File:Reflect Kick.png
[Active] Rena performs a stationary somersault. Kicks and lifts, straight up, nearby mobs. The kicking motion can reflect magical projectile attack.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Sniping Ranger
Lv5 55SP
- -
Combat Ranger

Skill Information

Skill Lv Max Hits Damage MP Usage
Cool Down
Initial Kick
Reflected Projectiles
1 1
200% 200% 30MP

6 Seconds

2 250% 250%
3 (M) 300% 300%
4 ???% ???%
5 ???% ???%

Skill Note

Reduces cooldown by 1 second.

Tips and Details

  • Can be useful in 5-3's boss fight and 5-4 as it can reflect the arrows of the background archers. Also very useful to reflect Magic Missile in the Dragon's Nest.
  • Has a lengthy range; hits a bit above and behind you.
  • Has instant activation, meaning it cannot be intercepted once triggered.

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