Rena Second Class : Wind Sneaker



things with wings and bings


Baked Backgrounds



Image Description
File:Combo1.png Starts with 2 normal kicks followed by 3 powerfull kicks: A rear horse kick, knee kick and a long range knee kick. This combo will be used alot as zz>zz as an continuous combo.

  Sneaks behind the enemy with a shot in the back followed by 2 kicks. A long range knee kick and a midair tornado kick. Very usefull for avoiding attacks.



File:No idea.PNG Skill Description:
Skill Mastery: (SP)
Prerequisites: SP invested in skill tree



File:Melee boost.PNG MP Usage: 10 MP activation, 8 MP per kick
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Skill Description: Rena performs a crescent-style kick, causing her feet emit a green aura and temporarily increasing Rena's physical damage by a certain % (not including skills).
Skill Mastery: (5 SP) Physical damage is increased to 175% for a duration of 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: 75 SP invested in the Skill Tree
Info: Skills are not affected by this buff.

The initial attack is based on magical damage.
While the buff is activated, MP is depleted even if your attacks don't make contact.
The buff will deactivate if your MP reaches 0.

Special Actives

Image Slide Double Kick
File:Slide Double Kick.PNG MP Usage: 100 MP

Recovers 50 MP when nothing is hit.

Cooldown: 7 seconds
Skill Description: Slides behind the enemy's followed by a kick and another kick into the air.

Hits all enemy's in range.

Skill Mastery: (5 SP)
Prerequisites: SP invested in skill tree
Info: First hit 368% damage. Second hit 368% damage. Third hit 591% damage.
