Altera Core


They find the core of Altera, which houses King Nasod...!


Monster Image Monster Description
  Elite Nasod Guard: Shield
An upgraded Nasod of it's old predecessor. This Nasod uses a sturdy shield to protect it's front while quickly jabbing you with it's electric baton while you're off-guard.
  Elite Nasod Guard: Cannon
An upgraded Nasod that is much more deadly in it's aim and accuracy.
  Nasod Guard: Type-ICE
Type-ICE is a Nasod that can launch huge Ice Blasts from it's arm.
  Assault Nasod: Type-W9
A skilled Nasod that slashes you with it's twin blades with sharp swiftness.
  Nasod Blader
Unlike the harmless Nasod Healer, the blader, as it's name suggests, has hidden rotating blades inside of it to attack you.


Obstacle Image Obstacle Description
  Blue Laser
These lasers deal a small amount of damage and knocks you down.
  Red Alert Laser
These lasers trigger an alert and summon Nasods as reinforcement.
  Green Alert Laser
These lasers are the most dangerous. They both trigger an alert and damage you.
El Energy Extractor (Attack)
An energy generator that buffs all the mobs with attack.
El Energy Extractor (Defense)
An energy generator that buffs all the mobs with defense.

Mini Boss: Ignis, the Fire Nasod!

Ignis was rebuilt by the Nasods and is back for revenge. But don't underestimate him, as he's much more stronger and has a new move...


Combo Duo: Ignis attacks you with his long arms knocking you down.

Fire Blast: Ignis raises his cannon and launches a flamethrower out of it, heavily damaging any player who gets hit and is also burned.

Meteor Shower! Ignis raises his arm and summons flaming meteors falling throughout the stage, burning any player who gets hit.

Fire Pillar! Ignis's strongest move. The stage darkens and Ignis pounds his cannon onto the floor and summons a pillar of fire heavily damaging and burning any play within it's reach.

Mini Boss: Leviathan

A Huge Nasod Robot that commands the power of Ice.
Weaker than its previous version, however it has no mana bar and can therefore spam Ice Hellstone.


Punch Combo: The Nasod hits you with a series of 4 punches.
Frost-thrower: The Nasod aims and fires at you with its arm cannon, which unleashes a long stretch of frost.
Ice Trap: The Nasod does a hand signal which invokes 5 icy spikes from the ground.
Ice Shower: The Nasod flexes his arms in a dramatic fashion, invoking a few meteors that come crashing to the ground.
Ice Hellstone: The Nasod hits you with its arm cannon and unleashes a Spiked, Ice Obelisk that rotates around rapidly, dealing lethal damage and severe Hypothermia.

Mini Boss: Crow Rider

A Nasod that was copied off Raven. It was modified to be slightly larger than him and is a lot more dangerous.


Typical Raven Combos: Fast and swift in their execution and can do substantial damage.
Maximum Cannon: No difference from the original Maximum Cannon, but now can do more damage.
Power Assault: No difference from the original Power Assault, but now can do more damage.
Cannon Blade: Crow Rider can now do Raven's (not boss) Cannon Blade. Potentially deadly, but most of the time only hits you once.... which makes it useless.

Boss: Nasod King


Like the name implies, he is the King of all the Nasods. He is the mastermind behind all of Altera.

Nasod Hand Pound

Nasod King in the background, clenches his hands into fists, and pounds his fist into the field. He can pound it in the middle and other areas in the field, but he mostly hits at the ends, where 2 of the 4 Energy Pillars are. It can hurt.

Nasod Hand Slap

Nasod King in the background sweeps his hand across the lower area, and if you are caught, your flung to the other side. It doesnt do too much damage, but it can throw you off your game.

Energy Surge

Nasod King clenches his hands together, and releases a surge of energy rain and electric surges, and other stuff. It occurs more on the top platform though, so being on the lower platform doesn't really effect you. It can be dodgeable, depending on the attack.
These attacks are powered by the four El Energy Extractors in the battlefield. Destroy them, and the Nasod King will be unable to use the attack.

Red Aura: (The screen glares a bright red, like an alert) This means he will summon Fire coils all over the stage. Easy to predict, but can do some serious damage.

Yellow Aura: (The screen gets just abit darker then usual) This means he will summon lightning to stun you. Deals moderate damage.

Green Aura: (Nothing happens to the screen) This means he will summon rocks to fall on you. Watch your footing to predict where they will fall.

Blue Aura: (The screen will glow blue) This shows that he will summon horizontal ice showers to fall, similar to Leviathan's.

Missile Barrage + Laser Blast

When Nasod Kings 4 Energy pillars have been destroyed, his Powertrain (his HP Generator) appears at the middle. While striking said capsule, the King will quickly regain his posture, and will do a Missile Barrage, firing missiles all over the place. which can KO you even if you have fair HP. It can be hard to notice, since you have to look at his shoulders to notice it. Its dodgeable though, because you can use a Special Active, or an actual screen-freezing move to avoid the blunt of it. In some ways, this is more damaging then his laser.

After the Missiles have passed, the Nasod King charges up a very large Laser Blast and spans most of the field with it. It does LETHAL DAMAGE, SO RUN TO THE VERY EDGE OF THE MAP, OR USE SOMETHING TO DODGE IT! After that its only a short time before his Powertrain disappears and his El Energy Extractors reappears, repeating the cycle.


The King also spawns his monsters, namely his Healer Blades and the Blade TYPE-W9.

Video Demonstration

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous