel's hand and went up another steep step and faced Ciel.
  • Ciel: Do you see that rock, Lu? That's the rock we passed by yesterday.
  • Lu: You're right! It was big enough for us to rest under the shade, but it looks so small from up there.
  • Lu tried to see how far they've come based on the rock Ciel pointed. They've come far in such short time. It must be because they haven't gotten lost.
  • Ah, she was so distracted by the view that she stuck out her body to far. She almost fell over, abut Ciel grabbed on to her waist.
  • Lu looked up at her partner.
  • She could see Ciel's back, checking over the map, just like he was doing every night when she's see him after the howling wind woke her up.
  • It was thanks to him that they were able to travel the rough desert region without too much difficulty.
  • Ciel: Lu, did you know? Beyond the desert, further south from here, there's a city full of water. You can see the ocean wherever you look. Doesn't it sound refreshing just from the sound of it?
  • Ciel: I know you're exhausted, but hold on. Once we're somewhere safe, I'll make you all the dessert you could possibly want.
  • Lu: ... Yes. That sounds fabulous.
  • Though she doesn't always think about it, Ciel was always there for her through out this journey, and he was her trusted, cherished butler.
  • The two enjoyed the view a bit longer and went on their way. They didn't need to go too far to leave this dry, barren and climbing behind.
  • ... But before long, Lu and Ciel will end up losing all their food and belongings.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Desert Lord and Butler 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Desert Lord and Butler 3
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

An unexpected ambush leads to an unexpected encounter.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • It truly happened in the blink of an eye.
  • A narrow path that leads to a fall... But the path continued on the other side, and it was close enough that an average adult could jump over.
  • Ciel hopped over first with their belongings and extended his hand to help Lu jump over.
  • When she was about to grab Ciel's hand and jump over, Lu felt a strange chilling feeling.
  • Ciel: Now, don't look down and hold my hand. You can jump over without issue.
  • Lu tried.
  • But when she did, she felt her body freeze over and a chill go down her spine. It was barely there, but familiar.
  • Lu: What is this? I think I felt something similar when we were facing trucks...
  • Ciel: Lu? Are you alright?
  • Lu: Ah... I'm sorry, Ciel. I was distracted.
  • Lu snapped out of her reverie and grabbed Ciel's hand to jump over, when...
  • Harpy: SHRILL-!
  • They could hear a Harpy's cry from somewhere close. They could also hear wings approaching quickly as it slashes through the wind.
  • Ciel: Watch out, Lu!!
  • Ciel grabbed Lu and ducked, and the Harpy barely missed Lu and Ciel.
  • Lu and Ciel let out a sigh of relief as they watched the Harpy that zipped pass them.
  • Ciel: That was close... Lu, are you hurt?
  • Lu: I'm fine, thanks to you. What about you, Ciel?
  • Ciel: I'm alright...
  • (CRAAACK!)
  • The moment Ciel replied, the cliff began to collapse. The Harpy's attack have destabilized it.
  • Ciel grabbed Lu again. Thankfully they managed to escape harm, but Lu watched as their belongings fell down, along with the rest of the cliff.
  • They lost everything with a blink of an eye, but Lu and Ciel soon gathered their wits.
  • Lu: Thank you for saving me. Though we lost everything, at least we're safe.
  • Lu: Besides, we can both hunt to get food.
  • They stayed hiding, in case their attacker decides to come back, and went on their way after making sure that they were safe.
  • Lu: ... ... ... ...
  • Lu: Really... Not a single living thing in sight.
  • The lack of food was a bigger problem than they initially thought. Unsurprising, considering how they haven't seen a single animal they could hurt or any edible plant.
  • Thankfully, they were able to find water to quench their thirst, but it did nothing to chase away their hunger.
  • Lu: That Harpy... If it weren't for that Harpy.....
  • Lu clenched her teeth in anger.
  • Lu: Harpy, monsters, I don't care! If I see them, I'm going to devour them!
  • Lu: Lu... Harpies have enough intelligence to have their own civilization.
  • Lu: It doesn't matter! I'm not going to leave a single bone! As long as I get my hands on them...!
  • Ciel: ... Well, she's energetic, at least.
  • (RUSTLE)
  • Ciel: Hm? What's this?
  • Harpy Chick: ... Peep?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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