[Active] Raven cuts targets with a downwards crescent slice when he is on the ground while a upwards slice when he is in midair, causing targets to Bleed. Attacking a target with the debuff will cause the duration to last longer.


Class Master Level Required SP Used Per Level Alternative
Veteran Commander Lv. 20 45 4 Deadly Raid

Skill Information

Skill Level Required Level Damage (Physical) Debuff Duration MP Usage Cooldown
1 45 305% 8 Seconds 50 MP 6 Seconds
2 %
3 48 %
4 52 %
5 56 %
6 60 %
7 64 %
8 68 %
9 72 %

Tips & Details

  • If you continue to attack a target afflicted with this debuff, the duration will extend by a small amount depending on your damage output (not hits).
    • Additionally, if you attack them with Bleeding Slicer again before the debuff expires, you will "stack" the debuff (similar to fire/ice/poison elements) and increase the DoT along with resetting the duration. Can be stacked up to 3 times. This makes the debuff one of the potentially strongest DoT attacks in the game.
  • When using Bleeding Slicer in air the attack launches the opponent while on ground it does just a short hitstun.
  • Bleeding Slicer's hitstun is extremely short; an opponent can easy retaliate if not hit again immediately after.
    • The air version of Bleeding Slicer negates the weak hitstun, but activates slower.
  • This skill can be interrupted extremely easily, and the attack can be stopped by even some of Raven's own combos, such as the Sword Flame Thrower combo. Using Bleeding Slicer right after the previously stated combo will cause the attack animation to appear, but no damage will be dealt.


  • 1/17/2013 KR
    • Increased initial Bleed duration.


  • The release of Bleeding Slicer has modified the former Bleed icon to Leg Wound. The old Bleed icon was then used for Bleeding Slicer.
  • In the NA server, this move has been renamed as Fatal Wound.