[Passive] As you attack your enemies, you have a certain chance of decreasing their magical defense.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Rune Slayer Lv5 70SP
Powerful Mind N/A

Skill Information

Skill Level Chance Of Effect Magical Defense Reduction
1 2% 50%
2 4% 60%
3 6% 70%

Tips and Details

  • Opponents under the effect of this skill are marked with a Magic Defense Debuff icon.
  • Like all Status Effects, Power Chain is only triggered by regular attacks and Actives; Special Actives do not apply.
  • Power Chain greatly benefits party play for Magic users (Rune Slayers, Renas, Aishas, Reckless Fists, Eves, and Chungs), as the Magic Defense Reduction effectively increases their damage output.
  • When Power Chain is stacked with the Ice Element, the percentage of the opponent's magical defense drops to zero (provided they do not have any magic defense buffs), rendering them defenseless against magic-based attacks.
