[Passive] As you attack your enemies, you have a certain chance of decreasing their magical defense.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Rune Slayer Lv5 70SP
Powerful Mind N/A

Skill Information

Skill Level Chance Of Effect Magical Defense Reduction
1 2% 50%
2 4% 60%
3 6% 70%

Tips and Details

  • Opponents under the effect of this skill are marked with a Magic Defense Debuff icon.
  • Like all Status Effects, Power Chain is only triggered by regular attacks and Actives; Special Actives do not apply.
  • Power Chain benefits party play for Magic users (Elswords, Renas, Aishas, Reckless Fists, Eves, and Chungs), as the Magic Defense Reduction increases their damage output.
