Stamina Consumption

  • NA
Dungeon Difficulty Party Size Stamina Consumed
Halls of Water VH 1 8.4%
VH 2 8.1%
VH 4 6.8%

Absolute Weapon Mold

  • NA
Stage Fragments (Cubes if Opened) Cubes Daily
Elder 298 (4) - -
Bethma 356 (5) - -
Altera 547 (8) - 1
Feita 754 (11) - 2
Velder 1005 (14) - 3
Hamel - 20 9
Absolute - 73 16
Total 2960 (42) 93 31

Random stuff: Sander elite spear : 4895 phys/ 4553 mag level 70 boss drop spear : 4954 phys/ 4607 mag Sander unique spear : 5072 phys/ 4717 mag Trans and secret spears : 5250 phys/ 4881 mag

IB sets I want: