[Special Active] Shoot a concentrated magic sphere force into the ground releasing a powerful wind explosion that blows away any enemies within it's radius.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Sniping Ranger Lv5 40SP
N/A Guide Arrow

Skill Information

Skill Lv Max Hits Damage MP Usage
Cool Down
1 1
386% magical damage 100 MP

5 seconds

2 464% magical damage
3 541% magical damage
4 618% magical damage
5 (M) 734% magical damage

Skill Note

Increases range and attack power by 20%

Additional Notes

  • Humming wind has an approximate area of 500 range.
  • The blast knocks opponents fairly high and far.
  • Difficult to avoid in PvP when used up close.
