[Special Active] Launch 12 guided missiles from your cannon that explode upon hitting the target(s).


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Shooting Guardian Lv5 65SP
Heavy Railgun -

Skill Information

Skill Lv MP Usage
Max hit Cool Down Damage
1 300 MP

24 hits (30 hits in awakening)

30 seconds

203% magical damage per hit and 18% splash damage.
2 243% magical damage per hit and 21% splash damage.
3 284% magical damage per hit and 25% splash damage.
4 324% magical damage per hit and 29% splash damage.
5 (M) 385% magical damage per hit and 34% splash damage.

Additional Information

  • Each missile does 2 hits. One inital hit and one second hit dealing splash damage.
  • Shooting Star requires and consumes 3 rounds of ammo.
  • 25% more cannonballs are fired while in awakening.
