Hell Drop

Revision as of 13:13, 1 March 2014 by Rokujou (talk | contribs) (I'm gonna use Artillery Strike - Missile Shower since that appeared first before Quantum Ballista)
[Special Active] Aisha summons Angkor to form a ring portal, which she is able to manually control for a set amount of time. Upon reaching the desired location, Angkor will drop a maximum of 8 rocks on the target.


Class Master Level Required SP Cost Per Level Alternative
Dark Magician Lv. 20 35 3 Hell Stone

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Damage(Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Drop Outbreak Drop Outbreak
1 35 105% 8 8 80 MP 8 Seconds
2 108%
3 36 112%
4 39 115%
5 42 119%
6 45 122%
7 48 125%
8 51 129%
9 54 132%
10 57 136%
11 60 139%
12 63 143%
13 66 146%
14 69 149%
15 72 153%

Skill Notes

Name: This is the Meteor you ordered-★ / (주문하신 운석입니다-★)

Description: Auto locks on closest target and drops 8 stones

Tips and Details

  • At activation, it will take about 1 second for Angkor ring to appear. It will then take about another 2 seconds to drop the rocks.
    • To move the ring around, hold down the skill key after activation (e.g. if you have Hell Drop assigned to the A key, hold A) and then use the arrow keys to move the portal. Letting go of the skill key will drop the rocks.
    • After letting go the skill key, hold it again to continue dropping rocks on your target.
    • Releasing the key while rocks are still falling will prevent additional rocks from falling.
  • While the range of this skill is very high, the screen stays focused on Aisha, forcing players to "guess" the location of a far target on occasion.
  • Aisha is vulnerable through the entire duration of the skill while targeting.
    • If Aisha is hit while aiming the skill, it will completely cancel it.
  • The Angkor ring can be used to activate Sniping Ranger's Entangle.
  • Sometimes, if the Angkor ring is aimed in between platforms, the "Hell Drop" will drop on top of the platform instead of below.
  • This skill can't be used if there are no targets.
  • With the release of the Memorize System, you will only be able to memorize Hell Drop if there are targets around. This make the Memorization ineffective as the best time to utilize the Memorize System is when there are no targets to hinder the process.
