What the hell is this?!

Right video: 757,834
Left video: 5,612,174

How?! How is it doing so much damage?! Darkboy132 01:20, 19 July 2011 (BST)

Read what I wrote on Reflect Kick's page and become wiser (and maybe try to not make a Talk page for nothing when I'm editing, feels stupid).
-Anvenjade, the guy who doesn't bother logging in to edit.

Yet my "superiors" say I should use the talk page? Darkboy132 06:34, 19 July 2011 (BST)

Once again, another concept eludes you. You use talk pages to discuss changes that may be controversial or to explain reasons for changes. Questions like that belong on the forums - which, if you had bothered to take even a quick search on, you would have found the answer to.

--Conspire 06:47, 19 July 2011 (BST)