Armageddon Blade

Revision as of 03:30, 5 July 2011 by CheeseLuvas (talk | contribs) (Why did you remove that piece of information if you weren't going to add anything in the first place? Please don't do that again.)
File:ElSkill3.png [Special Active] Encompass your sword in a long and powerful, sword-shaped aura, which impales all opponents before it and increases overall melee range for a few seconds.


Armageddon Blade Preview.gif
Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Sword Knight Lv5 65SP
- -

Skill Information

Skill Lv Initial Hit
Blade's Duration MP Usage Cool Down
1 700% 10 Seconds 300 MP 30 Seconds
2 ?% ? Seconds
3 ?% ? Seconds
4 ?% 16 Seconds
5 (M) 1966% 25 Seconds
6 ?% 27 Seconds

Tips & Details

  • The way the sword-like aura is generated is similar to that of Wind Blade, except the sword is considerably longer.
  • Overall range is approximately five times than normal.
  • Armageddon Blade affects all sword-swings, including other special actives.
  • When the user activates this skill in Awakening Mode, the long blade's duration is increased by 5 seconds for any level.
  • This attack tends to be a nice, temporary boost for field play. The range boost applies to every attack and skill, actives and special actives alike (except for Stoic of course).
