Demon Realm Expedition

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In the Demon Realm

Denif informed them that the Dark El that Hennon had used was no longer a viable means to getting to the Demon Realm. They brainstormed ideas, but were met with dead ends. They realized that the El functioned much like a seal between Elrios and the Demon Realm. Ara brought up seeing something below the Large El; looking below, they found an ancient seal. Denif refused to break the seal, but decided they could pry it open temporarily just long enough to let the El Search Party through.

Inside the seal, they found themselves in a subspace of Henir between the material and Demon Realms. Trying to go through the labyrinth, Elsword began to have visions that his friends would be wiped out. However, the group manageed to get through without issue. Making it out on the other side, they emerged from a place known as the Cave of Death by the local Dark Elves. Rena spotted a Dark Elf and tried to talk with her in an Ancient Elven tongue, however they immediately became targets for capture. In their escape, they ran into the Red Guardian Forginay and defeated it. In that moment, Chloe appears, struck by what they had just done. They learned that Chloe had since left the Demon Army and had business with the Dark Elf Village. Chloe and the group reluctantly joined forces to enter into the Dark Elf Village.

Strange Phenomenon

Making their way through the forest, security was high due to the El Search Party attacking the Red Guardian. They got spotted, and the Dark Elves began to fire at them. Chloe revealed that she was branded traitor, but she still believed in one person who she could reason with. Making their way deep into the Dark Elf Outpost, they faced off against Sentinel Commander and proved victorious; when Rena was about to make the final shot, her arrow was stopped by the Dark Elf Elder, Edith. She, Rena, and Chloe began to have a discussion. Chloe warned the Demon Army was likely planning to launch an attack on the Dark Elf Village since she had abandoned their ranks. Edith told the El Search Party about the news and suggested they met up with their patron god, Nephilim Lord, both for their sake and as their best lead to learn of the Dark El. Edith prepared an envoy capable of speaking the Elrios dialect to go with the El Search Party and meet with the spirits.

When they all arrived to the Forsaken Spirit Asylum, they found that the spirits had turned hostile and the land burned away. They managed to save a Tiny Spirit, who then guided the group all the way to Nephilim Lord who had gone berserk. After defeating the berserk lord, he regained consciousness and the Dark Elves pleaded him to help them. Nephilim Lord recalled the tower in the distance as the cause of the corruption when it appeared 500 years ago. Elsword tried to inquire about the Dark El or Henir's Order, but the lord didn't yet trust the group enough to divulge any information. He instructed them to deal with the tower plaguing the sanctum first.

Back in Elrianode

In Elrianode, Denif and Ventus began to speculate ways in which they might safely return the El Search Party back to Elrios when the time comes. Eventually, the two devised a plan using one of Ventus's Wind Stones. They realized that the masters were able to sense the stone even from the other side of the seal. In addition, Denif had begun to suspect that Fire Master Rosso might also be in the Demon Realm. Denif tasked Ventus with delivering the Wind Stone to the El Search Party for them to return as well as seek out Rosso. With the help of the priestesses, they opened the seal once again and Ventus delved into Henir's passage.

Cradle of Sin

Arriving at the Crimson Edge, the group made their trek towards the tower, Elsword noticing energy identical to the Fire El's. They were attacked by all manner of foes born from the power of the Fire El as they approached the tower and Elsword began to connect with the one trapped inside.

Inside the tower, they encountered the core, a Crimson Eye; they fought it off but it escapeed through the cracks. The group followed it up to the cradle of the tower.

They found Rosso trapped at the center. A massive surge of demonic energy burst through the room and a massive demonic form created from the volcanic rubble stood before them. Elsword began to hear Rosso's voice once more, this time directly communicating with him. After a series of battles against the berserk Rosso as the tower collapsed around them, they defeated him.

Elsword tried to grab hold of him when Ventus arrived out of the blue. After a tense chat, Ventus provided the group with the Wind Stone as a means to return to Elrianode. The two made their way back to Elrianode, but Rosso warned Elsword that the Master of Crimson Eyes was near. Their group goes back and met up with the Tiny Spirit before immediately collapsing of exhaustion. After they rested, the Tiny Spirit told them he got word from Nephilim Lord of a location nearby they might want to check.

The Master of the Crimson Eye

The Tiny Spirit led them to a large deposit of Mystic Stones. Eve, Lu, and Ciel all confirmed that the stones gave off a similar aura to the Dark El Hennon had used, though faint. Further down, they spotted Shadow Demons with mining equipment; they tried to sneak past them but were spotted. They encountered Nero who introduced himself as Ran's right-hand man. The group managed to corner Nero; in a last ditch effort, Nero managed to distract them, and struck the ground beneath them to shatter it. They landed and awakened the master of the vein, Dark Agate. After they defeated the gem monster, the Tiny Spirit thanked them, but a lone demon soldier tried to land a sneak attack. Caught off guard, the Tiny Spirit used his powers and swiftly took out the demon. He then revealed himself to be Stirbargen. Eun, taking over Ara's body, lashed out in rage, planning to kill the demon. He offered to strike a deal with the group: he told them Barkat was seeking out the Dark El. He also told them that the spirits were only able to vaguely sense the Dark El, and Nephilim Lord wouldn't be helpful in their search. The Demon Lord then struck another bet with the group.

The group returned to Nephilim Lord, and just as predicted, the group were left with no real lead; however they decided to procure a Mystic Stone. They chose to return back to Elrianode. Elsword confessed to his friends about the visions he had. The group took caution to Elsword's vision. They decided they needed to report to Denif about their findings.


Reunion, Coming Face to Face

Following her compass, Laby entered the Fallenode region, where the compass stops working. Gaia miraculously found her and the two reunited. Gaia had been combing the coast of Fluone searching for her to no avail, but kept searching because they promised to go Elrianode together. Now that they were together, they would try to get into the city. However, the city was now surrounded by a large Henir barrier; the two approached the city dealing with the nests of draugr. On the way, Bellonde expressed prior hesitation to return to Elrianode, but said that meeting Laby at his sister's grave inspired him to press onward. They found an exceptionally large pool of Henir which housed a Giant Draugr; not wanting to leave such a beast free to roam, Gaia and Laby defeated it. Faced with the Henir barrier, Gaia created a barrier around them with his El energy that would last them long enough to get through the barrier.


Inside the barrier, Laby and Bellonde were isolated from each other. Laby remembered her teacher telling her that she had to focus on leaving the barrier. Nisha reacted and then took on the form of Laby's Friend, and Laby begins to remember it. Having severed the memory of her friend's death, she wondered why it was here and noticed the gaps in her memory. Distorted memories of her journey thus far appeared and tormented her: false memories of Mao and Calonne, the port, and her friend. Unable to process the emotions, Laby ran till she wound up where she'd first met Bellonde. She pleaded to him that she wanted to leave, and Bellonde told her to go back to the place where these memories all began. She woke up deep in the Black Forest; her friend appeared before her, and she expressed joy that they could be together and have fun forever, but it transformed into formless monsters and attacked her. All the memories of her friend came flooding back, both good and bad. She learned of Nisha's creation, and how she'd severed her sad memories of her friend. She realized what Nisha was: her sadness. She felt glad she finally knew what Nisha was, but she still felt scared of the sadness she once felt. She however decided she would face the future with Nisha.

Arrivals to Elrianode

Sage of Fluone

Laby made it to the other side of the barrier but was badly hurt from it. Bellonde rushed her immediately towards the El Tower for aid. While their sudden appearance was a surprise, they were welcomed into the city and Denif tasked Darkmoon with tending to Laby. Gaia reclaimed his duty as El Master.

Darkmoon went to try and heal Laby but her injuries had already healed. Laby woke up and felt better. Learning about the situation from Artea, Laby ran off to see Bellonde's teacher, Denif.

When Laby arrived to the El Tower, she was struck with awe when she saw the Large El, claiming that it was the same light she called morning. Denif asked her what she meant, and she explained herself. Denif concluded that the mornings Laby spoke of were most definitely related to the Large El. The priestesses correlated them to the El's restoration during the Nasod War, the El Explosion, and its most recent restoration by Elsword. They spoke of the boy before Denif asked Laby about Nisha; Laby hesitated, simply calling it her friend.

Darkmoon wondered if Laby could be a demon, sensing a similar aura. Laby told them about the demons in Northern Fluone, and that though she initially feared their presence, Laby assured them Calonne and the others were good. The priestesses learned to trust Laby, while Denif was still a tad suspicious. With the day soon reaching its end, Denif called an end to their meeting and suggested they all rest.

Answer to Belief

That night, while Laby contemplated what she should do with Nisha, Ignia met up with her. The two talked, Ignia reflecting on her life, regrets, and her current motivations. She said that she aspired to meet the Fire Master and learn under him to better her abilities. Laby opened up to Ignia and told her that Nisha was her sadness. Ignia presented the information to Denif. He was vexed by Laby's situation as something unprecedented. Laby mentioned that the energy she felt inside the barrier felt familiar to her.

Denif sensed that Ventus was approaching from the other side of the seal. With the priestesses and Gaia's help, they opened up the seal where Ventus came through with Rosso. The priestesses introduced themselves to newly arrived Fire Master. The introduction quickly spiraled into an argument between Rosso and Ignia. The two fought among each other until Gaia dragged Rosso away to get his injuries tended to. Ignia felt dejected by her encounter with the Fire Master, but both Ventus and Denif found their encounter to have gone better than expected.

Darkmoon tended to Rosso's wounds when Laby followed them to talk with Rosso. Bickering ensued and Rosso was not trustful of whatever Laby was, but Gaia assured him that she was of no harm. Laby was curious if Rosso knew what she was; he eventually stated that her aura was certainly of Demon Realm origin, being something he himself felt near where he slept. Rosso warned Gaia that he only spoke this information so he would be aware and be responsible for the child. Rosso rested, Laby thanked Darkmoon for helping her.

You and I were One

Laby felt she might need to go to the Demon Realm for answers. Ventus appeared before Laby and she asked him if he and the wind were one, to which he replies that he accepted the wind. He told her of the Forgotten Elrian Sanctum where she could train and grow. Laby took on the offer and went off.

In the sanctum, Laby began to hear the voices of the past. She heard her own voice asking herself what she was afraid of, and she replied she feared losing Nisha. She feared what would happen if they became one, but came to the conclusion that she and Nisha should share their sadness. To understand each other not as one being, but as partners. With her new perspective, she headed back to Elrianode.

Meeting the El Search Party

In the midst of planning for the future, Denif was just about to task Laby and Gaia to retrieve Calonne so they can make use of the portal in the Debrian Laboratory. However, Ventus arrived with the news that the El Search Party were already approaching Elrianode. All the priestesses and Masters gathered and open the seal, when Ventus noticed the El Search Party were being held up by the monsters and Artea noticed the monsters trying to approach the rift they made. With all the masters tied with keeping the seal open, Laby volunteered to go in and help the El Search Party; Denif agreed to her plan.


Unexpected Meeting

When the El Search Party once again entered Henir's Passage, the area had changed greatly since last they entered. The visions Elsword had were beginning to materialize. They were prepared, however the Chaos Leviathans began to swarm toward the opened seal. Laby jumped through the seal into Henir's realm before the space around them started to change, resulting in the entire El Search Party falling into a newly opened fissure, casting them deep under the seas of the Demon Realm. Aisha used her magic to allow everybody to survive. After defeating a Leviathan, they made their way with an unconscious Laby to find safer refuge.

The El Search Party took refuge in the closed Deep-Sea Tunnel. Laby woke up and was glad to finally see the El Search Party. Their introduction was interrupted by a gas leak and an ambush by A.M.P.S robots. Eve and Raven investigated the machines, and suspecting they were being regularly maintained, decided to investigate further.

At the end of the tunnel, Eve detected that only sea laid beyond. The door in front of them began to move on its own, revealing itself to be an A.M.P.S type robot. Once the group managed to defeat the robot, Eve detected a new life form approaching. Winster had already spotted the group and had considered destroying the tunnel entirely to rid the potential threads, however he greeted them on the possibility they might ally, feigning ignorance of Lu's identity. After Laby made mention of Calonne, Winster decided to trust the group and divulged both the purpose of the tunnel and some history about the Nous and Garen.

Deal for Return

Under Winster's conditions, they went to his village to hear them out. They took Winster's submarine, but it crashed in an air pocket of Rigomor. As they landed, local Troshes stole the energy core of the submarine; Winster requested the group helped retrieve the energy core while he stayed and called for help. He did ask of them to not to harm the local wildlife. On their mission, they ran into Winster's son, Haivan, who was also in the region searching for something. Haivan guided the group to the nest, where upon entering they encountered the Troshes. The group managed to retrieve the energy core without excessive violence, however Haivan was not so lenient. They returned with the energy core and the news that they abided by his conditions. Winster then bowed down to Steel Queen Lu, revealing he was testing if Lu would be their ally. He revealed their plan to revive Aegirp. Winster offered the use of the portal in the White-Ghost Land in exchange for Lu's cooperation; the group compromised and agree to work alongside Lu to assist in reviving Aegirp first. However both Add and Eve requested to see the portal before anything was decided.

Abandoned Icerite Plant

Nichel arrived to help take the group back to the village. Winster informed the group that in order to reach the portal, they would have to craft a special key first. The group traveled to the Abandoned Icerite Plant to perform the necessary task. Since the plant had been in a state of disrepair, the group split into three smaller groups in order to get the plant functioning again. Winster, alongside Chung, Lu, Ciel, Rose, and Ain cleaned out the mines of the Icerite devouring wildlife. Haivan worked with Elsword, Aisha, Raven, Ara, and Add to help repair the refinery, running into a batch of already activated A.M.P.S robots which they managed to salvage for parts. Nichel, working with Rena, Eve, Elesis, and Laby cleared the factory of wildlife that had made their nests here. When they neared completion, a large armored Clockwork Frost Hermit awoke in the mines; they were able to defeat the beast before the others arrived to see what had gone on. Haivan crafted the Power Capsule they needed during the commotion. Haivan suggested he opened the way by himself, but his father insisted they all need to go for this important matter. Lu confessed that she wished for the rest of the group to go back to Elrios and leave her behind, since her goal lied in the Demon Realm; however she admitted their separation would be short as the El Search Party still sought out the Dark El. Haivan requested his father take Nichel back to the village as he went to the portal alone with the El Search Party.

Another Deal

Haivan went to the Laboratory by himself ahead of the group, while the El Search Party, Winster and Nichel went the lab underneath a lake. Haivan activated the titan stored inside the laboratory, declaring he cannot have anybody interfere with the fragment of Aegirp's soul that was stored in the laboratory. Haivan entered the cockpit of the titan and sent all of its defenses to destroy the El Search Party. After Haivan nearly caused the core to overload, the group managed to stabilize the core and Aegirp's soul escaped. The situation was interrupted when Berthe infiltrated the lab and snatched Aegirp's soul. Haivan revealed he was working with Berthe in order to place himself among their ranks. The El Search Party realized Berthe had absorbed a fragment of Aegirp's soul and had become more powerful. Berthe's forces began to approach the facility, cornering them in. Winster activated the portal and unwillingly sent the El Search Party away. Winster was captured and the Demon Army took the machines and returned to central.

In Elrianode, Denif decided to go forward with the plan to send Gaia to seek out Calonne, now more than ever to retrieve the El Search Party. Before Gaia departed, they received news that the El Search Party had suddenly appeared out of a portal.

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