Monster Image Monster Name Special Attacks Normal Attack Damage Special Attack Damage
Giant Kira-Kira Lv1
(NA: Illusion Magician)
Able to call forth a focused blizzard shower. Will inflict frostbite. 5175 2070
Giant Kira-Kira Lv2
(NA: Miracle Magician)
Able to call forth a large shard of ice. Will freeze enemies. 7762 23287
Giant Kira-Kira Lv3
(NA: Legendary Magician)
Able to call forth a focused meteor shower. Will inflict burn. 12107 12107
Ancient Phoru Lv1
(NA: Mysterious Ancient Phoru)
Able to breathe fire that has very long range. Will inflict burn. 5175 5175
Ancient Phoru Lv2
(NA: Blazing Ancient Phoru)
Able to breathe green fire that has very long range. Will inflict poison. 7762 9315
Ancient Phoru Lv3
(NA: Frenzied Ancient Phoru)
Able to breathe green fire that has significant range. Will inflict poison. 12107 16950
Taranvash Lv1
(NA: Light Taranvash)
Able to call forth a blast of lightning in one spot. Will stun foes. 5175 5175
Taranvash Lv2
(NA: Flash Taranvash)
Able to call forth four strikes of lightning. Will stun foes. 7762
Taranvash Lv3
(NA: Luminant Taranvash)
Able to call forth a lightning shower. Will stun foes. 12107 24215