What are Boss Drops?

Boss drops, as obvious as it is, are drops that drop from specific bosses. Some people are lucky and may find these highly sought untradables within a single digit number of runs. On the other hand, some people aren't lucky and farm the same dungeon for over a week before actually finding it.

You can tell an item's rarity by their name color.
White: Normal
Yellow: Rare
Violet: Elite
Beige: Unique

Here are some tips on farming these accessories and special equipment:

  • It has been confirmed that Fever increases the drop rate of items.
  • This one is another myth but on Minibosses, if you kill the other mobs before it, chances of the boss drop to drop becomes greater. This has worked a lot, but it can still drop without killing all the other mobs. (This is myth is only on the Minibosses, not with Main bosses.)
  • Lastly, keep in mind that item drops are extremely rare, and not all of us can get that special weapon within a day. Keep your spirits up and keep hunting.
  • Interestingly enough, it is possible for a boss item to drop twice, or even thrice, in the same run, though needless to say, this happens very rarely.

Characteristics of a Boss Drop:

  • Boss drops are always untradable. (You can tell if an item is untradable if you see red letters underneath the item's stats and price.)
  • You can make them tradable by buying that purple footprint stamp from the Cash Shop for 1.9k won NX each or by exchanging 30 Evil Souls orbs to Ariel. You can only ever use 5 stamps on one item.
  • It should be noted that in some versions of Elsword, the Boss Drops come presealed when obtained.
    • After the Equipment Revamp, the equipment, when obtained, will come sealed and unidentified stat.
  • Like any sealable item that is not tied to an ID, you can freely transfer Boss Drops between characters via the bank. However, 1 seal count will be consumed.
  • They are always of Elite rarity.
  • Every dungeon has one of these special drops, some more than others.
  • There are some special boss drops that can be worn by all characters (*Common Class), or have a specific version with different attack/defense for each character (**X Class).
  • Difficulty of the dungeon does not matter unless stated (the difficulty stating is due to minibosses appearing only on higher difficulties).
    • ?-?a. Any difficulty/Top path.
    • ?-?b. Hard difficulty or higher/Bottom path.
    • ?-?c. Very Hard difficulty/Bottom path.
  • The Boss Drop Accessories and Weapons can be identified with 1 or 2 extra stat effect.

List of Boss Drops

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