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“ | "Heyo!~ Ich bin Neva! Die Königliche Leibwächter Eismagierin, zu ihren Diensten~ "
” |
Eismagierin Neva
Lass dich nicht von Neva's starker Rüstung täuschen. Sie ist eine geheime Elementarmeisterin! Sie hat die grundlegenden Feuer Fähigkeiten gemeistert, und ist so fähig Feuerkugeln in Eiskugeln umzuwandeln. Du solltest besser auf die Eiskugeln aufpassen wenn du gegen sie kämpfst. Neva hat auch die Fähigkeit Gegner einzufrieren die direkt vor ihr stehen. Wenn du viele Abenteuer überstanden hast, kannst du dich mit ihr messen und ihre Magischen Kraft erleben.
Neva hat Zugriff auf alle Combos der Elementarmeisterin. Alle von ihrer beschworenen Feuerkugeln werden in Eiskugeln umgewandelt, Was den Eis Attribut Effekt bei Berührung aktiviert. Neva kann nicht die XXvXX Combo der Hochmagierin ausführen. Neva kann auch Eisspitzen beschwören die den Gegner aus jeder Entfernung treffen und ihn einfrieren lassen.
Klasse: Elementmeisterin
Rang: S+
Schwierigkeitsgrad: ★★★★☆
Noah's attacks deal very little damage. However, thanks to her Mana Shield passive, she also takes very little damage, which guarantees a very long and drawn out battle unless you have significant Additional Attack, which helps pierce her shield. As a rule of thumb, you should be packing at least 10-20% Additional Attack and Damage Reduction, but that rule applies to all NPCs.
Her strongest damage dealer, which can come as a significant surprise to players, is her Blizzard Shower - since each shard can hit upwards of three times as opposed to the usual once for High Magician's Blizzard, and on average, hits with three shards, sometimes more, Noah's Blizzard Shower can easily wipe out a chunk of your HP if she gets lucky with the hits. In fact, Blizzard Shower can be considered one of the strongest NPC skills due to this property. Fortunately, since this skill has a significant cast time, it's fairly easy to escape by running outside of the range as soon as she casts this skill - unfortunately, since many of Noah's hits land frostbite upon you, you may not have the opportunity to with lowered run/jump speed. For this reason, it's essential to have ice resist, which should be a pre-requisite to entering PVP given how popular the element is amongst player characters anyway.
Generally, Noah's biggest weakness is close-quarter combat. The majority of her special actives are ranged, and her actives generally require some start-up time and range as well. While she does have access to staff attacks, she generally prefers to use fireballs (namely, High Magician's xx<x combo, xxx and her >>xx combo), which pose the biggest threat damage-wise; so your best bet is to lock Noah in a combo and deal damage through that avenue, especially since relying on special actives will mean significantly less damage to her thanks to her Mana Shield passive.
Finally, a notable threat is the combination of her Frost Step and Magic Missile; Frost Step, with its extensive stunning capabilities, can easily ruin combos, and thanks to Noah's ability to teleport all over the map, often countering special actives as well. In team games, Frost Step furthermore permits Noah to escape delays and wreck havoc if a target is inside her Frost Step during a delay. While she often uses Magic Missile as a means of countering people who stay their distance, her Magic Missile deals minimal damage and is easily looped; for this reason, if Noah casts Frost Step, it is advised that the player steer clear of her until the skill runs out. Alternatively, Elswords can use Stoic, and the girls can use ranged attacks to still deal damage to Noah as she has this special active on.
- Noah ist ein Mitglied der Imperialwächter von Belder, was auch ihre extrem starke Rüstung erklärt.
- Nevas Rüstung kommt von dem Erhitzerset Imperialwächter.
- Sie ist auch der General der Zauberer Fraktion, wegen ihrer außergewöhnlichen Zauberkraft.
- Neva ist sehr Stolz auf ihre "kalte" Kraft, sie freut sich neue Abenteuer zu erleben, weswegen sie die Arena betreten hat. Eis ist eine fortgeschrittene und fachlichere Form der Magie in Belder. Da sie das Eis Element gemeistert hat, hält sie sich für sehr Stark.
- Neva hat eine Phobie gegenüber Feuer. Da sie das Eis Element gemeistert hat könnte sie sich aber auch "Das total Feuersichere-Eis" nennen.
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