[Special Active] Set the Destroyer on the ground and select an area around the map using the cursor to be bombarded with missiles (requires 5 cannonballs).


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Chung Lv5 80SP

Skill Information

Skill Lv MP Usage
Max hit Cool Down Damage Duration
1 200 MP


10 seconds

???% magical damage per hit ??s
2 ???% magical damage per hit ??s
3 ???% magical damage per hit ??s
4 351% magical damage per hit ??s
5 (M) 417% magical damage per hit ??s

Additional Notes

  • Super armor is activated while targeting; though the targeting cannot be interrupted, you are still susceptible to damage. It's best to use this in situations where you are less likely to be attacked e.g. from a safe distance in PvE/team PvP matches.
  • This is the very first skill in the Elsword to feature target shooting.
  • When first released, a bug caused the skill to be locked, prevented players from using the skill. This was fixed a few days later.
  • To aim, hold down the skill button after activation (for example, if you key Artillery Strike to A, hold A) and then use the arrow keys to aim. Let go of the skill button to rain the pain.
  • There is a minimum range to this skill, which is indicated when the cursor turns red. If you let go of your skill button while the cursor is red, the skill is cancelled, no cannonballs are consumed and you recover 100MP.
