Stop spreading misinformation and speculation

Stop spreading misinformation among the characters. I've had enough of undoing your edits for each of the characters by making far-fetched speculations and even love-interests when you hardly provide any proof apart from the most trivial words from Eltype. This is a wiki, not a speculation site where we make up theories of what character likes what. You even insult other characters like Elsword calling him rude or Aisha "immature". No matter how many times I tell you to stop, you never seem to listen. Like I said, you base everything entirely on Eltype even going to the most smallest words like your trying to make up trivia. Stop this right now.
--CheeseLuvas 05:04, 9 July 2011 (BST)Reply[reply]

Humph. So be it... Darkboy132 05:29, 9 July 2011 (BST)Reply[reply]

Think your edits through

I agree with Cheese when he says you need to stop adding useless, highly opinionated and factually incorrect information. Please think your edits through before adding them, because ever since you have become active on the wiki, more and more volunteer time has been devoted to correcting everything you put on. This is especially unfair to Cheese, since he's the one who has to constantly proof-read your edits and in the vast majority of cases, revert them.

You already have a very bad reputation from Grand Chase for ruining their wiki with your highly opinionated posts and useless changes. I request that you do not sully our wiki in the same fashion.

If this keeps up, I will speak to the admin about banning you again, as it is very unfair to everyone else that you continue to keep these actions up when being warned repeatedly. It's not unfair that everyone has to tail you and pick up all of the garbage that you throw around.

I don't even know if I can do anything right. My brain doesn't think well because of everything that's happened. We're all stressed out, too. I don't know who to blame.
But, lemme ask you this: why should I listen to Cheese? He's been doing things that had offended me lately, so all my trust in him is lost.
I should be sorry, and I try to be, but I know you won't forgive me.
Darkboy132 09:58, 13 July 2011 (BST)Reply[reply]

"why should I listen to Cheese? He's been doing things that had offended me lately, so all my trust in him is lost."

Doing things that offend you? Please explain why. I constantly have to check the wiki whenever you make another edit and like Conspire had said, proofread and usually revert them. I also find it ironic that your the one saying that I offend you when your edits to most of the pages I have made offend me. For example, you correct the dungeon pages that I have worked at over a month on, that's nice, but you then make rude notes acting like I don't know anything.

Here are some of your quotes.

("Do you consider "Big Brother" mini bosses? NO.")
("There are no freakin totems in 3-4!")

"We're all stressed out, too. I don't know who to blame."

And yet, who was the one who had caused all this "stress" in the first place?

"I should be sorry, and I try to be, but I know you won't forgive me."

You're not acting like that considering that you persist on making useless edits.

If you're going to make statements like that, then go look at yourself before you do. I try to be nice at first but it seems like you haven't done anything to change. Despite that I tried to talk to you, you still haven't changed. Therefore I blocked you, and yet again, you haven't learned from it.

--CheeseLuvas 15:09, 13 July 2011 (BST)Reply[reply]

Dude, lets not continue arguments. Pointing them out only makes them worse.
Please. Just stop arguing. Darkboy132 05:10, 18 July 2011 (BST)Reply[reply]

A message from Sukai ;)

Hello Darkboy132,

Well, I'm sure you don't know me very well or my job here in the wiki. I overlook all the edits and approve them. Lately, I've been seeing and hearing alot about your edits. It's great that you're helping out with out wiki however, when you put info on the wiki make sure it's something everyone can agree on and not 100% personal. So basically, please try to info if you know its 100% correct, not 99.9%, 100%. If you're not sure about adding info, then do try to talk with the other users.

Also please do listen to warnings just because they don't come from me, doesn't mean they aren't approve by me. Listen to other users, if more then one is disagreeing then there is something wrong. Sadly, after discussing with other admins this will be your last warning and if you once again post false info, I have no choice but to place a permanent ban ;(

Cheers! -Sukai

So basically, you'd consider me a "Double-Edged Sword", huh? Darkboy132 05:10, 18 July 2011 (BST)Reply[reply]